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... Peter Trunk

Btw. took some time, but nice call on the penny


This week is also a key weekly cycle, one that has been prevalent since the ’07 top but which has been disguised at times since the 3-6-9 low. I can see it going back to November 2012 but it has been hidden very well at times since then producing more minor turns than important ones.

This week is also 115 weeks from the 5-02-11 Bin Laden high which itself was 113 weeks from the 3-6-9 low.


Today, July 19, is also another 5 day. The SP, Dow, Russell 2000, New York Composite, Transports all made new closing highs today although their intraday highs occurred yesterday (except the Transports). As I have remarked before, important highs have been made on 5 days going back to at least 4-2-2012. Today is 40 tds from the 5-22 high and 1100 tds from 3-6-9.

7-19 is also 4years4months13days ala 44(13)4…444 from the 3-6-9 low. Yesterday’s SP intraday high at 1693 also looks like an appropriate top. From the 3-6-9 low at 666.79, 1693.12 is 1026.33 pts later. 1026.33====6666 or 66.33 or 46…

1693 are also strong seasonal numbers. Don’t see them allowing the SP get to 17 with it at 16xx……16===7 and 4×4……see Lincoln the 16th president (and more)…93 of course another strong seasonal number…93====999 or 27 or 14 etc.


It’s the dawning of the age of Acquarius time on Monday. Mars Jupiter conjunction with the full moon rising in Acquarius. In the Hair song (1969—-44 year anniversary among some other big events that year ala the moon landing….44year anniversary tomorrow), the moon is in the 7th house. Well don’t know what that means but 7 could apply to July with the full moon in Acquarius.

It looks like the royal birth has been timed for this event (and another major astro event later) so I am guessing this is the big event. I originally thought the event would occur on the 23rd but it actually transpires around 2pm eastern time on the 22nd with the exact Mars Jupiter conjunction that day. The moon enters Acquarius just before it achieves full moon status. Also noticed on the astroguy Hitt’s charts that Jupiter and Mars’ symbols resemble the 46 numbers. Is this what the infamous 46 littered throughout movies and cultural events in recent years (1000046 Social Network millionth visitor number—Wall Street 2 Geccko Forbes cover number and more and more) means? Also translates to my birthday date but that is getting a little to close for a crash now….unless they break all the technical rules…..

The word coming out of the royal camp is that the royal baby will be a Leo so he will be joining a lot of LEOS around here. July 23 is the first Leo date. Wonder which Leo date will be the special one.

I saw the bleeping awful Pacific Rim with all of the monsters and robots battling it out in the ocean often in rainstorms with the alien monsters arriving through a portal/ breach at the bottom of the ocean and the heavy water influence had me thinking this is a reference to the Acquarian theme. The current grand trine with Saturn, Jupiter, (soon Mars) Neptune occurs in the water signs.

Pacific Rim similarly themed to the Transformers movies and the Avengers movie of last year. Must have been incubated in the same enlightened one’s think tank.

... Red Dragon Leo

Monday is the 22nd Peter, so odds are good for that FP on the SPY of 170.46 being hit and the market topping. But, I will not be shorting it as I believe they plan to chop this up and down all the way into mid-August… so anything more then a day trade is something that they will likely shake you out of.

... Peter Trunk

We could top on Monday if that FP is hit… it would be close enough I’d think

... Red Dragon Leo

Possible is one word Scott, and planned is other. 🙂