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  • Red

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... MarketScientist

Thanks, Red. As you guessed my position is stock, so i'm not hit with the option decay. I can sit tight as long as there is no conviction to the upside action.

... Red Dragon Leo

As I said in the post MS, I think we are going to about 1080 by Tuesday (or Wednesday at the latest). But, I think a morning dip on Monday is in order, so you might want to look for an exit point then?

You could re-enter a couple days later at a better price. Of course if it's stock etf of the under lying qqqq, then time isn't your enemy.

But, if it's an option, then you will get hurt on the reduced price because of lower volatility and time decay. Hopefully… for your sake, that's not a factor.

Good Luck,


... Red Dragon Leo

Interesting story to say the least… but, I don't think that the lack of bulls is going to cause this market to rally up another 100-200 points (SPX).

This is probably because of massive un-employment. People just don't have money to put in the market. I'd say that the number will remain low for quite some time.

When the market tanks over the next few weeks to months the percentage of bulls will still be low. Remember, sentiment is judged on peoples' feeling about the economy, which then relates to the stock market.

People still are broke from the first market downturn early this year. Their 401k plans are now 201k plans. On top of that, if they still have a job, their hours are reduced, and overtime pay is a thing of the past.

If you can't work enough to save any extra money, then you don't have any money to put in the stock market. Combine that with the fact that your neighbor just lost his job, and banks are handing out record bonuses from the taxpayers money… you have a lot of negative people out there.

Trust is GONE! Obama lies every time he speaks, so does Timmy boy, and Bennie… When will confidence return to the market? When all the lie's and politicians are replaced with honest people I'd guess?


... MarketScientist

Great analysis and posts, Red. I went short Wed (QQQQ at 38% retracement). As of Friday's close, it crawled past 50% and onto 62%. If it decisively closes above 62%, I will close. Otherwise, I'm sitting tight.

... LuvvinIt

Leo, sentiment is a problem. What are your thoughts on this.

... iriquois

The unemployment/employment disconnect. Finally some one gets it! Nice post.

... steveo77

I follow government work. It is a big thing they write into their RFPs and the required RFP responses….how many jobs will be created by “Your Proposal Response”, and they write in laborious reporting requirements that you have to do throughout the project, draining precious management time, in order to help the Gov prove how their stimulus benefited the economy. it is like a whole new layer of bureaucracy just to prove “that it's working” and to being back confidence.

I guess in a proposal response, one should just lie about how many jobs will be created, seriously, that probably gets you more points in proposal evaluation even if it is 100% BS.

... iriquois

The unemployment/employment disconnect. Finally some one gets it! Nice post.

... steveo77

I follow government work. It is a big thing they write into their RFPs and the required RFP responses….how many jobs will be created by “Your Proposal Response”, and they write in laborious reporting requirements that you have to do throughout the project, draining precious management time, in order to help the Gov prove how their stimulus benefited the economy. it is like a whole new layer of bureaucracy just to prove “that it's working” and to being back confidence.

I guess in a proposal response, one should just lie about how many jobs will be created, seriously, that probably gets you more points in proposal evaluation even if it is 100% BS.

... LuckyFish

Today is very unusual: UUP up so much, yet market is up too!