I still enjoy listening to Lindsey Williams video’s even-though I’m sure the “timing” of the information they give him is planned to fool the sheep into going long gold near the top and short the dollar near the bottom.
So since he is being told this Sept/Oct of 2015 the banking system will collapse I have to think it will start much earlier so the sheep will be getting short the market near the bottom. Possibly we’ll see the biggest part of the drop during that period but I think it will be the bottoming zone.
Meaning my earlier post about a possible top in June of this year seems more likely. The elite don’t want use to make money so naturally they tell Lindsey the period where the worst damage will be done to the market but it will be too late to short the market then. You’ll have to be short prior to then for you to make money from it.
We should know by now that the elite, while they may indeed be required by God with some agreement with Satan, [who the elite worship] be required to tell us what they plan to do to us sheep before they do it… there’s nothing stating they have to tell us in a manner where we can profit from it.
Past history with Lindsey’s prior messages from his elite sources clearly show that his information has been well timed to trick us sheep. Several years ago when gold was rising up from the $1500 to the high in the $1900 area Lindsey was told that gold was going to shoot through the roof as it’s the elite’s money.
As we all know now gold is down in the $1200 area and while I’m sure we’ll see gold go through the roof when the crash in the stock market really does happen they certainly didn’t tell the sheep (through Lindsey) the best time to buy gold near the low. That’s because they were selling into that rally and are buying back now.
Then there was his dollar collapse call… which was over a year ago now near the bottom in the dollar, which is now much, much high… even after a pullback. Of course the elite were buying the dollar back then from the sheep shorting it.
Once again… the “timing” of his information was designed to steal money from the sheep.
Then of course they never told Lindsey this time about the collapse of oil in advance for us sheep to short it and profit from it.
So I have to think that this current information about a bank collapse this Sept/Oct 2015 (and of course the stock market would collapse too) has also been well timed to trick the sheep into shorting the market in that time period. Therefore it must be a bottom area where they will buy up the shares at cheap prices before another big rally starts.
This again suggests we will top this summer and drop into that period. I’m certainly open here for anyone’s thoughts on this…
Some how I don’t think we’ll see their “dates for the crash” until after it’s over with or deep into it. I don’t think they want us to profit from it… DUH!
Well, as far as the time frame (Sept/Oct 2015 in Lindsey’s video) I
think that’s near the end of the move down, which I expect to start in
June or possibly as late as July. But, we’ll see I guess…
Agreed… I still like him. But I do think the elite are using him to give out certain information that will be true but when they give it to him it doesn’t happen. Like telling everyone to buy gold when it’s near a high, or that the dollar will collapse when it was near a low. Yes, it will likely happen but not on the time frame he speaks of it.
Lindsey is after all a pastor, not a market timer. He seems to be trying to wake up people who are far less awake than we are… people who still fail to understand the importance of physical gold/silver, storing food and other preparations, and overcoming normalcy bias. Realizing the importance of gold/silver becomes more important than the finer questions of how much and at what price. When most people hold no physical metals (and may only hear his message once, after an indeterminate delay) the importance of any allocation of precious metals becomes more important than an optimal entry level. Understanding the manufacture of problem-reaction-solution is more fundamental than the proper timing of events. Understanding the vulnerabilities of our food system (and its exploitation to intimidate the populace) is more basic than knowing when such shortages would occur. And the most elemental lesson of all is that these are not normal times, but rather perilous times, and the faithful must keep watch. These trends have been underway for many years and decades. And the elite pursue plans that stretch generations. The rise and fall of currencies and commodities are mere episodes in a larger struggle.
What date?
I still enjoy listening to Lindsey Williams video’s even-though I’m sure the “timing” of the information they give him is planned to fool the sheep into going long gold near the top and short the dollar near the bottom.
So since he is being told this Sept/Oct of 2015 the banking system will collapse I have to think it will start much earlier so the sheep will be getting short the market near the bottom. Possibly we’ll see the biggest part of the drop during that period but I think it will be the bottoming zone.
Meaning my earlier post about a possible top in June of this year seems more likely. The elite don’t want use to make money so naturally they tell Lindsey the period where the worst damage will be done to the market but it will be too late to short the market then. You’ll have to be short prior to then for you to make money from it.
We should know by now that the elite, while they may indeed be required by God with some agreement with Satan, [who the elite worship] be required to tell us what they plan to do to us sheep before they do it… there’s nothing stating they have to tell us in a manner where we can profit from it.
Past history with Lindsey’s prior messages from his elite sources clearly show that his information has been well timed to trick us sheep. Several years ago when gold was rising up from the $1500 to the high in the $1900 area Lindsey was told that gold was going to shoot through the roof as it’s the elite’s money.
As we all know now gold is down in the $1200 area and while I’m sure we’ll see gold go through the roof when the crash in the stock market really does happen they certainly didn’t tell the sheep (through Lindsey) the best time to buy gold near the low. That’s because they were selling into that rally and are buying back now.
Then there was his dollar collapse call… which was over a year ago now near the bottom in the dollar, which is now much, much high… even after a pullback. Of course the elite were buying the dollar back then from the sheep shorting it.
Once again… the “timing” of his information was designed to steal money from the sheep.
Then of course they never told Lindsey this time about the collapse of oil in advance for us sheep to short it and profit from it.
So I have to think that this current information about a bank collapse this Sept/Oct 2015 (and of course the stock market would collapse too) has also been well timed to trick the sheep into shorting the market in that time period. Therefore it must be a bottom area where they will buy up the shares at cheap prices before another big rally starts.
This again suggests we will top this summer and drop into that period. I’m certainly open here for anyone’s thoughts on this…
Jonathan Cahn sees a 7-year Shemitah cycle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TsYBuw6rko
… and David Morgan sees a crash in Sept 2015. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNC3T6ZgjJY
We’ve seen this Sept 2015 date before…
Martin Armstrong calculates 2015.75 to be a critical date.
Some how I don’t think we’ll see their “dates for the crash” until after it’s over with or deep into it. I don’t think they want us to profit from it… DUH!
Well, as far as the time frame (Sept/Oct 2015 in Lindsey’s video) I
think that’s near the end of the move down, which I expect to start in
June or possibly as late as July. But, we’ll see I guess…
Perhaps the elite MUST reveal their plan,
even if only in symbols! (hidden in plain sight) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60uRBvs8olM
Agreed… I still like him. But I do think the elite are using him to give out certain information that will be true but when they give it to him it doesn’t happen. Like telling everyone to buy gold when it’s near a high, or that the dollar will collapse when it was near a low. Yes, it will likely happen but not on the time frame he speaks of it.
Lindsey is after all a pastor, not a market timer. He seems to be trying to wake up people who are far less awake than we are… people who still fail to understand the importance of physical gold/silver, storing food and other preparations, and overcoming normalcy bias. Realizing the importance of gold/silver becomes more important than the finer questions of how much and at what price. When most people hold no physical metals (and may only hear his message once, after an indeterminate delay) the importance of any allocation of precious metals becomes more important than an optimal entry level. Understanding the manufacture of problem-reaction-solution is more fundamental than the proper timing of events. Understanding the vulnerabilities of our food system (and its exploitation to intimidate the populace) is more basic than knowing when such shortages would occur. And the most elemental lesson of all is that these are not normal times, but rather perilous times, and the faithful must keep watch. These trends have been underway for many years and decades. And the elite pursue plans that stretch generations. The rise and fall of currencies and commodities are mere episodes in a larger struggle.