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... Geccko23

The 1929 champion Packers lost to the 2014 champion PEDHawks 36-16 in tonight’s opening night NFL game. I was hoping they finished the game at 29-16. It was 29-10 at one point as well. Didn’t watch much of the game though so didn’t get a good numerological read. #24 for the PEDhawks had 2 TDs while QB #3 had 2 TDs.

... Geccko23

I have an HO observation being triggered today. Or its very close to one. 65 new 52 wk lows on the New York Stock Composite per stock charts. Of course, officially WSJ data should be used.

... Red Dragon Leo

The top of this market is just days away I believe. Could be this week or next week but I doubt it will extend past next week. I don’t know the high of course but it could be as high as 2050-2055 SPX, or fall short of it? Don’t know for sure but “if” we get up to that area I’d short it with both fists.

However the timing of that move up must happen before the end of next week to stay in line closely with the 1929 chart. In fact today is the exact day the market topped in 1929, so happy 85 years to the start of the Great Depression One.

Once the top is in I think we’ll have a similar move down like in 1929 where the first wave was a 16% correction, then a 1 week rally for the 2 wave up and then the crash wave down. While I’m not expecting it to be exactly like 1929 was I do think it will look close when it’s all over with.

... Red Dragon Leo

I think there is Nineteen Hundred And Twenty Nine Bulls on this Train:

... Geccko23

The NAPLLE 100 is still shooting to new highs with an extreme RSI rating but I expect it to put in new highs later with a divergent RSI reading then.

... Geccko23

SP 2006.12-666.79===1339.33 That looks like a pretty good number. Plus plenty of 6s in 2006.12

Now it seem’s obvious how the path for denouement will take place. Traditional meltdown. Now that 26 no longer makes sense, it’s time to wait for 27. A date I’ve known about for 4 plus years but never knew the year but the numerology makes sense now as well as the basis for the ritual.

... Red Dragon Leo

If, and that’s a big “IF” we see a small gap down tomorrow from some bad economic numbers I’d be a buyer in the early morning. Why? Because all this choppy sideway action is just setting the market up to rally more after they reset the overbought short term charts.

Right now the 60 minute chart is near the bottom on the stochastics and should a morning gap down happen it will quickly be oversold. With that said I don’t see a huge rally up from here on Friday as we are still very overbought on the daily chart.

But the light holiday volume will likely overcome the overboughtness and we’ll see a move to 2010 area next week sometime. If we clear that area then 2025 should be next. However, if 2010 comes on Wednesday just before the ECB speaks (Thursday morning at 7:45 am EST) I’d short it into that announcement to see what happens.

Anything bad from Draghi and the market should tank hard. Will he disappoint? I don’t know for sure of course as I don’t have a crystal ball but considering how overbought we’ll be at that point… and should have cleared out all the bear stops running up to 2006.50 ES, I’ll take that chance that we’ll fall regardless of what is said.

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks Casey. Looks like it’s at 7:45 am EST on the 4th if I read it correctly. If we dip some this Thursday or Friday and then rally up to 2010 area by Wednesday at the close September 3rd I’ll be going in very heavily short as it tells me they will likely raise rates in the EU and the markets should tank everywhere.

If nothing much happens then I’ll exit the short Thursday the 4th after his speech and look for a different trade (based on the charts of whether I should be going long or short of course).

But I’ll have to short on Wednesday since they have the meeting at 7:45 am Thursday before the market opens. This one event could very well crash the markets world wide. Traders will then be expecting America to raise rates too what one country does others tend to follow.