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  • Red

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... monicadern

Hi Red, it may not happen today but I think it will happen. Hopefully before our options expire worthless!

... sundancer390

Hi PC ratio doesn't mean the market is gonna take off like a rocket ship but it does mean a floor has been put underneath the market

Combine the hi PC ratio with a statistical approach to the markets given the dow jones hasn't had 5 straight down weeks in over 250 weeks, this week has a snowballs chance in hell of finishing down

... bensjoyce

When you say CPC is off the charts you mean the put to call ratio is very high and therefore this is bullish?

as of 2:15 EST the S&P is 6 points below yesterday's high. Yest. high and todays comback is on the “good news” for Greece. The point being is that we have a lower high on double good news for Greece, (second day in a row) and the bulls can't do it yet.

... Red Dragon Leo

This rollcoaster is at the top, and about to rollover hard…

... sundancer390

$CPC is off the charts, the 100 ma on the 60 for the CPC is higher than it was back on July 8

... Red Dragon Leo

My crystal ball now tells me that “The Top Is In”… it's all down hill from here.

... Red Dragon Leo

You should switch to the disqus platform for your comments. It will make it harder for the anon's to post. Most won't take the time to setup fake accounts. Sure, some will, but it will knock a lot of them down.

You do have some good people there, and I read you're comments several times a week (not everyday, as I get busy sometimes). You've been right quite a bit lately… but you're call for a rally tomorrow seems puzzling?

I was wrong on Monday and Tuesday being the “Big Sell Off” days, but I know believe we will sell off hard into the close, and won't stop until Friday or so… making a new low around 1020…

We'll see I guess? Good luck to both of us, and thanks for stopping by…

... jaywiz10534

Hi Red
at least your commentators are making solid & logical contributions to your outlook. Ive got numerous ANONS making stupid and erroneous comments. My members are great, and make solid contributions. BUT some of the anons are either expecting tooo much or reading the jaywiz blog while standing on their heads
The daily guidance has been terrific. Im going to back tack and numerate its percentage.
I wrote to expect a high today between 10& 11am, and we got it at 10am, DUUH someone was looking for 10;30?
what the He__??
Expecting a low today with HUGE rally tomrrow

... Red Dragon Leo

This is a micro wave 2 up, with the micro wave 1 completing at the lower early today. Coming up later today… around 2pm forward, is Micro Wave 3, inside Minor Wave 3, inside Intermediate Wave 3, inside Primary Wave 3! That's a lot of 3's folks! Can you say “BIG Sell Off” coming?

... gcocks83

Earl, Nice post, Thanks,