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  • Red

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... NWO

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It looks like I am a little late with this:

And the royal baby won’t be a LEO. But impeccable timing with his birth.
31 years 31 days from the last great royal birth. (on a summer solstice under a solar eclipse.)

And it will be the Superbowl score reversed on my birthday from the last great royal birth. (The real daddy is supposedly the head of Freemasonry)

... Peter Trunk

earnings continue to fail as spx continues the uptrend

... Red Dragon Leo

If you’ve been following my site for any length of time John you know that this coming stock market crash can’t be avoided… nor do “they” want to avoid it. In fact the destruction of the world economy was planned back in the 1980’s when they invented “derivatives”.

The plan was then set forth that one day in the future they would use the (now around half a quadrillion) derivative market as the reason for the crash. Make no mistake about “they” want a crash as they have to have one if they are to steal everyone’s life savings and assets at dirt cheap prices.

But after the crash is over and bottom put in the market will indeed soar to new unheard of levels, and I’ll have to retire my bear suit and join the bulls… or get eaten by them.

... John

Your call sounds a lot more realistic with the euphoria around at present..