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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

Thank you Triglav… I simply call it like I see. I could be right, or I could be wrong? The charts tell me we are going down, so that's the way I play it.

... Red Dragon Leo

It's possible that we can do a ABC move to 1080, as I posted above. I personally don't think it will happen, as the charts tell me we're going down. But, the market has defyed gravity before… back when the government was pumping billions of dollars through Goldman Sachs to prop up the market.

They are selling now. Look at the volume yesterday compared to Friday. It was over 400 million share on the SPY on Friday, and yesterday had just over 200 million shares. That's considered “Light Volume”, and should have allowed the market to float higher.

It didn't… instead it sold off into the close. What do you think is going to happen when we have another heavy volume day? It ain't going to be pretty, that's for sure.

... Scraoppy

Break above 1071 possible gap fill at 1098 area

... sundancer390


you better hope SPY doesn't open above 106.74 otherwise it will confirm the bottom is in

SPX 3 min gap on 2/4/2010 9:42 candle @ 1085.89 indicated the move on thursday/friday was a manufactured move, the 1085.89 gap will close before end of business Wednesday 2/10/2010

... Red Dragon Leo

Don't believe any of Monica… hang tight, she's sinking.

... monicadern

Well, I am up in the middle of the night and futures are sky high. Looks like we are going to have a big pop tomorrow. What a fun roller coaster ride!

... MobyDoc

absolutely,,, there are some interesting links here too.. seems to be lots of aggression being voiced,,

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks ModyDoc… I'm going to use this information in my post tonight., if you don't mind?

... MobyDoc
... MobyDoc