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... bear/bull

GS down today hummmm

... sundancer390

look @ this chart everyday so emotions don't take over

the $SPX has to re-test it's containment pt. along with the $DJI

if we get a higher close than 3.17 than the two long term sequences break synergy

it's all about what your time frame is & if you have levered instruments, leverage will kill anybody's trading account, options, futures

with 3x etf's your concerned with exponential decay

... monicadern

Meant to write, how can the DOW go back and retest if SPY needs to climb higher?

... monicadern

Just got back to see that X and DJIA got to containment. Sundancer, how do we know that they just won't keep setting higher containment points? If this is true on the SPY then 3/17 is no longer significant, no? And how can the down go back to retest if the SPX needs to get up to 1178.73? I think I need to cover.

... sundancer390

red line = 10,849.35

... sundancer390

I know where that SPY 117.773 tick came through on Friday
$SPX next containment pt. is @ 1178.73

... sundancer390

for those trading the IYR, it's currently coiling on back of a daily containment pt.

it's next containment is in the 53 range, where the crash gap is @

... sundancer390

$DJI Daily containment pts.

as you see every containment pt. gets re-tested from the opposite side it broke, yellow line is next to get re-tested

... gcocks83

Thanks, I will try and find first edition.

... SC

Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom, by Van Tharp. First edition. Part III is most important. Don't get discouraged if you can't get all the maths, as the equity market is less volatile in terms of random spikes than commodities, and thus you don't have to be over worried about covering your ass… I mean portfolio. The principles are the keys.

I don't know about the second edition.