
ES Morning Update August 2nd 2017
Not much more to add that hasn't already been said. The futures still look too me like they are in a B wave up from...

The American Empire and its Media
Largely unbeknownst to the general public, many media executives and top journalists of almost all major U.S. news outlets, political and business magazines, public broadcasters...

ES Morning Update August 1st 2017
Yesterday into the close I posted a chart on the SPY in the chatroom that showed a smaller and larger triangle. It rallied up to...

ES Morning Update July 31st 2017
Another month is almost here as we leave July today and enter August tomorrow. We all know that mid-to-late August is a rough time for...

Goldman wins patent for its own cryptocoin technology..what could go wrong?
Goldman Sachs has clinched an important victory in its race to transition from a stodgy investment bank into a fintech powerhouse: it was awarded a...

ES Morning Update July 28th 2017
Finally... we got a nice move down. Of course it took most everyone by surprise (including me), but it was way overdue and much needed. ...

ES Morning Update July 27th 2017
Man, this market is really running on fume! Correction... it's out of fuel and just gliding! Various charts I look at, from the SPX Cash...

American company microchips employees with device the size of a grain of rice
A US company is microchipping its employees to enable them more convenient access to workplace amenities. The Wisconsin company - Three Square Market – designs...

ES Morning Update July 26th 2017
Still grinding higher a little each day it seems. Today is the FOMC day so we might see some action after the minutes but lately...

ES Morning Update July 25th 2017
Nice turn back up afterhours and premarket. We knew it was coming from the look of the 6 hour MACD, but I kinda wasn't expecting...