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... Red Dragon Leo

My gut tells me that all the “gold buying hysteria” is of course the wrong thing to do. I personally think gold will continue down and break 1,000 at some point but I’m just guessing there.

And yeah, a reset would be better suited to happen when the real bottom finally hits, but that’ still years away I think. After the 20-30% drop I still think we are going up to insanely high levels into late 2016 or early 2017 before a final top happens.

So I won’t be getting really gloomy until around that period Permabear. When we see 33,333 on the DOW… I’m shorting! LOL

... Permabear Doomster

re: A 20-30% drop into mid-summer next year would be the ideal place to announce the currency reset.

Err…no. A reset is the last thing likely for at least a few more years.

RDL, you’re getting a little overly gloomy again. If the last 2 years should have shown you, things will take longer than just about anyone is guessing.

Lots of gold bug hysteria this past weekend…they sure haven’t learnt a damn thing this past year. They have been touting a floor every single month..and we’re still broadly trending lower.

Anyway….good wishes for 2014 !

... Red Dragon Leo

DHS insider gives final warning

Interesting find dchrist81….

The whistleblower seems very well informed except for one part….

“Do you remember former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld announcing that the Pentagon was unable to account for $2.3 trillion in the defense budget? That was on September 10, 2001, the day before the attacks of 9/11. Some suggest that 9/11 was orchestrated, in part to cover up the missing money, which is ludicrous.”

That last word… “ludicrous” is clearly wrong. It should read like this…

“… which of course is 100% accurate”.

Now the question is… are we witnessing a true whistleblower or a planted article to get us sheep into a fear mode where we make bad trading decisions based on our interpretation of what this article means?

Everyone that reads my blog now should now know that” the powers that be” put out bad information on all media outlets that they control (and they control everything 100%… except the internet, which is mixed with half truth and half lies) to get us sheep to take the other side of the trade they are on.

So, what does this article hint at, suggest, or otherwise imply? I think it’s covertly telling the sheep to buy gold just like Lindsey Williams’ video does. While neither are outright telling us sheep to buy gold at these levels they certainly dance all around the subject.

And, they’ve told us to do within 90 days of Lindsey’s video… which was on December 4th, 2013 and that means March 4th, 2014 is the deadline for this currency reset (Lindsey’s prediction) and staged event (the DHS insider’s article) to happen.

I’m going to stick by my thoughts that if history repeats itself the currency reset won’t happen until the stock market drop hard first and finds a bottom. A 20-30% drop into mid-summer next year would be the ideal place to announce the currency reset.

It wasn’t done at the top of the stock market in 1929 and I doubt it will be at the top in 2014. Roosevelt didn’t devalue the dollar 40% until the bottom of the entire crash, which was 1932… then gold soared afterwards!

Now, we are currently in a massive Primary Wave 3 up that I expect to end early 2014 around 17,000 DOW (give or take a 100 points) and we should be following that with a massive 20-30% selloff for Primary Wave 4 down.

That leaves Primary Wave 5 up to take us out to 2016/2017 for a final blowoff top of probably 30,000+ on the DOW! Yeah… crazy huh? That’s the most likely way that I expect this to play out.

If I’m wrong then the high of this Primary Wave 3 up will end the whole rally from the 2009 low of 666 SPX and it would then be changed to a 3 wave pattern instead of a 5 wave pattern. So it would then be Primary Wave C up and the crash of 80% or more would follow… but I don’t think that’s the case here.

As for gold, again… I wouldn’t go long gold unless we see the announcement on TV about the government raiding pension funds. And the market MUST have sold off from some prior scare first as well.

Think about this for a moment…

When is the last time the government has every passed some bill or made some major changes without first having created the staged event first? Never is the answer. They first must create the problem and make it HUGE to scare the sheep into begging for the solution.

They had to create 911 to pass the patriot act, and they will have to create some new financial (or physical) disaster again before they can just go in a rob the pension funds. So I’ll give you 99% odds that they won’t do this currency reset/pension fund raid until the stock market has sold off first.

As for what gold will do from the top of the DOW to it’s 20-30% haircut I don’t know? If there is enough fear then you can argue that traders will run to gold for a safe haven. But if there are too many margin calls and big hedge funds have too dump gold to cover them, then we could see gold go down with the market.

The safe play will be to short the stock market in the 17,000 DOW area and stay short until we see around 13,000 DOW (or lower). At that point I’d be looking for them to come out with the announcement that they are going to have to steal your pension fund money.

So, I’d think that the global currency reset will happen shortly after that, or at the same time? That’s the point you’d look toward going long gold I think, as the time between the coming top of the stock market and the bottom will be a little tricky to trade gold.

... dchrist81

DHS insider gives final warning

“I don’t think anyone except the initiated few know the precise series of events or the exact timing, just a general overview and an equally general time period. I think we’re in that period now, as DHS has their planned responses finalized. Also, the metals are important because it’s real money, not Ponzi fiat currency. The U.S. has no inventory of gold, so the prices are manipulated down to cause a sell-off of the physical assets. China is on a buying spree of gold, and other countries want their inventory back. The very people causing the prices to drop are the ones who are also buying the metals at fire sale prices. They will emerge extremely wealthy when the prices rise after the U.S. currency becomes wallpaper. A little research will identify who these people and organizations are.”

... Geccko23

Astro activity is starting to heat up again. Mars is currently doing what I mentioned Venus did about a month ago which preceded the exalted events of double ninen. And the Sun will soon be joining Mars in this positon. With retrograde Jupiter moving back to Sirius and Quetzi in retrograde moving back towards an opposition to Jupiter to form a potential Cardinal Grand Cross…..

And we get a Silver Linings Playbook rematch tomorrow to the events depicted in the movie in the grand finale on December 28, 2008 with the Tony Romo-less Dallas Cowboys squaring off with the Philadelphia Eagles for the division crown….

Meanwhile wunderking QB #12 for the 1929 Champion Green Bay Packers will be returning to action against the division rival BEARS, the team that “knocked” him out of action several weeks ago. (Bears #99 with a WWE-inspired pile drive of #12 into the turf}. I expect to see an explosion of 12-87 hookups tomorrow in this division deciding rematch.

On the final Monday night game of the year, which took place in the final game to be played at Candlestick Park in SF (home to the infamous NFC deciding 16 to 87 gamewinning TD pass back in ’82)(42 years of existence), the 49ers whooped up on the Falcons despite retiring Falcons TE Tony Gonzalez scoring the 111st TD of his career.

I’ve been waiting for the miraculous recovery of Packer’s QB #12(although it became quite extended) so cue the Hunger Game’s Cannon Shot.

... Seawind 4

I haven’t been around much the last month or so…….but wanted to say…Thanks for the read/conv! Thanks for all that you do Mr. Red…it’s much appreciated!
Have a Merry Chritmas and a Happy New year to you Mr Red and this blog!

All my best; Seawind