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... sundancer390

$VIX 16.26 de-leverage pt. hit established Oct. 09'

... monicadern

Much appreciated. Thank you again.

... Earl of

Call's morning call:

June S&P E-mini Futures: Today's range estimate is again 1157 – 1170. I no longer think that the ES will break yesterday's low at 1156.25. The ES should reach the 1200 level by the end of May.

1156.25 – 1163.25 actual yesterday (7 points)
1159.75 (last night's low)
1157-1170 estimate (June Expiry) for today (13 points)
1163.25 currently, so estimate is -6.25 to +6.75 from here (neutral)

... sundancer390

2 occurrences

termination of the 1st 6 consecutive down sequence led to a -42.6% move in the $SPX in 9 weeks

termination of the 2nd 6 consecutive down sequence led to a -14.7% move in the $SPX in 3 weeks

Stats are in congruence to weekly setups on the $TNX and $VIX all coiled up

... monicadern

And how many occurrences of 6 consecutive down weeks on the VIX have there been again?

... Earl of

Market manipulation is illegal.

People are jailed for it. So it must be possible.

If people can do it, so can the government.

Would the government do it to save the country from ruin?

Of course.

... monicadern

I believe we have one more day of this – hanging on till Monday. After that, I will have no hope. Every indicator is overbought. I believe the PPT is intervening but at the same time, I think the intervening may be part of a natural order to some extent. If you look back in history, there have been all kinds of weird run ups and things that don't make sense yet they still seem to fit into sequences and mathematical boxes. So, perhaps the intervening is all part of a greater force. I believe the health care plan will be passed this weekend and the market will sell off on Monday and that timing could just all be part of the greater force. Of course, I may be completely wrong 🙂

... Red Dragon Leo

I have a busy day today, and won't be around (again). Not like I'm missing anything. Thanks for the response. I'll send one back over the weekend, with more of my… sometimes insane thoughts and ideas.

... Red Dragon Leo

I see your point, and yes it's true that the government's buying of the stock market is, and can be called, part of the natural market.

However, it's the reason they are buying, is of concern to me and every other trader out there. Whereas the retail person buys on fundamentals and the trader buys on some form of technical analysis, the government is buying for no other reason but to trick the retail person into believe that it's safe to go back into water.

It's not safe, as there are no good fundamental reasons to be bullish on the economy right now. That called deception. While the retail person, and the the trader are using their own money to invest/trade, the government isn't doing so.

They are using other peoples' money (the taxpayer), so therefore they don't care that the stocks they are buying have horrible earnings outlooks, etc… The retail trader uses his own money to invest, and tries to do so wisely. The trader also uses his own money, and again tries to do so wisely.

The government does so unwisely, and clearly for the purpose of deceiving the others. That's called manipulation because they are doing what they are doing for unhealthy reasons.

Stealing our money, buying a piece of crap company, and telling us to buy it too, is fraud and deception in my book. That's why I'd like to see Obama, Giethner, Bernanke, and all the leading banksters publicly hung from a tall tree.

Do it “Wild Wild West” style, as prison isn't good enough for them. We don't live in a free America anymore, and it's only going to get worst as they stage more terrorist attacks to create more wars and kill more innocence people.

Ok, enough now, as the coffee is getting to me.

... sundancer390

$DJI currently has 8 consecutive higher closes than opens

In the last 650 trading days the $DJI hasn't had more than 8 consecutive higher closes than opens

In those 650 trading days there has been one sequence of 8 consecutive higher closes than opens which terminated on 8/27/10

There was 1 other 8 consecutive close sequence, however it was a negative sequence and it terminated on 10/10/2008 (Oct. 2008 crash)