Looking at the chart, it looks like it's ready for a bounce, as it just hit the 200dma. That candle from yesterday shows indecision. I wouldn't go short unless it closes today below yesterday's low.
That would be a conformation of a lower move to come. You also have about 6 days down in a row. That tells me that it should bounce back up from here. Look at the previous times it fell 4-6 days… it bounced.
I wouldn't go short at this point. Too oversold, and hasn't confirmed a break of the 200dma. It's needs 2 days in a row closing below it, with the 2nd day closing below the low of the 1st day.
Thanks Leo much appreciated although i was referring to their chart – looks to me like they have broken a long term line of support and i am tempted to take a big short position but i am a just a newbie and would like the assurance of knowing what a pro thought!
PEORIA, Ill., Dec 09, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ — The Board of Directors of Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) today declared a quarterly cash dividend of forty-two ($0.42) cents per share of common stock, payable February 20, 2010, to stockholders of record at the close of business January 20, 2010.
I forgot what today was. I meant that it will go up tomorrow (Thursday) and then reverse on Friday or possibly Monday. It could be blamed on the retail jobs report Friday, or something over the weekend to cause it to gap down Monday.
Regardless of the news, it should fall within a few days. The 1070 area is the target I'm looking for. Then, I expect it to rally back to about 1090 by OPX.
Well, I guess there are a few people that know I'm behind it, as I've come out and spoke about it more lately. I thought I could just build it and let her do her thing, but I like creating new themes and adding things onto it.
She does too, so I'm more active then I thought I would be… but it's fun, as I enjoy it.
As for your “too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise”, that's just part of having an active blog. You should be glad you got the traffic, even if people sometimes just chat with each other. After all, it's not just about making money… it's also about having fun and creating new friends.
(Don't tell anyone, but I was the one behind creating it for her, and help her run it secretly in the background. Of course she does all the posts and maintains it, as I just do the tech stuff.
Oh-ho – blackmail time!!!
Great blog Leo (and thank you for helping Anna 🙂
too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise 🙂
Well, I guess there are a few people that know I'm behind it, as I've come out and spoke about it more lately. I thought I could just build it and let her do her thing, but I like creating new themes and adding things onto it.
She does too, so I'm more active then I thought I would be… but it's fun, as I enjoy it.
As for your “too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise”, that's just part of having an active blog. You should be glad you got the traffic, even if people sometimes just chat with each other. After all, it's not just about making money… it's also about having fun and creating new friends.
awesome thanks Leo – you might have saved me a small fortune!
Looking at the chart, it looks like it's ready for a bounce, as it just hit the 200dma. That candle from yesterday shows indecision. I wouldn't go short unless it closes today below yesterday's low.
That would be a conformation of a lower move to come. You also have about 6 days down in a row. That tells me that it should bounce back up from here. Look at the previous times it fell 4-6 days… it bounced.
I wouldn't go short at this point. Too oversold, and hasn't confirmed a break of the 200dma. It's needs 2 days in a row closing below it, with the 2nd day closing below the low of the 1st day.
Thanks Leo much appreciated although i was referring to their chart – looks to me like they have broken a long term line of support and i am tempted to take a big short position but i am a just a newbie and would like the assurance of knowing what a pro thought!
Last news I know of….
PEORIA, Ill., Dec 09, 2009 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ — The Board of Directors of Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) today declared a quarterly cash dividend of forty-two ($0.42) cents per share of common stock, payable February 20, 2010, to stockholders of record at the close of business January 20, 2010.
Anybody got a view on whats happening with Caterpillar at the moment?
Yeah, your right…
I forgot what today was. I meant that it will go up tomorrow (Thursday) and then reverse on Friday or possibly Monday. It could be blamed on the retail jobs report Friday, or something over the weekend to cause it to gap down Monday.
Regardless of the news, it should fall within a few days. The 1070 area is the target I'm looking for. Then, I expect it to rally back to about 1090 by OPX.
Tomorrow “IS” Thursday. Maybe you meant work its way down Thursday and/or gap down Friday. Cheers. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
Well, I guess there are a few people that know I'm behind it, as I've come out and spoke about it more lately. I thought I could just build it and let her do her thing, but I like creating new themes and adding things onto it.
She does too, so I'm more active then I thought I would be… but it's fun, as I enjoy it.
As for your “too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise”, that's just part of having an active blog. You should be glad you got the traffic, even if people sometimes just chat with each other. After all, it's not just about making money… it's also about having fun and creating new friends.
I'm sure you were just joking though…
Oh-ho – blackmail time!!!
Great blog Leo (and thank you for helping Anna 🙂
too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise 🙂
Well, I guess there are a few people that know I'm behind it, as I've come out and spoke about it more lately. I thought I could just build it and let her do her thing, but I like creating new themes and adding things onto it.
She does too, so I'm more active then I thought I would be… but it's fun, as I enjoy it.
As for your “too bad I am getting headache from unproductive noise”, that's just part of having an active blog. You should be glad you got the traffic, even if people sometimes just chat with each other. After all, it's not just about making money… it's also about having fun and creating new friends.
I'm sure you were just joking though…