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... dreadwin

Very good points SC. There was one fakeout on the MACD on the way up since February, and anyone who solely used MACD to make trades would have gotten scorched.

... SC

It is dirty politics b/c the Democrats would not have voted for this bill, IF they are not being bullied, threatened and blackmailed by Obama's thugs. What do you think the 'persuasion' is about? It is all about “if you dont vote for this, you are dead as we are going to back someone else against you this November.”

... dreadwin

Carl tends to have a rough time when one trend ends and before the next one begins. Once he recognizes the change, he's pretty good.

... Earl of

Two “Bad Carl” days in a row.

Market might be turning down. Certainly is an alarm of some kind to those thinking bullish.

... dreadwin

I go back and forth on this. I think Healthcare stocks could rise once this thing is finally passed — it removes uncertainty from the marketplace.

... monicadern

I don't think it is necessarily democratic dirty politics – it's all politics.

... SC

I told you before that Carl can get whipsawed just like the rest of us mere mortals. 🙂

... SC

News are often the trigger. But not always the case. It is a very complex relationship. Events can influence market, but market action can also shape and trigger events.

In any event, this is a win win situation. The passage of the bill will outrage the voters, and seal the fate of Democrat style backroom dirty politics.

... Earl of

Carl sold long unit at 1154.50

... monicadern

News doesn't matter, it's just a trigger. IMHO. . .
Healthcare bill passes – Black Monday
Healthcare bill doesn't pass – Black Monday.

Anyway, do you really think he would let it not pass after making such a big deal out of it for this weekend?