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  • Red

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... springheel_jack

Just made 112 I think. Going lower too by the look of it if this is v of 1 on USD.

zstock was asking about shorting Qualcomm on HOB so I charted it. It doesn't look like an interesting short but it definitely looks an interesting long on pullback IMO:

... zstock

US savings rate jumped from 0.0000000000000 to 4% and is expected to top out at 10%–That's a lot of liquidity being pulled out of the economy–and blah blah, so on and so forth.
Check out this guy, he really really does not like BAC.

... Red Dragon Leo

My best guess is that we correct about 10% again in January, and then rally to the 61.8% fib level by mid-summer. Then all hell breaks loose!

... Red Dragon Leo

Rant and Rave all you want here my friend… I'd tell you how deep the rabbit hole goes, but it might blow your mind. I'm expecting about a 10% correction in January, and then some more rallying up to about the 61.8% fib level by mid-summer or so.

As long as that printing press is going, the market not going to collapse. Late 2010-2011 is going to be horrible, as I truly expect the market to fall to 3,000-4,000 Dow.

... SSurfer8

Hi Red,

I hear ya. I used to be angry and frustrated with what the new regime is doing, but have moved past that point. The emotions were not benefitual to me or my family. You know the ole saying “fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me”. Then again, there are those that still believe even though they've been lied to tens of times – there is no medicine for stupidity.

So, now I watch and wait. I don't listen to anything this admin has to say because I know the MO is to lie first, if get caught, spin it. I only watch their actions. My hope is by Nov 2010, enough people will have waken up from their dream/nightmare and vote accordingly. I only hope the country is not beyond repair by that time.

Hey, thanks for letting me rant.

... skynard

Hey Red,

Your not alone, blew up one account since October. Patiently waiting on the new year. Your absolutely correct with respect to your comments and enjoyed the read. Yes, the bulls are next to be extinguished, the only question is when? When they control the majority we will see what the socialist government has been planning for soon.


... Red Dragon Leo

Believe me… I have NO intention of going long! I'm not suicidal you know!

... steveo77

Yeah, its kind of bullish. However, the downside risk is severe, and upside return is minimal IMHO. Friends don't let friend go long at this point.

... Red Dragon Leo

You definitely have a lot of information on those charts Steveo… If I'm reading it right, it's a little bullish, but not being supported by the volume?

I'm not giving too much credit to anything that happens during this extremely light volume holiday season. But, like you said, that's the best time to pull a big surprise move in the market. I'm just not willing to take that chance, and go short. I've been burned too many times lately.

... steveo77

Red, nice pix and Merry Xmas.
I re-did the Chart of Charts…and other rants. I could only stop ranting for 2 days.