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  • Red

User Comments

... Earl of

No idea how to manage a blog, and happy being here, so long as Red is ok with all this TNA/TZA stuff 🙂

My looks have a horrible track record. Horrible. You probably need to stay up 🙂

... Earl of

That makes sense then.

He did seem to like the market recovery after the last two bits of bad news.

Hard to fault his thinking.

... Apple Al

Hey Red, I hear what you're saying about volume, but my take on the weak volume is that the lack of participation spells weakness. Also, the EW pattern today seemed much more corrective in nature, so one would suspect a turn down is imminent –

... monicadern

Thanks Earl of. Perhaps you should have a TZA/TNA blog! This is the first time you have said that you think TZA might be up so finally I can sleep tonight!

... gcocks83

Thanks for the recap. I did not place any trades today.

... monicadern

interesting. Thank you! Maybe we will open there and move higher.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, I spoke with her about it. We'll probably tag that level tomorrow, as they are pretty accurate. Don't know if we will break it or not, as that's the lower trend line on the rising channel in the 60 minute chart I posted above.

... Earl of

I'll do my best 🙂

... Red Dragon Leo

I love having you here… chatting about TNA stuff (wink). Just keep it fairly clean… OK? LOL

... bensjoyce

I'm not sure what you mean by a multi month reversal.

a monthly close (by this friday) above 1115.10 $SPX means the S&P goes up to new highs (above 1150) or reverses down and breaks 1045?