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  • Red

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... ks1010

that mean big crush will coming soon?

debt ceiling problem can resolve as well?or game over?

... Peter Trunk

here’s my thoughts.. the 22nd is a double eleven day…and the 18th, that friday, is a 9 day.. so stall, fakeout on Frday to topout, then have a weekend surprise

... Red Dragon Leo

Don’t know yet? If we drift lower into the 17th then that could be the bottom and then we rally into the 22nd for the wave 2 up… or we chop around and climb a little higher to possibly hit 1700 or more into the 17th in anticipation that the debt ceiling will be raised. If that happens then I think they won’t raise it and we’ll see our wave 3 down start on the 17th instead of the 22nd.

... ks1010

that mean i still can hold my share until 22?
or just sell off all my share until 22 ?

... Red Dragon Leo

Wall Street Brushes Off Debt-Ceiling, Republicans Beg To Differ, But Default Would be “Catastrophic,” And Nothing Is Priced In…

The sheep are always mislead and this time is no difference. “If” we hold this ground and/or rally up into the 17th… and we continue to see “positive” statements surrounding the debt ceiling issue, then you can practically guarantee that they will surprise everyone and do the opposite!

Again, I’m still not sure whether we are going down first into the 17th for a wave 1 down, which then suggests a wave 2 up into the 22nd followed by a nasty wave 3 down. Or we are bottoming now for a smaller wave 1 down and will chop around for the wave 2 up into the 17th… which then implies the nasty wave 3 down will start on that date right after they state something negative like “we aren’t going to raise the debt ceiling and we don’t know when or if this issue will be resolved”.

Regardless, the 17th and the 22nd are still my key dates for a turn in the market. Until the 17th I take no position in the market either way. (I’m just playing a few junior picks right now squeezing out 30% to 100% gains, which is basically whatever the stock will give me).

... Red Dragon Leo

Not sure what you are referring to Amy but my partner and I try our best to find these picks before promoters like Jim Cramer go out and hype them. We then pass them on to all the people on the newsletter as possible candidates for big move.

We haven’t been 100% correct but lately we have been much more accurate at sniffing out these stocks before someone else promotes them. I give that information out to the newsletter readers for free in the hopes that they can profit from them.

While many stocks have the “potential” to move up 400%-500% I’ve noticed lately that they have been met with heavy selling when they only hit a 100% gain… but that’s still a great move.

I can’t tell anyone what to buy or when to sell but I exit my personal positions with only 50% to 100% gains, and many times I pay more for the position then my subscribers as the stock many times falls in price lower then my entry point just before someone else promotes it.

This junior stock market is no different then the big market where you have talking heads like Jim Cramer telling you to buy at the top (so he can sell) and to sell at the bottom (so he can buy).

My partner and I have developed a way to foresee these moves before they happen and therefore buy some shares in advance. However, we can’t pinpoint the exact day it’s going to move up from some future promotion so we must wait it out.

Our last pick took 2 weeks to move up from when I alerted members about it and it fell in price lower then where I bought it at. I personally only made about 30% on the move up and others could have made more because they could have bought lower.

I can’t guarantee every stock is going to move up huge… some will, some won’t, but we are getting better by the day at picking the ones with the highest chances of being promoted in advance of that promotion starting.

So while many will have huge upside potential we should all use smart money management and take profit when we have it. When you see huge volume in some stock but it doesn’t move up as much as you wanted…. sell out and take what profit it gives you.

The fact that it’s not moving up as much as we thought it could is because there are too many sellers in it that are holding the price down and not allowing it to soar as much as it should.

Nothing is certain in this market as while my partner and I have found a way to see what’s going to happen before it does it’s not something that we can pinpoint to some exact gain amount or date that it starts.

Just like the big market (the S&P500) there are games being played that are designed to trick the average trader the same goes on in the junior stock market. I give out free information to simply alert people that there is a good chance of some promotion on that stock starting soon but even I get fooled sometimes and get stuck holding the bag.

I go out of my way to help others and I’m not perfect. You must do your own research before making a decision to buy or sell any stock. I’m not the golden goose that laid the golden egg. If I were I’d be happy to give an egg, but unfortunately I just like you… trying to survive.

... Amy Polos

Are you really buying this fraud!!! They buy way ahead of the crowd and then sell you to unload and your stuck in a pile of mud. Very classic only a fool will fall for.