Hi Red Dragon, thanks for the great start up tips. Im not really marketing savvy in this regard. But many thanks for the feedback and the effort that you put into responding. Much appreciated and some great pointers
Looks like you have a new blog their Al Go. The best way to get the word out about your blog is to engage and comment on other blog that have been around awhile Once you get to know the posts on various blogs they will come visit your blog if you have charts to post for them.
SAN is a great example as he takes the time to post updates on many different blogs and people love his charts. He always responds back to anyone that replies to his comment post and gives direct links to his charts.
You need to make your “disqus” handle name a “clickable” link directly to your homepage and then when you make a comment on my blog or others blogs you post the link directly to the whole post and/or the chart.
Don’t just post to your home page as some bloggers will view that as spamming. Everyone has to start somewhere so I overlook simple errors done by new bloggers. But some old timer blog owners aren’t as forgiving (or willing to help) as I am. So if you take the time to “engage” in the conversation and only post a link to your actual blog post (or the chart) most blog owners will be fine with it.
And if you fix your disqus handle to hyperlink to your homepage you’ll get people clicking on that link as well. Google will give the backlinks too and you’ll then get traffic from it.
Just know that most of us “stock market” bloggers have been around a long time and we pretty much all know each other. It’s a tight community of people and you want to get off on the right foot if you are starting a new blog.
Also, get yourself an image icon for your disqus handle. It all takes time to learn and get your site setup with a nice looking theme and all so I’m here to help if you need any. Just email me and I’ll do my best to help you get started.
Did anyone see any FP’s out on Gold before the flash crash this morning?
Facebook Weekend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/facebook-weekend-update.html
APPLE Support levels: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/apple-support-levels.html
Hi Red Dragon, thanks for the great start up tips. Im not really marketing savvy in this regard. But many thanks for the feedback and the effort that you put into responding. Much appreciated and some great pointers
Looks like you have a new blog their Al Go. The best way to get the word out about your blog is to engage and comment on other blog that have been around awhile Once you get to know the posts on various blogs they will come visit your blog if you have charts to post for them.
SAN is a great example as he takes the time to post updates on many different blogs and people love his charts. He always responds back to anyone that replies to his comment post and gives direct links to his charts.
You need to make your “disqus” handle name a “clickable” link directly to your homepage and then when you make a comment on my blog or others blogs you post the link directly to the whole post and/or the chart.
Don’t just post to your home page as some bloggers will view that as spamming. Everyone has to start somewhere so I overlook simple errors done by new bloggers. But some old timer blog owners aren’t as forgiving (or willing to help) as I am. So if you take the time to “engage” in the conversation and only post a link to your actual blog post (or the chart) most blog owners will be fine with it.
And if you fix your disqus handle to hyperlink to your homepage you’ll get people clicking on that link as well. Google will give the backlinks too and you’ll then get traffic from it.
Just know that most of us “stock market” bloggers have been around a long time and we pretty much all know each other. It’s a tight community of people and you want to get off on the right foot if you are starting a new blog.
Also, get yourself an image icon for your disqus handle. It all takes time to learn and get your site setup with a nice looking theme and all so I’m here to help if you need any. Just email me and I’ll do my best to help you get started.
Update – http://algorithmicswingtrader.wordpress.com/
Bank of America trend update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/bank-of-america-chart-update.html
Happy New Year gang… Refresh page for new video with the Stock Market Forecast for 2014
EURUSD Chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/eurusd-bearish-price-action.html
IWM Chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2014/01/iwm-chart-analysis.html