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  • Red

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... Meat Balls

are you by chance a wizard?

... Red Dragon Leo

Needless to say that call is wrong now. I thought we might drop back 10 points or so but it looks like they are dead set up going up to 1800 or thereabouts.

... Red Dragon Leo

For a day only (possibly more?) the odds are very high that the top is in now and one can short until the rest of the day.

... Geccko23

A certain little indicator keeps heading south as its component remains negative despite the new high in the SP. The Nasdaq component did bounce to its 0 line. Basically its in the same location it was at in late July 2011 just slightly after a lower high was put in by the SP but new high in the Nasdaq and Dax. Like back then, the Rut was making a considerably lower high.

The Astro activity starts to heat up now as we head to the main event on the original Twitter IPO date when we get a triple ninen event. Yellen speaks tomorrow so maybe they keep things propped up but a similar like top like today occurred a quarter century plus one year ago and saw a drop the next day. Like then, new high with lower MACD historogram bars (divergence) and like 2000 top with lower RSI.

... DavidDT

“next week” is not over yet.

... Geccko23

Here’s a 1929 bubble like stock: IEP A Carl Ichan limited partnership that should be totally geared to the stock market. A way for investors to ride on the back of all of Icahn’s moves. Something nice to mark a top. Anyway, it appears to be in the process of cratering.

A certain little indicator continues to head southward. Time for some EXASperating moves, MON!!! ONS Jr. Market….. Redrum!!!!!

Just noticed from that little ritual playing out in MIAMI: the Incognito Martin fiasco adds up to 139 as in MIAMI (139-1-139). Incognito and Martin’s numbers add to 139 or 68+71….