A pop on Tuesday for the usual Fed pop day. Just basing this on the analog to a past historical epoch for the Nasdaq (actually 2 different epochs—–and I’ve brought them up here ad infinitum).
Dow is really outside/below its lower Bollinger Band so its due for a pop to get back to it but it looks like the Russell 2000 rode its lower band lower for a day back at that historical epoch before the pop (it’s in a similar position right now).
And we’ve got the Grand Ritual Bowl next week in NYC but I don’t get the meaning of the the 2 teams involved in particular Seattle. Which means the ritual might already be in process. They celebrated the 12 th fan concept in Seattle last weekend ad nauseaum as expected even adorning the Space Needle with a 12 flag LOL and displaying a 12 on one of the buildings in the Seattle skyline. And the typical numbnut PEDHAWK fan thinks its about him.
The NFL and the networks really did jump the shark with that Seattle -SF game last week but I will discuss that and the new mind-controlled mega-heel #25 of the PEDHAWKs (probably setting him up as a foil to the savior Popgun) later. (It actually isn’t anything new but his exposure just went mega-viral)
ES Chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/es-chart-analysis_27.html
12 definitely means 111 but what else does it mean? 12=1+2?
A pop on Tuesday for the usual Fed pop day. Just basing this on the analog to a past historical epoch for the Nasdaq (actually 2 different epochs—–and I’ve brought them up here ad infinitum).
Dow is really outside/below its lower Bollinger Band so its due for a pop to get back to it but it looks like the Russell 2000 rode its lower band lower for a day back at that historical epoch before the pop (it’s in a similar position right now).
And we’ve got the Grand Ritual Bowl next week in NYC but I don’t get the meaning of the the 2 teams involved in particular Seattle. Which means the ritual might already be in process. They celebrated the 12 th fan concept in Seattle last weekend ad nauseaum as expected even adorning the Space Needle with a 12 flag LOL and displaying a 12 on one of the buildings in the Seattle skyline. And the typical numbnut PEDHAWK fan thinks its about him.
The NFL and the networks really did jump the shark with that Seattle -SF game last week but I will discuss that and the new mind-controlled mega-heel #25 of the PEDHAWKs (probably setting him up as a foil to the savior Popgun) later. (It actually isn’t anything new but his exposure just went mega-viral)
More signs of of something bad coming in the market: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gordonchang/2014/01/26/china-halts-bank-cash-transfers-2/
thanks man..its fine if you actually give out to ppl who are interested..i think everyone interested should be able to see it..
There is a reason I protected that post. It too detailed. I only want those who request it to get access. Password is being emailed too you.
red great fan of yours but this password thing aint the brightest..just putting my views..
How do we get passcode?
Wow… and the Olympics start on February 7th, 2014. Too scary! Nice catch!
New post by Ali… http://reddragonleo.com/2014/01/20/when-will-the-stock-market-bubble-burst/