At about 31 minutes into he talks about the children of Sandy Hook that were most likely given to the elite as food sacrifice’s in their crazy rituals! He’s problem dead on right there! … and the fact that the school was closed for months prior to the event doesn’t surprise me as it’s clearly another staged “false flag” event in my opinion.
The SPX and SPY have broken through the falling trendline of resistance now. This means it’s highly likely that the low was put in yesterday and the best we could expect to see is a small move down later today to backtest this trendline (which will be at a lower level as it’s falling) somewhere around the 206.00 SPY zone (depending on when (and “if”) it hits it.
If this happens then what we have likely seen today with the gap up open is some kind of wave 1 up with this forecasted small pullback later today to be the wave 2 down. This implies we’ll see a big squeeze up Friday for the wave 3 up.
Of course this wave 2 down could have simply been the sideways chop we had earlier before the break of the trendline and we could see the wave 3 starting now? Hard too say for sure but regardless I’m expecting a move up toward 2090 or more on the SPX into next week.
I’m looking for a quick move down Thursday morning to put in the low where I think the next move will be up strongly. I’d exit all shorts by today or in the morning tomorrow as the bulls are about ready to wake up.
closed in 2008, a stage in 2012
… still wonder about the involvement of crisis actors.
At about 31 minutes into he talks about the children of Sandy Hook that were most likely given to the elite as food sacrifice’s in their crazy rituals! He’s problem dead on right there! … and the fact that the school was closed for months prior to the event doesn’t surprise me as it’s clearly another staged “false flag” event in my opinion.
“The dollar is going to rise and rise and rise, and then die suddenly.” – Jim Willie
Dollar to be devalued, militarized police, vaccines to deliver patented bioweapons
(A 43-minute interview repeated several times for some unknown reason)
The SPX and SPY have broken through the falling trendline of resistance now. This means it’s highly likely that the low was put in yesterday and the best we could expect to see is a small move down later today to backtest this trendline (which will be at a lower level as it’s falling) somewhere around the 206.00 SPY zone (depending on when (and “if”) it hits it.
If this happens then what we have likely seen today with the gap up open is some kind of wave 1 up with this forecasted small pullback later today to be the wave 2 down. This implies we’ll see a big squeeze up Friday for the wave 3 up.
Of course this wave 2 down could have simply been the sideways chop we had earlier before the break of the trendline and we could see the wave 3 starting now? Hard too say for sure but regardless I’m expecting a move up toward 2090 or more on the SPX into next week.
SPX Update:
Any idea how much of a breakout?
We could chop around again today between 2 trendlines and then breakout Friday.
SPY Update:
SPY Chart analysis:
I’m looking for a quick move down Thursday morning to put in the low where I think the next move will be up strongly. I’d exit all shorts by today or in the morning tomorrow as the bulls are about ready to wake up.