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  • Red

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... Crash Gordon

very interesting and thanks for sharing but where do these vibrations come from and what form do they take?

Also when you say closed to what exactly?

[Forgive me I am still new to all this and finding it fascinating]

... Red Dragon Leo

Great chart Apple Al… Thanks for sharing. It's definitely showing the bullish move that we are now having. The key is to figure out when it's going to rollover.

... Red Dragon Leo

I'm mis-understanding you? Are you thinking that they are going to run it up to 1144? The picture shows 1047? I'm lost?

... sundancer390


I'm getting more vibrations that this friday “they” are going to close the market near 1144 to set up what was warned of 30 days ago, which was the second monday of January and this coming monday will be the second monday in february and they closed the market @ 1144.98 before they gave us the warning, I got a picture of it with the candle printed

... Apple Al

Red, if your interested………
Only been working with this for about a month, you could say it's good at showing the obvious. It did start showing an increase in buying pressure about mid-week last week, also selling pressure line was diverging into Friday

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, you never know with those guys.

... Red Dragon Leo

Everything is working as planned. I'll probably get out of my USO calls tomorrow and sit in cash until I see where we are on Friday.

... Crash Gordon

Hi Red Your on the money so far !

Im just a bit worried that the nice gentlemen on the PPT team keep coming to the rescue next week as well!

... Red Dragon Leo

Well March is the safer month to buy, but my forecast tells me that it will start moving down by Tuesday the 9th. The move should be fast and hard, with the first major stop around 1030-1040 area.

I'm expecting it to hit that level on, or before the February option expiration date of the 19th. So, for me at least, I'm buying the February puts as I don't believe I'll need that much time for the fall to play out.

It's up to you, and risk tolerance, as to which month to buy. But, I'm expecting a bounce back up from the 1030-1040 level. That could bounce back as high as 1100… it's hard to tell at this stage, but after that bounce, you can expect more selling into March.

I looking for the 910-930 area as the final bottom before a larger spring/summer rally to happen. It should be choppy and hard to trade, as I expect it too take its' sweet little time going back up.

Then late in September or so, I'm expecting another crash down. That will be the big one! I suspect that it will re-test the March 2009 low of 666. It might not take it out this year, but next year is going to be hell for the bulls.

... DJ

Red, which month you will be buying your puts against? march?