I can see one reason for Seattle making it to the Superbowl. It means that both teams will be original AFC teams which means that no matter who wins the Super Bowl, the stock market LOSES!!! The operators keep the Super Bowl indicator amazingly accurate. Of course, after the SB, I bet we get a contrarian rip off your face rally…..among other reasons.
Seattle probably the only team in the NFC that is an original AFC team. I was expecting the operators to get San Francisco into the SB so that we could have an old fashioned 80’s (1987) themed NFC beatdown of the AFC with the Broncos playing their traditional 80’s role. I mean they even brought Elway back to the Bronco’s where he orginally played the role of Tebow’s stern daddy figure but now they can use him for the ’87 ritual. And boy does he look like an a-hole these days so the role is fitting.
SF has a huge public backing so Vegas prospered with favorite Seattle winning but strangely Seattle opened as the favorite even though Denver with Popgun has a huge national following. Predictably the line has moved so that Denver is a favorite. But who benefits? I can’t imagine Popgun and his record-breaking 55 TDs has been propped up for this all these years to become a pick six machine in the Grand Ritual Bowl but then again it would give dramatic flair to the SB. Popgun has some interesting numerology in terms of years (37 years old) and weeks.
Anyway, the PED Hawks are the only team that could get me root for Huckleberry Popgun, QB to the masses, with all of their DBs jacked up on roids including #25 whose so deformed from them that he looks like a vampire and makes the Legatian priest seem like Brad Pitt in comparison. Still I don’t think I can get myself to root for him.
Parts of this message may self destruct in the future.
Apple was hit hard in after hours but the Nasdaq has been recovering. The Nasdaq did open lower in the prior two instances.
Same pattern that preceded those recent Fed decision meltup days. Makes lower low earlier in the session, rallies and then drops into the close but not making new intraday lows…..the formation of a A up B down, then C up???
The Nasdaq followed suit. Traded down to lower BB and below 50 day average only to finish the day above the 50 day average. 3 down days off the top. There should be a big pop tomorrow with Apple being the catalyst? I heard Apple was downgraded earlier on the day….just so happening before its earnings release after the close.
I’m looking for a choppy day today, with a smaller wave 1 up and wave 2 down to happen. Then a smaller wave 3 up all day Tuesday, with the smaller wave 4 down and 5 up to happen before Bernanke speaks at 2:15 pm on Wednesday. This should make up a larger wave 2 up from the low on Friday and setup a larger wave 3 down to happen into the close and to the end of this week.
I can see one reason for Seattle making it to the Superbowl. It means that both teams will be original AFC teams which means that no matter who wins the Super Bowl, the stock market LOSES!!! The operators keep the Super Bowl indicator amazingly accurate. Of course, after the SB, I bet we get a contrarian rip off your face rally…..among other reasons.
Seattle probably the only team in the NFC that is an original AFC team. I was expecting the operators to get San Francisco into the SB so that we could have an old fashioned 80’s (1987) themed NFC beatdown of the AFC with the Broncos playing their traditional 80’s role. I mean they even brought Elway back to the Bronco’s where he orginally played the role of Tebow’s stern daddy figure but now they can use him for the ’87 ritual. And boy does he look like an a-hole these days so the role is fitting.
SF has a huge public backing so Vegas prospered with favorite Seattle winning but strangely Seattle opened as the favorite even though Denver with Popgun has a huge national following. Predictably the line has moved so that Denver is a favorite. But who benefits? I can’t imagine Popgun and his record-breaking 55 TDs has been propped up for this all these years to become a pick six machine in the Grand Ritual Bowl but then again it would give dramatic flair to the SB. Popgun has some interesting numerology in terms of years (37 years old) and weeks.
Anyway, the PED Hawks are the only team that could get me root for Huckleberry Popgun, QB to the masses, with all of their DBs jacked up on roids including #25 whose so deformed from them that he looks like a vampire and makes the Legatian priest seem like Brad Pitt in comparison. Still I don’t think I can get myself to root for him.
Parts of this message may self destruct in the future.
Apple was hit hard in after hours but the Nasdaq has been recovering. The Nasdaq did open lower in the prior two instances.
SPY Analysis after closing bell: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/spy-analysis-after-closing-bell.html
Same pattern that preceded those recent Fed decision meltup days. Makes lower low earlier in the session, rallies and then drops into the close but not making new intraday lows…..the formation of a A up B down, then C up???
The Nasdaq followed suit. Traded down to lower BB and below 50 day average only to finish the day above the 50 day average. 3 down days off the top. There should be a big pop tomorrow with Apple being the catalyst? I heard Apple was downgraded earlier on the day….just so happening before its earnings release after the close.
Anyone wanting access to my recent post must email me for the pass code.
ES update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/es-chart-update_27.html
Best guess for the bounce high is 1810 area: http://screencast.com/t/JEc4Zc3e
Certainly worth referencing again: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/q71/s720x720/577345_726498254041800_1296696738_n.jpg
I’m looking for a choppy day today, with a smaller wave 1 up and wave 2 down to happen. Then a smaller wave 3 up all day Tuesday, with the smaller wave 4 down and 5 up to happen before Bernanke speaks at 2:15 pm on Wednesday. This should make up a larger wave 2 up from the low on Friday and setup a larger wave 3 down to happen into the close and to the end of this week.
GOLD Trend Analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/gold-trend-analysis.html