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  • Red

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... monicadern

But isn't this a chart of the Wilshire?

... Earl of

From Carl just now:

March S&P E-mini Futures: Today's range estimate is 1116-1130. I expect the market to reach 1200 over the next three months.

From here (1119.75), thats -3.75 to +10.25

Carl owns one unit of /ES at 1098.50 (+21.25) since last Friday

... sundancer390

that's not a misprint

the terminal de-leverage pt. for the $SPX is 733.22 which correlates well with the $DJI 7,400 range on the $DJI

File that one away, the market will be to these numbers before the summer solstice of 2011.

... Red Dragon Leo

Holy cow! If that ever happens, a lot of bulls will be steak… LOL

... raised_by_wolves

Red, check this out:

Hell of a misprint, eh?

... Earl of view:

TZA is a WAIT (for a buy signal). TZA is down 23.82% since the sell signal on Feb 9th.

TNA is a HOLD (for a sell signal). TNA is up 29.16% since the buy signal on Feb 9th.

... Scraoppy

Sundancer hard to read your resistent tgt – what is it on IYR?

... sundancer390

snapshot of the IYR (real estate)

... Red Dragon Leo

In the end Monica, I finally come to realize that technicals don't really work too well. If they followed logic, the market would be at 3000-4000 on the dow now.

But, insanity seems too be how the market is driven, not logic… so, I'll just wait for panic to replace insanity, as waiting for logic too happen might put me in my grave first.

... monicadern

Fundamentals don't matter in the short term.