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  • Red

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... Douala

That was a very good S&P road map you laid out there. I made a copy and printed it out. It made sense. Hope you post updates. Thanks for your thoughts!

... annamall

heheheh you got that right, looks like you got a nice trade here I would take profits before too long as I believe we do reverse and go lower rather quickly. 😉

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks Steveo…

I'm been reading your charts too. You're into more stocks then I follow, but I still visit from time to time. I'll try to stop by more often.

... reddragonleo

You could be right… or wrong? That's why they call this gambling… I'm mean trading!

... annamall

Jeez what a nut I am…thanks for the help and the insite you have here. Red really good writer you are. 🙂
I am still short going into tomorrow. I think we go down, but you never know. 🙂

... reddragonleo

Thanks Steveo…

I'm been reading your charts too. You're into more stocks then I follow, but I still visit from time to time. I'll try to stop by more often.

... jaywiz10534

I hope You can get out of that long without too much damage

my work is leading toward the support level of 1021


... gannsecret

Good Man RDL, should be up now to the 7th-8th.
Both  Alex and I have the same date

... reddragonleo

Yeah, Jay's link is…

(It's on my “Blogroll” too).

By the way, I got out of my short Friday around 1043, and went long.

... gannsecret

No blog, I'm an outside research consultant for hedge funds and traders………I don't know this Jay Strauss gotta link ?