DOJ to finally file criminal charges against SAC (19-1-3) tomorrow. That should help get forced selling going. Futures aren’t reacting too much. Been waiting for this event.
Dow was down 25.5 pts or (-1.6%). FB is up 4.44 pts in afterhours at 26xxx….I saw Apple down 6.66 pts after the close yesterday at around 419 a share. It popped 21.52 pts today. or 5.14% higher to 440 xx.
Tomorrow is 257,774 days from the original Friday the 13th episode.
1104(44) trading days from 3-6-9 and 1456 tds from 10-11-07.
9411 calendar days from the lesser grand ritual double five years ago or 25years9months6days or 1344 weeks 3days later.
619 weeks (another 79/ 61-16#)2 days from you know when or 11 years 10months14days later.
168 weeks from 5-6-10. Another 16/61 number……Flash crash week was 61 weeks from the 3-6-9 low…
5years9months14days (1414 or 55) from the 10-11-07 high. 14==27 and adds up to 5.
There’s more and these numbers are hinting at more than tomorrow. But crude oil, $rut, all sorts of bonds and utilities, lumber, gold started heading down today with many already producing TD daily bear flips.
12,12 or 24 (2013?) another major seasonal number…..DOLL theater…24also===44? There are some big 44 year anniversaries occurring now. Here’s a nice one: original True Grit release date on 6-11-69, the only movie that gave John Wayne an Oscar. Tomorrow is 44 years 44 days later. Today was 44 years 4 days from the moon landing and 44 years 8 days from the rocket launching (Appollo 11 rocket seen on the kids sweater in the Shining–and rocket motifs/ images adorning the walls of the Overlook hotel–rockets also seen 2010)
777 or 37 is a stock market code. Sports talk radio callers have been going crazy lately infusing their remarks with occultic numerology.
Heard one caller from Boston mention the remarkeable recovery of David Ortiz (following the Fahrenheit 451 baseball moment on Monday when Ryan Braun was suspended 50 games for PEDs) in recent years after it appeared that he was done. He mentioned Ortiz #34 was a 37 year old who runs from 1st to 3rd like he’s a youngin’.
I heard another unpolished local caller throw out the 12 14 number….He was talking about Chipotle(CMG??)(3137 or 77) and the local baseball team…..can’t recall how he used the 12 14 number…it was way too early…maybe it was scripted since he didn’t sound too high-level…..I guess this came after another call where a caller demanded that Mike Trout (#27) be traded but I missed that call.
I believe I saw a sailboat with its sail out although in its dock with the numbers 73 46 but went by to doublecheck but don’t see the boat now.
It’s the enlightened ones’ Pentecost tomorrow. 50 (2525) days from the grand reunion on 6-5 (one year removed). Also the demise of Ray Bradbury at the age of 91. So 1 year 50 days or 1years 1month 20 days later. The big 12 or 21==25??? 1/2=5 2/1=2 21=7x7x7. Kubrick’s 1921 in Shining and just 2001 Space Oddysey (10 years wandering after the 10 year Trojan War)
Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451===20-1 or 46 or 91….91==13×7.
Does something come out of Greece overnight?
Or something more insidious as inferred from recent movies like Pacific Rim, Red 2 or even Fahrenheit 451.
Still nothing going on, so there’s not much to say. The market is chopping sideways making a bull flag that should easily allow them to hit the 170.46 FP on the SPY. Also note that it’s not always a turning point, and that it’s common to pierce through them a little even if it is a turning point. The only guarantee is that the FP will be hit, nothing more.
Looking at the daily chart continue to put in lower histogram bars and show a MACD that is turning down slightly indicates that market should have another exhaustion move up on lower histogram bars and a “soon to be crossing” MACD lines. This will give us the negative divergence that we need to happen before shorting.
Since there is no time frame known on the hitting of the FP on the SPY we could drop some first and then go back up to hit it possibly next week or the first week of August. Personally I don’t think it’s going to take that long but anything is possible. I’m still thinking we top just above 1700 in the 1705-1710 SPX area.
This would put the SPY in the 171.00-171-50 area, which is typical it seems as many FP’s in the past have been pierced by 5-10 SPX points before turning the other direction. So when should we hit this top you ask?
Well, if I were to guess I’d think next Tuesday/Wednesday when they have the next FOMC meeting. Looking at the charts this sideways to slightly down move we’ve been having all week could be a wave 4 down of some kind with a final wave 5 up in the FOMC meeting. So if this wave 4 produces a small drop of say 20 points or so between now and next Wednesday then I’d think it’s setting up the stage for a final 5th wave up to that 1705-1710 zone.
So other then day trading a little I see NO swing trade until after that meeting is over with (of course you could go long at the bottom of this wave 4 down into the wave 5 top but it’s not likely to be a very deep retracement down, which means it’s not worth it to me.)
DOJ to finally file criminal charges against SAC (19-1-3) tomorrow. That should help get forced selling going. Futures aren’t reacting too much. Been waiting for this event.
Dow was down 25.5 pts or (-1.6%). FB is up 4.44 pts in afterhours at 26xxx….I saw Apple down 6.66 pts after the close yesterday at around 419 a share. It popped 21.52 pts today. or 5.14% higher to 440 xx.
S&P 500 Analysis after close:
Oh. I see the BAM and BAMA in there.
I did hear Air’s Surfing on the Rocket over the weekend. Reminded me of the new grand ritual anthem, Daft Punk’s Get Lucky.
I am not going to provide a link to the video. It’s just too weird but it does conjure up the Dr. Strangelove imagery (another Kubrick flick).
5 4 3 2 1 0
You won’t see me anymore
Surfin’ on a rocket etc. etc. etc.
Tomorrow is 257,774 days from the original Friday the 13th episode.
1104(44) trading days from 3-6-9 and 1456 tds from 10-11-07.
9411 calendar days from the lesser grand ritual double five years ago or 25years9months6days or 1344 weeks 3days later.
619 weeks (another 79/ 61-16#)2 days from you know when or 11 years 10months14days later.
168 weeks from 5-6-10. Another 16/61 number……Flash crash week was 61 weeks from the 3-6-9 low…
5years9months14days (1414 or 55) from the 10-11-07 high. 14==27 and adds up to 5.
There’s more and these numbers are hinting at more than tomorrow. But crude oil, $rut, all sorts of bonds and utilities, lumber, gold started heading down today with many already producing TD daily bear flips.
12,12 or 24 (2013?) another major seasonal number…..DOLL theater…24also===44? There are some big 44 year anniversaries occurring now. Here’s a nice one: original True Grit release date on 6-11-69, the only movie that gave John Wayne an Oscar. Tomorrow is 44 years 44 days later. Today was 44 years 4 days from the moon landing and 44 years 8 days from the rocket launching (Appollo 11 rocket seen on the kids sweater in the Shining–and rocket motifs/ images adorning the walls of the Overlook hotel–rockets also seen 2010)
777 or 37 is a stock market code. Sports talk radio callers have been going crazy lately infusing their remarks with occultic numerology.
Heard one caller from Boston mention the remarkeable recovery of David Ortiz (following the Fahrenheit 451 baseball moment on Monday when Ryan Braun was suspended 50 games for PEDs) in recent years after it appeared that he was done. He mentioned Ortiz #34 was a 37 year old who runs from 1st to 3rd like he’s a youngin’.
I heard another unpolished local caller throw out the 12 14 number….He was talking about Chipotle(CMG??)(3137 or 77) and the local baseball team…..can’t recall how he used the 12 14 number…it was way too early…maybe it was scripted since he didn’t sound too high-level…..I guess this came after another call where a caller demanded that Mike Trout (#27) be traded but I missed that call.
I believe I saw a sailboat with its sail out although in its dock with the numbers 73 46 but went by to doublecheck but don’t see the boat now.
It’s the enlightened ones’ Pentecost tomorrow. 50 (2525) days from the grand reunion on 6-5 (one year removed). Also the demise of Ray Bradbury at the age of 91. So 1 year 50 days or 1years 1month 20 days later. The big 12 or 21==25??? 1/2=5 2/1=2 21=7x7x7. Kubrick’s 1921 in Shining and just 2001 Space Oddysey (10 years wandering after the 10 year Trojan War)
Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451===20-1 or 46 or 91….91==13×7.
Does something come out of Greece overnight?
Or something more insidious as inferred from recent movies like Pacific Rim, Red 2 or even Fahrenheit 451.
Crude Oil Update:
ES Trend update:
Still nothing going on, so there’s not much to say. The market is chopping sideways making a bull flag that should easily allow them to hit the 170.46 FP on the SPY. Also note that it’s not always a turning point, and that it’s common to pierce through them a little even if it is a turning point. The only guarantee is that the FP will be hit, nothing more.
Looking at the daily chart continue to put in lower histogram bars and show a MACD that is turning down slightly indicates that market should have another exhaustion move up on lower histogram bars and a “soon to be crossing” MACD lines. This will give us the negative divergence that we need to happen before shorting.
Since there is no time frame known on the hitting of the FP on the SPY we could drop some first and then go back up to hit it possibly next week or the first week of August. Personally I don’t think it’s going to take that long but anything is possible. I’m still thinking we top just above 1700 in the 1705-1710 SPX area.
This would put the SPY in the 171.00-171-50 area, which is typical it seems as many FP’s in the past have been pierced by 5-10 SPX points before turning the other direction. So when should we hit this top you ask?
Well, if I were to guess I’d think next Tuesday/Wednesday when they have the next FOMC meeting. Looking at the charts this sideways to slightly down move we’ve been having all week could be a wave 4 down of some kind with a final wave 5 up in the FOMC meeting. So if this wave 4 produces a small drop of say 20 points or so between now and next Wednesday then I’d think it’s setting up the stage for a final 5th wave up to that 1705-1710 zone.
So other then day trading a little I see NO swing trade until after that meeting is over with (of course you could go long at the bottom of this wave 4 down into the wave 5 top but it’s not likely to be a very deep retracement down, which means it’s not worth it to me.)