Popgun put in all sorts of passing records on Sunday getting 55tds for the season and getting the 266 yards needed to get the single season passing yardage record with 5477 yards. He got the yards on his fourth touchdown at the end of the first half with the Broncos up 31-0 and was promptly benched. He tds were to #87,#27,and #88 twice.
Mars and Pluto are conjuncting right now and Mercury is moving into the mix joining the conjunction in maybe 7 or 8 hours….daybreak east coast time……with the Sun not too far behind. The new moon will occur in the midst of all this on New Years Day. Meanwhile, Jupiter isn’t too far away from forming an opposition to all of this.
Tomorrow has some interesting hits….The German Grand Prix that saw the fiery crash of Niki Landa which is the heart of the recent flick Rush took place on August 1, 1976 which will be 13,666 days later tomorrow. (37years4months30 days)….The July 4 1921 photo at the end of the Shining was an actual New Years Eve photo of some Federal Reserve centered party in the 20s. 1921===13 and 19+12==31. Kubrick originally wanted the photo to take place in 1999, the end of the twentieth century,999 , the ultimate in finality. The Sorcerer release date of June 24,1977 will be 12,339 days earlier tomorrow.
Tomorrow will also be 86,806 days from the founding of the enlightened ones or 237years 7months 30days later.
Markets in Europe are closed tomorrow so I don’t really know what type of news event could spawn a big move but some of the leading tech stocks are starting to break down..
West Destroying Itself (QE does not prevent bankruptcy)
10 Year U.S. Treasury yields have hit 3.019%
Bitcoin Exchanges In India raided by govt agents
Another vaccine researcher has been caught faking research
13 Milestones In 2013 — Michigan Nullifies NDAA
Interesting is his comment between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes into the video where he talks about “February 7th, 2014… the next date for the go-around on the debt problem”. Funny how that date is right in the middle of another important meeting from February 6th to the 8th in 2014. Coincidence?
Alex Jones Looks Back at The Top News Stories of 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vaNP780hh8
FACEBOOK Chart update: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.com/2013/12/facebook-chart-update_31.html
Popgun put in all sorts of passing records on Sunday getting 55tds for the season and getting the 266 yards needed to get the single season passing yardage record with 5477 yards. He got the yards on his fourth touchdown at the end of the first half with the Broncos up 31-0 and was promptly benched. He tds were to #87,#27,and #88 twice.
Mars and Pluto are conjuncting right now and Mercury is moving into the mix joining the conjunction in maybe 7 or 8 hours….daybreak east coast time……with the Sun not too far behind. The new moon will occur in the midst of all this on New Years Day. Meanwhile, Jupiter isn’t too far away from forming an opposition to all of this.
Tomorrow has some interesting hits….The German Grand Prix that saw the fiery crash of Niki Landa which is the heart of the recent flick Rush took place on August 1, 1976 which will be 13,666 days later tomorrow. (37years4months30 days)….The July 4 1921 photo at the end of the Shining was an actual New Years Eve photo of some Federal Reserve centered party in the 20s. 1921===13 and 19+12==31. Kubrick originally wanted the photo to take place in 1999, the end of the twentieth century,999 , the ultimate in finality. The Sorcerer release date of June 24,1977 will be 12,339 days earlier tomorrow.
Tomorrow will also be 86,806 days from the founding of the enlightened ones or 237years 7months 30days later.
Markets in Europe are closed tomorrow so I don’t really know what type of news event could spawn a big move but some of the leading tech stocks are starting to break down..
West Destroying Itself (QE does not prevent bankruptcy)
10 Year U.S. Treasury yields have hit 3.019%
Bitcoin Exchanges In India raided by govt agents
Another vaccine researcher has been caught faking research
13 Milestones In 2013 — Michigan Nullifies NDAA
Interesting is his comment between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes into the video where he talks about “February 7th, 2014… the next date for the go-around on the debt problem”. Funny how that date is right in the middle of another important meeting from February 6th to the 8th in 2014. Coincidence?
If Jim Sinclair has Goldman Sachs ties I don’t think I’d trust him. Good to see someone do some research to find out his background.
“Ever wonder why Jim Sinclair hardly mentions silver?
Perhaps his family history can help explain that?”
My Warning About Jim Sinclair (Seligman) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ped9BrJ5lmg
Jim Sinclair gives a different timeline for the global currency reset:
proposed by BRICS in 2016
rejected by West at first
later accepted in 2020
Martial Law Drills UNDERWAY Nationwide
– DHS Preparing For “Terrorist Attack”