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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo


I just installed the “disqus” plugin in my admin section of wordpress. I notice that you use the blogger platform. I'm really new to wordpress, althrough I designed and built some simple html websites in the past.

I decided to go with wordpress as opposed to blogger because there seems to be a lot more “open source” plugin's available. Although there still should be some way to install the “disqus” plugin in blogger too… I guess?

I'm not familar with blogger, (as I'm just learning wordpress), but I would google it and see if it's available.


... steveo77

RDL, you have a “real comment system”, as opposed to the generic blogger comment system I have at:

What does it take to make this real comment system?

... steveo77

Thanks for the heads up (or down that is!)

... Red Dragon Leo

Turbo Tim,

Be sure to watch that video, as it really gives you an idea where we are heading in the next year or so.


... Turbo Tim

Nice video link from Ron Walker's site

... Red Dragon Leo

If you have reading for awhile you'll notice that the forecast are pretty accurate (not perfect of course), but you will also notice that I too struggle to follow my own forecasts.

Many times the forecast was right, but I got out too early or in too early. Always something to cause me to not follow the forecasts. Usually it's my own emotions standing in my way. It's tough to trade for a living. You really have too learn how to deal with the emotions first.

Anyway, good luck and please continue to post… even if you have nothing to say about the market. You can always post some juicy dirt on some bozo in the government… LOL!


... jzzz

Hi, Red,
Have always been looking for your articles when I am not so sure whether the
positions I took will work for me or against me. Although I do not post
since I do not have much to contribute other than saying that I found that I
seem to be on your side more often than not.
Many thanks for sharing your great work.


... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks Jzzz…

Just trying to fix some of the minor technical issues tonight, so please overlook any picture problems or errors while I play with it.


... jzzz

Hi, Red,
Love your blog. Thanks for all the effort.

... Red Dragon Leo

I'm a Dragon in the Chinese zodiac and I was born in August making me a Leo in Astrology.