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  • Red

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... SC

No. I just read his bio. His bio tells me there is no need to waste time on what he has to say. The whole crew missed their true calling in life. They should be writing fictions and scripts for Hollywood and make millions!!!

... SC

I was debating if I should say this or not. But I have decided to err on the side of caution. Look, Monica, you just blew 10k on an option trade. If you are working with a 7 figure portfolio, then ignore what I have to say. I once blew a 6 figure portfolio shrugging off 10k loss here, 15 k loss here, fighting the market. It was easy to just shrug it off thinking that the next big win would recoup everything. But before long, it added up. Unless such loss is only 1-2% of your portfolio, it is going to kill your portfolio over time. If a particular trading method keeps producing the same undesirable result, do not keep throwing money at it hoping the outcome will be different. Hoping and wishing, is not a valid trading strategy.

I am speaking from experience, hoping that others do not have to go through the same learning process. So take it for what it is worth. My email is DCSmartCoin a t G mail. Anyone struggling with similar problem is welcome to drop me a note. I will be more than happy to share some of my past experience.

... Red Dragon Leo

You must have watched the video… yeah, that's a little strange, I agree. The audio talks about the banksters some, and that's the only one you really need to listen too.

The video is not about the market, per-say… and I don't think any of the dire dark things he mention in it are going to come true.

The whole point in sharing the audio is to keep people aware that this market is controlled, and that it really boils down to about 6 big banks, and a few hundred people that are destroying America.

Greed and power… that's what these people want, and it's why we have the financial crisis that we currently have.

... SC

Benjamin Fulford needs some serious medication.….

Ninja. 10,000 assasins. Him becoming Finance Minister of Japan. Japan's $5trillion foreign reserves…. wtf.. Delusion

Red, you have a better chance in becoming the next Rod Steward than any of those becoming true.

None of my business. But you need to pull back from the edge. You are falling over the deep end big time. This is not going to end well. It is one thing to dabble in conspiracy theories about PPT and Goldman Sach etc. But when you start believing in things that are simply NOT true, it is called delusional. It is a medical condition.

... monicadern

Nothing wrong with being called “dear”. It's been a long time though!

... Red Dragon Leo

You're welcome Monica Dear… I just love saying “dear” when talking to a woman. 🙂

... monicadern

Absolutely fantastic chart.

... monicadern

Great explanation Red. Learned a lot from this post – thanks.

... lulala1234


... Scraoppy


So your looking for double bottom in Vix around 16.26? would this be ideal short set up in your opinion?
