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  • Red


... Red

FOMC is on Wednesday the 19th… I think it’s a big squeeze day to 5800, and then we drop again.

... Red

I’m starting to think we are going to crash. If so, this Friday should be the low… maybe 5000 SPX? Here’s an interesting article…

... Red

I think we will see a top Monday, 3/10… then down hard all week into the 5500-5600 area. But between now and Monday we could see some wild swings up and down to shake out both sides before the next big drop.

... Red

Double bottom today so a strong bounce should follow.

... Red

I’m looking for a high this coming Wednesday the 19th and then a 8-10% pullback into March OPEX. We should make a higher high of course and my best estimate is around 6220-6240 ES (619 SPY).

... Red

Today is the 12th and so far it appears it’s a nothing day. Next turn date is around the 19th, then the 26th.

... Red

It doesn’t look like it’s going to be much of a pullback but I still think we get one before the finally rally up.

... Red

We are super close now to a big drop. Just need a trigger. I think it starts this week.

... Red

You should know by now my old friend how accurate the FP’s are. We will see NVDA hit its’ FP at 160.22 before any big drop happens. We’ll get some small pullbacks but no final top until it’s hit. It will be close to my FET of at 6435.81 on the ES too I bet.