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  • Red

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... jaywiz10534

HI Red,
Thanks for your comments
and your blog
My scientific indexes show a low at close today
possible lower open at 9:45, but UP from there to mid day on 6th for next turn lower into 9-10 SUn 90 jupiter
See HELGE site- intraday cycles and scroll down to raw numbers chart.

... Red Dragon Leo

Yes, that's very true. Futures are down this morning 10 points to 1028 area. So, we could go down first, and then rally on the Fed's. Hard to say, but I'm not taking an long position until 998-1000 is hit.

It's much safer to wait the rally back up and only take short positions, as the trend is now down. That 1073-1076 area is about the highest I can see the market going. But, it first needs to find some support, and I believe that to be the 998-1000 mark.


... Turbo Tim

Or may be short at close of Fed day

... Red Dragon Leo

Yeah, I'm leaning toward Scenario ONE or TWO for the high around 1073-1076, but that might not come until after we hit the 998-1000 area first.

So, the 1050-1060 is more likely to be the high… just before the Fed's talk, and then more selling until we hit that 998-1000 area.


... rrman

Sounds good I think we go down tonight on futes and into 10am tommorrow then the big up starts for the monster rally wed…

... Red Dragon Leo

It's looking like Scenario Three might be in play Turbo Tim. I'm looking for a high just before the Fed's meeting on Wednesday. I'll be going short on Tuesday or Wednesday, as I expect more selling afterwords.


... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks SC…

I does take quite a bit of time to put together a post, even if I borrow the chart from someone else. I think we might be in Scenario Three (as I stated on Monday's post).

... SC

Thanks for sharing, Red. Appreciate the work you put into it.


... Turbo Tim

Thanks Red

... annamall

I favor a bounce higher too Red, good post 🙂