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... Peter in UK

This is a cyclical bull within a secular bear market – of course the trend is up. Not even Obama or even the big man in the sky can keep it up forever and it will roll over – maybe this year maybe next but it WILL rollover !!

... steveo77

Well said. 20 years ago I would not have believed this situation possible.

... Baby Dragon

You pay money to buy stocks.
Now what is the problem if someone buys stocks.

Markets can not be changed unless you buy or sell stocks. and that is participation and not manipulation.

I am bear, I hate every uptick, but tape is tape.
You can see more money buying stocks everyday.
Retail people may never ever buy any more stocks.
May be governments of China and India shall buy…..
You never know the reasons.

There may be a crash like 1987 in waiting.

... Baby Dragon

Please wait till Sunday's vote on health care.
Have faith in all powerful markets.
No one can be ever bigger than 50% of the markets. Even governments.
There is a good reason for market to behave the way they behave.
Grander opportunity for the traders more the manipulation happens.
Problem is markets are never ever manipulated.
No one can push the price up unless that person buys stocks.
and If he/she is a buyer then he is part of natural market.

So the very assumption than markets can be manipulated is wrong.
Now your claim is it is a alien agency/Goldman Sachs/federal government/Illuminati/Girl Scouts/Chinese Triads/transvestites from thailand/Bank of Australia/Taranpanthi Jain Sects/Vegas Stripper Club/Pope etc.are buying stock with fake printed money.
That is genuine buyers with good bank accounts.
Who take delivery of the stocks so now what is the problem ?

... gcocks83

SC, Thanks, The indicator works just no the way you think all the time. Makes sense.

... monicadern

Yes, good advice.

... gcocks83

Depressing no Sad yes. He has lost over 500k including retirement money that he now owes taxes on that he cannot pay. He does have some inheritance that will get him even. I advise him to let his wife handle all financial matters going forward and to seek counseling.

... monicadern

Thought you might like this article:

... monicadern

Really great Dread. Thanks so much. I just can't believe I have to keep hanging on though. There better not be any more shenanigans!

... monicadern

Guys, I really think the indicators are hard to follow at tops or if there is PPT action and I think we have both going on. I would definitely think that if the VIX closes below it's bollinger band that you should get short.