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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

Ok, maybe my post is boring today… and it might be more boring then yours, but you're in second place!

... Anna

yours is more boring you win!! ding ding ding LOL

... Red Dragon Leo

Does that mean I should go long? Let's see… if they borrow my money (tax payer), and use it to buy up their own stock… tripling it in value, then issue new shares (sold to the tax payer at inflated prices) to raise the money to pay back to the tax payer, then I should get excited? LOL!

It reminds me of when I had to go pick my own switch to get a whippin' from my mother when I was a kid. Something just doesn't seem fair about that…


... losershot

WFC announces repayment of tarp.

... Red Dragon Leo

Ok, maybe my post is boring today… and it might be more boring then yours, but you're in second place!

... annamall

yours is more boring you win!! ding ding ding LOL

... Red Dragon Leo

Does that mean I should go long? Let's see… if they borrow my money (tax payer), and use it to buy up their own stock… tripling it in value, then issue new shares (sold to the tax payer at inflated prices) to raise the money to pay back to the tax payer, then I should get excited? LOL!

It reminds me of when I had to go pick my own switch to get a whippin' from my mother when I was a kid. Something just doesn't seem fair about that…


... losershot

WFC announces repayment of tarp.

... Apple Al

Hey Red. Enjoyed your post.
I don't trade options often, not only do you have to contend with theta burn but also gyrations in the VIX. Best way to avoid these issues is to go deep ITM, but then you can run into depth of market issues (harder to get fills).

... Apple Al

Hey Red. Enjoyed your post.
I don't trade options often, not only do you have to contend with theta burn but also gyrations in the VIX. Best way to avoid these issues is to go deep ITM, but then you can run into depth of market issues (harder to get fills).