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... Earl of

The view from Americanbulls

TNA was a confirmed SELL today. The candlestick today was a Long Black Candlestick (strong selling pressure).

TNA gapped up today, and then fell. The standard rules for a gap up after a SELL-IF signal is to sell when price falls to yesterday’s closing price.

AmericanBulls has this trade ending at $55.43 (their close for yesterday)
I have this trade ending at $55.41 (yesterday’s close on Interactive Brokers).

TZA has a confirmed BUY today. The candlestick today was White Candlestick (normal buying pressure).

TZA gapped down today, and then rose. The standard rule for a gap down after a BUY-IF signal is to buy when price rises to yesterday’s closing price.

AmericanBulls has this trade starting at $7.11 (their close for yesterday)
I have this trade starting at $7.12 (yesterday’s close on Interactive Brokers).

Summary of $RUT based ETFs:
Sell Confirmed: IWM (1x), UWM (2x), TNA (3x)
Buy Confirmed: RWM (-1x), TWM (-2x), TZA (-3x)

Action for tomorrow: none

Comment: TZA (-3x) was up 3.79% today from the AmericanBulls recommended buy price to the close. RWM (-1x) was up 1.37% & TWM (-2x) was up 2.63%.

... dreadwin

Very good points SC. There was one fakeout on the MACD on the way up since February, and anyone who solely used MACD to make trades would have gotten scorched.

... Earl of

TZA opened down 1.0%. Gap was filled. TZA was up 4.7% at the high, and closed up 3.8%.

We are in a New Moon Trade, which favors TZA.
After four days, this trade is down 4.3%. AmericanBulls issued a sell March 17th so this trade was in cash today and did not benefit from the 3.8% rise today. This trade will buy TZA again once AmericanBulls issues a confirmed BUY signal, or an unconfirmed high probability BUY-IF signal.

Volume for TZA was the 4th highest of the last 18 days.

$RVX (VIX for $RUT) closed up 4.7% with TZA up 3.8%. No divergence.

TZA has now been up 4 of the last 6 days.

The low for TZA today was $7.04. The low two days ago was $6.93 which is the lowest TZA price ever.

Ultimate Oscillator for TZA bottomed at 20 twenty trading days ago and has generally risen since then but has remained below 50 and is currently 42. Indicating continued weakness for TZA. Today’s value jumped 8 points today & was highest of the last 20 days, so the Ultimate Oscillator is in a definite up trend. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RVX (VIX for $RUT): today’s long white candle remains in the congestion area but closed above the Bollinger mid-line (20 day MA). The lower Bollinger band stopped falling. MACD has crossed from below and is rising. Looks like $RVX is rising. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RUT: The large red candle for $RUT seems to mark a change in character downward. Looks like a topping process for $RUT is well underway. Good for TZA.

Bollinger Bands for $RUT:$RVX ($RUT vs VIX for $RUT): today’s red candle fell to the bottom of the congestion area. The upper Bollinger Band seems to be falling. Looks like a topping process is well under way, which is good for TZA.

TZA had a much higher high, higher low and much higher close – good for TZA.

Yesterday, money flow for the Total Stock Market was $250 million flowing out of the market. That made sense. Today, the same site says $22,547 million (That would be $22 billion and change) flowed into the market, on a down day. If this makes sense to anyone, please speak up.

I will post the AmericanBulls candlestick interpretation a bit later.

Overall, it looks like TZA will rise Monday.

... sundancer390

Dollar weekly setup

slight violation of weekly contianment @ the close

this is the 5th week of dancing with the containment pt.

next weekly containment pt. (teal line) is @ 24.27

... monicadern

PPT ramped it but feel good now the ultimate direction is down.

... Earl of

Carl at day’s end:

1157-1170 estimate today for /ES (13 points)
1150.25 -1165 actual today (14.75 points)
Spent most of the day below Carl’s low.

In /ES at 1163.25, out at 1159.50 (loss of 3.75)
In /ES at 1156.75, out at 1154.50 (Loss of 2.25)

Grade D (2nd day in a row: lost some money, too optimistic on range estimate)

... gcocks83

Dread, I think it helps Healthcare companies and they hold market up on Monday if it passes. I don't think black Monday. Maybe Black Wednesday. By the Way the Pres will be out of Country so if it tanks it want be his fault because he was not here.

... monicadern

Perhaps. Why do things look so bleak these days? I wish we were back in the 80s. Of course I was only a child then so perhaps things just appeared rosier to me.

... monicadern

Yes, seems to be.