Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Welcome To The FIRST Step In Joining...

When you first come to this page there will be a text box asking for a Invitation Pass Code.  Once you enter it and come back you'll see the SIGN UP Form to fill out.  It should remain that way until or unless you clear your cache on your browser.

The password for this page is found on the page and listed as the "Invitation Code".  Going there will be your SECOND Step...

Sorry I have to make sure you are a real person and not a spam-bot as I've just gotten too much automatic signup's that are just fake accounts.  I'm real and I want real people to interact with, so I hope you don't mind this extra step.  Thanks...

[protect password="chat"][usersultra_registration][/protect]

Once you go the page above and get the passcode you just come back here and input it and then once you enter it you see the actual "Sign Up Page" (which is hidden to provent auto bots).  When you see it you'll be on the THIRD Step In Joining, which completes it all.  Then just go directly to the chatroom after that and say Hi to everyone.

Note:  If you have trouble with the code just email me and I'll manually set you up.  Or, if you have already setup an account once before and just need to reset your password then use one of these options:

Go here to see the Login (Back End) area and look under the main white box area in small print you'll see a text link that says "Lost your password".  You can use this direct link if you can't see it:  Lost Password.

Or try the other method that uses the "Light Box" popup effect.  The link for it is here:  LightBox Login

And if all else fails, just email me.  By the way, in case you are wondering why there are different login methods it's because I've had to install different wordpress plugins to protect the site and give it more functionality... like adding the social network and forum called BuddyPress and bbPress.  They all seem to come with additional ways to login and/or to setup a new account.  I'd rather keep it simple and just use the wordpress default login but security plugins are a must these days to stop the autobots from creating dozens of fake accounts each day.  Sorry for the all the confusion.

