Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Global Currency Reset Stock Market Crash Or Both?

Is Christine Lagarde fooling the sheep or telling the truth?

(to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jkSp18v0Dw)

I delayed writing this post for over a week as I just didn't think it was going to happen.  Past history shows that every time we sheep hear something on the internet that is supposed to happen, and therefore we short the stock market, we end up getting screwed when the market rallies and the event date passes with nothing much happening.

But... is this time different?

I really wish I knew the answer there but I don't?  The last 5 years have been a huge learning experience for me personally as I only started this blog to post my own thoughts about where the stock market was going to next.  I never decided to take the "red pill" and become a conspiracy blog poster.  In fact I never would have went down the rabbit hole if I hadn't seen my first FP (fake print) back on January 11th, 2010 showing a 97 point drop in the SPX that day when it really only traded in a 5 point range or so.

That lead me down the path to learning that the stock was 100% rigged... and always has been rigged since it was created many, many years ago.  It's designed to steal money from the average long term investor sheep that doesn't trade the market everyday but puts in his or her savings into a 401k plan with the hopes of having a nice nest egg to retire on one day.

The gangsters the run the market (they are called the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Free Masons, but they are all the same) created this system so they could use these sheeps' money to pay for large projects they build in other countries where they find cheap labor to replace the current labor force in the current country.  Meaning that they have the sheep in a country like America pay to have their jobs replaced by cheaper labor in a third world country.

Basically they crash the stock market from time to time to steal that money to pay for the building of the infrastructure of that third world country.  The money they steal from the sheep from their retirement plans being cut in half goes to pay for the final outsourcing of the sheeps' jobs to that third world country.  So when you hear a president come on TV and say that he is going to help "level the playing field" by creating jobs in one of those countries you now know that he simply means that he plans on replacing your high dollar job with someone cheaper.

The last stock market crash in 2008 was done to pay for the infrastructure of India...

The next stock market crash will be done to pay the infrastructure of another third world country that has even cheaper labor then America or India does.  People there work for a dollar a day I'm told... which means that the gangsters that control the world can put a lot more money in their pocket by paying those people the pay YOU!

If you think they will replace you with a machine or robot you're wrong!  You'll be replaced with another human that is less educated then you and will work for far less then you currently make.  The biggest "outsourcing" of YOU is scheduled to be completed in 2017... which means you can expect a HUGE Stock Market Crash to start that year as it's the LARGEST project ever built, and that means it will be this biggest crash since 1929 as well.

But I'm getting off topic hear aren't I?

Sorry, but one of the things I always do is just write whatever comes to mind at the time.  That means I go off topic from time to time as the thoughts just pour into my head.  In fact, I never script anything or go back and change any videos.  If I screw up in something I said I just keep on talking and post it anyway.  Going back and editing out the "hmmm's and uh's" is a waste of time as I'm just as human as you are and make ton's of mistakes.

One of those is the penny stock newsletter.  While I'm still struggling to understand this game so I can help all of you make money from it my partner and I are frustrated with alerts we've sent out.  All the recent companies we've researched thoroughly and know that they all have huge potential.  But it seems that they can't seem to get going to the upside even when a lot of other groups also see the potential and alert their members too.

However, that's another story.  I don't have time to go into details about it now as I've got to tell you about what I see happening the stock market right now.  Meaning that this Christine Lagarde video is something I must cover again.  While I did a post on it back in January (http://reddragonleo.com/2014/01/20/when-will-the-stock-market-bubble-burst), and even though the date I forecasted back then was wrong the video itself is something worth revisiting.

I know that in the past 5 years I've gotten caught up in this "red pill" stuff and went short the market based on it... only to see the market rally and kill my position, some how this time "could" really be different?  While I don't have a crystal ball I will say that I've never actually heard one of the gangsters (the elite... as in, Christine Lagarde) publicly say something that pointed to an "event happening" and a "date" for it.  Truly this is a first... at least for me!

I'm probably 100% wrong on this call as I feel I'm the only person bearish right now...

Here's my thoughts... Lagarde is telling the truth as she is clearing saying that we are going to experience a big correction in the market this year.  Why?  Because it's a "magical year" as she clearly pointed out how important the number 7 is to the elite.  The question is... what is the date she is talking about?  And what is it that is planned to happen?  Will it be a "Global Current Reset" as Lindsey Williams said will happen, or will it just be some other reason for them to tank the stock market?  I don't know "what" the event is but the date does seem to be set in July of 2014 as 2+0+1+4=7 and July is the 7th month.  The only thing left is the date of the month... which the 7th, 16th, and 25th all equal a 7, but which one?  When combined with the month and year you'll have "magical" 777 day!

I'm speculating that it's on the 16th because of this Bradley turn date that peaks on the 16th...

(to watch on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYmViPTndxw)


Now of course I could be off and the date could be the 25th, but I must admit that "if" we some how put in high, low, open or closing price on Wednesday the 16th (a 777 day) of 1977.77 SPX or 197.77 SPY I'd be extremely excited about shorting the market as that would be a signal to the "Illuminated Ones" (which I'm not one of but trying to figure out their signals) that the top was in.  Most people don't remember August 25th, 1987 other then that was the high for the year of 1987 but the crash was of course on "Black Monday" October 19th, 1987.

However, on that date the SPX put in an intraday high of 337.88... which the 88 is of course a master number meaning "11", but more importantly was the "not noticed" (except by the "Illuminated Assholes") intraday low of... [insert drum roll here] 333.33!  YES, they put a clear signal that the top was in that day!  Did you see it or know it?  Not likely... in fact I only noticed it about a year ago after I started added numerology in my day to day chart analysis.  Does it mean any?  You tell me... does the March 6th, 2009 low of 666 mean anything?

Maybe I'm totally nuts and ritual numbers in the market are just random events, or maybe the market really is run by vampires called "reptilian shape-shifter"?  People believed in demons centuries ago but modern man doesn't seem to think stuff like this is real... why?  If they were real back then what makes you think that they some how disappeared today?  If they ruled the sheep back then why shouldn't they still be ruling the sheep now?  They just go underground (so to speak) and hide from the public, but they still run the show.  In fact, the oldest vampires are probably in the Rothschild family and are the one's responsible for shooting down that plane in Malaysia.  There was a team of 4 Chinese inventors that held a patent for 80% (20% between each of them) for something still unknown, with FreeScale Semiconductor owning the remaining 20% of the invention.

Now the interesting thing is that FreeScale is owned by the group building the new infrastructure (to eliminate YOUR job) which is called the Blackstone Group.  And Blackstone is own by the Rothschild vampires... so do the math!  They shot down the plane to get 100% of the patent as the legal contract stated that in the event of one of the parties dying the remaining percentage of would be split among the surviving members.  Therefore, if you kill 4 people that own 80% of the patent the remaining company called FreeScale would then get all of that and own 100%, not the original 20% (nothing new here as the same vampires sunk the Titanic too, but that's another story).

Getting back on track again...

Again, I must apology as I sometimes just drift onto subjects that are off topic and I'm sure you don't care about that other stuff and just want and update on the stock market so you can make money from it. My thoughts have been simple really... a ritual number should but put in on Wednesday the 16th of 2014 to indicate that an important top is it.  My "human side" tells me that they will take the market higher but recently I've been "talking to myself... LOL" for a lack of understanding and I've been told to short on Wednesday and that it would be a very important top... and that this Lagarde thing is real.

Personally I don't believe my "inter-voice" yet, as I've only recently (the last 2 weeks) been talking to it (yeah, if you didn't already think I was crazy you do now).  I mean, come on now...  I'll be 50 years old (although I look much, much younger... probably the blue eyes and blonde hair) this coming August 10th, 2014 (yes, I was born the year of the dragon in 1964 and the month of Leo... hence the name of this site) and I have to say that I feel like I'm only 30 years old.  Crazy huh?  It's probably because I never got married or had any kids to stress me out... LOL!

Anyway, this voice in my head has told me 4 correct calls in a row and I took 3 of them to make a bunch of money.  I didn't take the Monday the 7th call was to get short within the first 30 minutes on the expect bounce.  Needless to say I was dumb for missing out on that call and not listening to my inter-voice.  I did listen and I placed a short on the 9th right at the last 30 minutes of the day.  I think I tripled my money on that call (it was a put spread that expired that week... very risky).  Then I went long at the bottom (missed it by a 1-2 points) on 7-10 as my inter-voice told me to sell and go long into this coming Wednesday the 16th.

However, stupid me closed out my call spread on Friday before Monday's rally up.  So while I still made about 40% gain I could have made about 80% if I had listened to myself telling me what to do.  This voice tells me to short the crap out of Wednesday's move with the expected high to happen by the noon time hour.  I can't explain it but I've made a bunch of money on taking the 3 of 4 of these predictions with all 4 of them being correct.  It's hard from me to believe that suddenly I've been in contact with my immortal soul (or directly with God himself/herself... LOL) but I've prayed about it months now.  I really wanted to connect with myself through my pineal gland like all the gangsters do to connect to Satan.

But while others have been able to see visions and stuff I've seen nothing.  I still see nothing.  I'm probably nuts for even posting this publicly but myself tells me to do it... LOL!  Well, there's nothing like pouring out your heart publicly I guess.  So I'll just say again that I strongly believe tomorrow is an important day to take a short position.  I don't know if there is going to be a "Global Currency Reset" like many think will happen (and Christine Lagarde hints at without saying directly) but the charts are very bearish and even without such an event we should be in a short position.

Here's the previous notes that I posted back in January...

  • 2014 will be a magic year (meaning what?  will you pull a rabbit out your hat?  will you steal money from the sheep without them seeing you do it?)
  • 100th anniversary of the first world war in 1914 (strangely when I researched what happened to the DOW back then it was closed down for several months due to the first world war starting.  are we expecting the same here? REFERENCE: http://www.ritholtz.com/blog/2013/02/most-long-term-charts-of-djia-are-wrong, http://measuringworth.com/DJA, https://www.globalfinancialdata.com/gfdblog/?p=1426 )
  • 70th anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference that gave birth to the IMF. (The delegates deliberated during 1–22 July 1944, and signed the Agreement on its final day. REFERENCE: https://www.google.com/search?q=first+bretton+woods+conference+date&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&channel=fflb Not sure what the hidden message was here?)
  • 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall (Destruction date: November 9, 1989… but what is she hinting at here?  Is the “buzz word” the “25th”or the “fall”?  Does the 25th mean a certain future date or does the word “fall” indicate that the market will fall hard?)
  • 7th anniversary of the financial market jitters. (again with the focus on the number 7… meaning what?  are we looking for another move down similar to 2008?)
  • The crisis still lingers… (clearly this means we are going down again)
  • It will not happen randomly… (of course not, it’s always planned)
  • “Global growth is still stuck in low gear” (Hmmm… just a fall guy to blame I guess?  We tank and it’s the fault of slowing global growth)
  • It will not be without downside risks, and significant ones (referring to inflation… or was it really meant to refer to the stock market?)
  • We are seeing rising risks of deflation… (good for us sheep but bad for them)
  • Global growth slowing down as the economy cycle turns… (the “buzz word” that stands out to me there is “cycle turns”)
  • Risk of capital runs… (You really mean the gangsters are moving their money out the market before the collapse)
  • Dry run back in May of 2013… (Ah yes, the old test where Bernanke hinted at pulling money out the market last year)
  • There could still be some rough waters ahead of us… (another clear warning that they plan on taking the market down)
  • Overall, the direction is positive (meaning after the downturn the market we’ll go back up again, which should be a final Primary Wave 5 up with this coming correction next month being a nasty Primary Wave 4 down)
  • 95% of the income growth went to the top 1% (Duh… nothing new there as that was always the plan!  Steal from the sheep and give to the wolves)
  • Tapering will have too be very well timed… (again, she’s clearly staying that we are going to withdraw money from the market)
  • Central banks will have to “undo” what they’ve done… (and again, more references to cutting back the stimulus?)
  • Removing the threat of the debt ceiling… (meaning what?  They won’t set one, or make it unlimited?  I don’t know what she means with this sentence?)
  • A stress test will be done in 2014… (Why?  You already know the banks would all fail.  I guess they have to blame the correction on something)

I'll point out that unless you are truly one of the elite it's not obvious to the date of the event or the actual event itself.   It's only obvious that we are in for some rough waters in this magical year of 2014.   Does that mean we tank in the stock market?  Does that mean we have a global currency reset?  I just don't know the answers there but I sure do think this market is ready to take a nose dive.  So assuming we don't gap up 10+ points on the 16th I'll be looking for some ritual number (like 1977.77 SPX or 197.77 SPY) to be hit early on which I'll be shorting for a ride down to 1900-1920 SPX area in the coming weeks (or less?).



Author: Red

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10 years ago

Good Post Red !

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Goldentouch8

Thanks… let’s see if we can get some ritual numbers to show up today some where.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago

Some good points in there..but right now..I’m just going to assume we sail up through SPX 2000 and who knows how much higher. If the powers that be decide they want Hillary to be POTUS..we can pretty well bet there won’t be any big corrections until AFTER she’s elected.- I was in high school after the 1987 crash that made everybody think we were going to go into a 1929 style depression….but all these years later we can see that it was nothing more than a trick flush to keep as many out of the super rally of the 1990’s that really ushered in the multi-billionaire era for the U.S.. The 2008 crash may be this generations 1987 crash..and if it is..we may have many years left in this rally that will be impossible to know when the top might be. Could be in 18 months at Dow 19.500. Or it might be in 8 years at Dow 27,000.- Anyway..we shall see..but it looks like we’re going to be up another 100 Dow points right out of the gate. Unless the market somehow drops 8 to 10 % in the near future…we may have a 3 headed fire breathing bull with very sharp teeth here that sticks around a lot longer than most of us can imagine.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Yeah, I keep thinking that they will take out the shorts overhead first, which means a new high. The ritual numbers are just a guess, so possibly there will be some other numbers that we’ll spot at the new high?

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well I started playing in the early 1990’s when the Dow was at about 3000,a huge major all time high at the time..which was just over an all time double top high from 1987’s all time high of about 2750.Big headlines back then. And 99% of the so called “experts” were positive the market had come too far..too fast..and would drop back to around Dow 2000..and trade in a 10 to 15% range for many,many years. And that sounded logical. Of course in just about 7 years we had broken all the rules, and the Dow was 4 times higher at Dow 12,000. I saw lots of analysts go broke and get fired back then for being out of the loop.
And I’m sure not predicting anything like the 1990’s happening here yet..but it shows that it can happen..and would not be unprecedented if it did.
Personally for trading purposes..I’d love to see the market drop like a rock for a couple of months. But I ain’t counting on it. 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

We’ll have a correction of 200-400 SPX points before we run up to 30,000 DOW into 2017. It will be similar to the 2011 sell off and will be called Primary Wave 4 down while that prior one was called Primary Wave 2 down. Currently we are in Primary Wave 3 up and it will end at some point.
Then we have our big correction for Primary Wave 4 down and that’s when all the bears think the world is ending… which is when Primary Wave 5 up will take us to new crazy all time highs into 2017. But short term we could have topped today?
If so then we should see a drop to that 1900-1920 area in the coming weeks. Then we’ll make another run higher and take out 2000 on the SPX. Right now I think too many people see this double top and are expecting it to bust up higher… therefore it’s not likely to happen today.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Wow. Hell of a prognostication there. We’ll see. Thanks.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

If you’re going to have a 1929 style crash you need to have a run up like it… which we will I believe as I do think they are planning another big one but not this year. I think it starts in 2017.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I don’t think we ever see a 1929 kind of crash again. A 90% drop in the Dow and S&P,with an extended sideways period at the bottom would absolutely kill the U.S. off, and we have too many safe-guards and kill switches in place now even if it seemed something like that was starting.-But nobody at our level really knows anything for sure.- But for now..I’m just looking at the near term picture..and so far..today looks pretty strong in most key sectors. The S&P.the Transports and the COMP are all strong as hell here. And the COMP/NASDAQ is turning into a monster here..and I have a feeling it’s dead set at finally getting back to it’s all time high over 5000 made all the way back in the year 2000.At almost 4450 here..a 14 year high..it doesn’t have all that far to go. Worth keeping an eye on from here everyday.And of course the Transports..pretty much “THE” leading economic indicator has been pretty much making multiple new daily all time highs for the last 18 months. Up another 57 pts today over 8400 for the very first time. A very nasty situation for those trying to look smart calling tops.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I’m just watching for now… no position taken yet. I want to see if they can make a higher high during the lunch time noon period when the volume is the lightest. If they can’t then I think we’ll sell off into next week… slowly of course as this is still opx week and not likely to have a big drop.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Ok. Thanks.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Well, I didn’t short the top but I did take a half position just about 10 minutes ago around 1979.50 SPX, so I’ll take another half tomorrow if we pop higher.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Thursday is a 22 day as 7+1+7+2+0+1+4=22, and as we all know that is an eleven… which are sometimes tops or bottoms. Not always of course but it is a ritual number for “them”. So “if” today doesn’t put in the top then I think we’ll see it at the open tomorrow.

Most likely it will be a pierce of the double top area to clear out all the bears’ stops above 1986 SPX. While this is the normal pattern it’s by no means a guarantee. For all I know the bears could have already flipped to become bulls thinking we are going to rally much higher toward 2000.

Whatever SkyNet see’s it’s going to take action to steal the most money possible. If there isn’t too many stops overhead and there are more bulls long then we’ll see a move down tomorrow without the gap up. In fact, we could even gap down and continue all day.

If we gap down then I’m happy with my half short position. If we gap up I’ll add a second half short position as I believe we will go down on Friday and into early next week. While I’m sure we’ll take out 2000 at some point we should drop lower first to that 1900-1920 area to get some bears short that can be squeezed all the way up to a new all time high.

I just get the feeling that everyone is long right now expecting 2000 to be hit soon. They keep buying every dip looking for that breakout rally move up. But if everyone is on the same side then you know SkyNet will take their money.

So I’ll give it a 50/50 chance of a slightly higher high tomorrow to clear out the last bears’ stops and then a move down into the rest of the day, Friday and next week with that downside target being the goal before we make another big rally attempt.

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Red… what about the iphone and “siri” what is july 27 2014…. opening the gates to hedes??? Does that fit into your numbers.. some how??
Thanks for all your hard work.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Damon

I’m assuming you are talking about this: http://chartistfriend.blogspot.com/2014/07/christine-lagarde-and-opening-gates-of.html#more

Well yeah, it’s something to think about for sure. I can’t trade off of it though as every time in the past we thought something bad was going to happen it never did. It was always “misdirection” for us sheep to look at, and getting short based only on such a prediction always lost me money in the past.

Not this time. While it’s possible we could pop up tomorrow above 1986 SPX at the open for a quick stop sweep the charts say we are going down next week. So my trading now is more focused on gathering good information about past history, trends for this month, week, and day, buying volume, etc… and less on scary stories.

I’m sure they will at some point actually do the global currency reset but I doubt if I or anyone else is going to guess the date correctly. Maybe it does happen on the 27th… or the 20th? I just don’t know? But the market is ready to go down anyway.

We hit our Bradley turn date today as well. Here’s that link in case you missed it? It’s on page 4 of that newsletter: http://reddragonleo.com/wp-content/uploads/newsletter-e.pdf

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago

Dow down 51 pts at the low.- We need follow through down action into next week here if we’re going to get to that SPX 1920 target area.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Had me a little worried there with that fast rally off the lows this morning but it’s looking good for the bears here and bad for the bulls.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Yea..but I think this Malaysia passenger jet,that “might” have just got shot down..has put some pressure on the markets that will last at least for today. Still a rumor..but there is definitely another Malaysian passenger aircraft missing right now…and it seems to be having at least some affect on the market for the moment. We shall see.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

The news is always there after the charts foretell the move. The charts said we should go down and continue into Monday and the news was just the reason to blame it on.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Well lets just we if we get back below Dow 17,000..and stay south of there, “if “we do. – Crucial to opening up the range here for trading purposes.- Looks like the market is in a “wait & see limbo” mode here at the moment.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago

2nd chance to go below Dow 17K coming.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Support is around 1960 SPX, which if we gapped down tomorrow and hit it (or hit it today?) I’d exit my shorts and wait for a bounce to reload again for the weekend. Not sure where that’s at on the DOW though?

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

SPX 1960 will get the Dow just under 17K..maybe 16,950 to 16,970.So anybody that wants to see this thing open up with some wider ranges..will be rooting all key indexes to take a good hit today and or tmrw.- The last decent little pullback a few days ago,the Dow stopped hard at 17,006..so it’s already a factor.- Next Monday will certainly be key…but I can’t wait to see how we close and then what happens tmrw.- It “might” get fun here again for a little while. Maybe. 🙂

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I’m out of all shorts for now. I will reload on a bounce. Paid .57 for my put spread and sold for $1.14 (so I’m happy with that).

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Cool. I’m holding 20 SPY Sept 195 puts..and I’m just going to take a chance we go lower into next week..even if we get a little rebound tomorrow. If we don’t get a good move down from here to at least your target of 1920..then I don’t know what to think.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

That 1920 area should be the next big support level. So While I think we’ll rally some tomorrow I’m not expecting much upside until that downside level is hit. The bounce tomorrow should be an ABC move up but could be choppy.

I think the best time to short will be close to the end of the day, but not at 4:00pm as I’m sure there will be scared longs wanting out before a weekend. Monday’s are usually down so I’ll look to rebuy my same put spread… which was a 197/193.

Meaning I bought the 197 and sold the 193 put. The max profit is $4.00 per contract but you never get that. Even if it expires right at 193 next Friday the market maker will take some. The best possible is more like $3.80 to $3.90 per contract.

However, I don’t plan on holding it that long as I think Monday we’ll see a bottom somewhere as I counted 3 waves so far and if tomorrow is the 4th wave (up) then we should see the 5th wave down on Monday.

That should end the selling for several days I’d think as that whole 5 wave pattern will make up a larger A wave down (or Wave 1?) which means we should see a B wave up that could last into Wednesday or Thursday of next week.

Then we’ll see where we are at that time…

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Ok. thanks. The futz are already down 9 points..so tomorrow “could ” be interesting. 1920 may come real quick if it is.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I suspect we’ll open tomorrow down and rally pretty quickly… not big. However I think the move up will be over with by noon to 2pm and then we’ll head back down again. It’s Monday that will be interesting.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I agree..Monday is the day that really matters here short term. Thanks.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

My target to short again: http://screencast.com/t/Vd0KmSgb7

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Still waiting to short as the first target (from yesterday) was hit too soon, which meant that it was likely going to be broken. Here’s the current target: http://screencast.com/t/CuXpZd7WL5y

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I’m short now…

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Got the 197/193 put spread (expires next Friday) for .50 cents.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

My shorting spot was at this apex: http://screencast.com/t/23udIdNqgad3

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

was betting on a 1977 close but the idiots missed it by 0.23 lol

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

The shows a change of 1.9999 on my Think or Swim chart and my Prophet Charts. That’s interesting…

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I think it will take a hit Monday and then run back up until the 25’th

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

looks like SPY closed very near 197.77 I’m not all that familiar with numerology but this raging uptrend has been insane for past 3 years. OK, all 5, but last 3 especially. Might not matter much anyway if capital controls and martial law come into play. I used to think that was just crazy talk to get attention but the more I mull it over the more possble it seems. http://shankystechblog.blogspot.com/2014/07/morning-charts-071814-spx-es.html

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  jjones252

Thanks for stopping by Shanky. I think we have one more move down tomorrow morning and then the rally back up should resume.

san roy
san roy
10 years ago

nest top may be around 2014 or 2023 range august 22/25comment image

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago
Reply to  san roy

I don’t think we get up that high anytime soon.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I’m looking for 5 waves down in total. I believe we’ve had the wave 1 down now and should be having a choppy (ABC) wave 2 up for the next few hours. Then at some point it should rollover and start the wave 3 down.

Then the wave 4 up and 5 down should happen into Tuesday from the looks of it. Tuesday is usually a tricky day… hence the nickname “Turn-around Tuesday”. So if the 1955 SPX low is tested today and breaks then I think it will bleed into Tuesday morning and produce that low in the 1925-1930 area, at which point the bottom would be in and the market would “turn-around” and start a rally as the name suggests.

Greed is Good & Associates
Greed is Good & Associates
10 years ago

Still holding my 20 SPY Sept 195 puts of course. Got plenty of time..but what I need to see from here. for a nice payday.. is the Dow closing lower and lower BELOW 17,000..and get the SPX below 1950.- We shall see…odds look about 50/50 for that right at the moment.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Yes, we are in the choppy wave 2 up now I think. Could last all day? Might retest the downward sloping trendline even? Hard too tell right now. Pattern wise we have an inverted head and shoulders, which is bullish of course.

But, if it fails (and I think it will) we should drop in a wave 3 down (inside a larger wave C down) that should take us below the 1944, 1952, and 1955 bottoms to clear out all the stops below. Then I guess we’ll resume the uptrend.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I exited my shorts today for .60 cents as I’m not sure about Tuesday? The rally back up was more then I’d expected. So I’m flat going into tomorrow and would look to short it if it gaps up to just below the prior high of 197.91 SPY.

Should it gap down then I will have missed the move as it will certainly cost more to buy back my position. I could have sold for close to .90 cents (not sure exactly how much it was?) near the 196.50 area low. But I held on because I was expecting a weak wave 2 up (with the gap down being the wave 1).

So I missed a lot of profit on that one but you can’t know everything I guess. I bought the position Friday for .50 cents so I’m happy with the profit I did take. In the event of a gap down I may or may not re-enter the short position. It will depend on how high the quick morning gap fill rally back up takes us? If it’s the wave 3 down I’m expecting then that quick move back up in the first 10 minutes should be shallow and brief.

Meaning I might not get a good entry and would have to pay more for the same put spread. I’ll have too think on it before re-entering as I’m still kicking myself for not selling at the 197.50 SPY support area. Selling is my hardest thing to master…. LOL!

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Hmmm… Tuesday, July 22nd, 2014 is 0+7+2+2+2+0+1+4=18… and 1+8=9 (or if you leave the 22 as a whole you get 0+7+[22]+2+0+1+4=36… and 3+6=9 still). Completion of a move Tuesday?

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

77 close….? maybe lol

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

We have very high odds of going higher tomorrow I’m afraid. I took a small long position as I’m expecting a run up to that 2000 hear soon.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Before the bell update: http://screencast.com/t/Gy3nIw4gybDG

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Well gang, obviously we’ve made a new high and broken through that chart I posted before the open. At this point I’m in cash and won’t take any position until I see what happens at the close. If we do not sell off any at all then we have probably put in the low and are on our way up to 2020 SPX into next week.

The pattern it will make will of course be a bull flag and from the looks of the technical’s in the charts there is clear signs of this market wanting to turn back up on the larger time frame like the daily chart. While it could fool us and drop lower we really haven’t experienced too many fakeouts in the past related to the bulls.

On the other hand they seems to always fakeout the bears with selloffs that get bought right back up erasing all the gains the bears may have gotten. So I’m leaning bullish if we hold these gains into the close. A selloff into the close will put me back into a neutral “wait and see” mode.

Amy Polos
Amy Polos
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Red, This is the democratic mid-term election and they are scared to death for losing seats. They will push this market ever higher. So that the Liar-in-chief can look you in the eyes and show you how awesome the market is doing. But we know its only an illusion of wealth for the Sheeple.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Amy Polos

Well one thing is certain there Amy… they all are a bunch of self serving crooks (except for Ron Paul and and his son Rand Paul). I’m expecting a melt up into September for the up coming Legatus meeting. Not sure what the high will be but over 2000 is guaranteed.

Most likely they will go up toward 2100 SPX but I’m not sure if they will make it or not? I’m kinda expecting a pullback to that 1920-1930 area before resuming the climb toward 2100 but at this point I think we’ll hit 2000 SPX by this Friday and then drop some next week prior to the FOMC meeting on Wednesday.

Then that meeting should spark a move to 2020 or so before the bulls exhaust themselves and we see a nice 80-100 point pullback. If this happens like I expect then that move down will be some kind of wave 4 down with a final wave 5 up into early September for the completion of the Primary Wave 3 up that started in 2011.

Once we end Primary Wave 3 up we’ll see a 200-400 point drop for Primary Wave 4 down… which I think will happen in the September to November time frame. Then we start Primary Wave 5 up that takes us into 2017 for some insane blowoff top of 30,000 DOW or more.

After that we have about a 3 year crash bigger then 1929… but that’s a long way off yet.

P.S. I took a 20% long position into tomorrow and Friday as I think we’ll see 2000 by this Friday. We’ll see I guess…

10 years ago

All is well, just vote for me Dow 20k

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Turbo_Tim

LOL… nice to see you again old friend. All is well until the votes are in… then watch them pull the rug out from the market!

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I closed out my call spread for a small gain. Paid .50 cents for it and sold it for .61 cents. I did that because we are hitting resistance and I’m expecting a small pullback. Nothing worth playing on the downside but I’ll look to re-enter into a long position once it happens.

I suspect we’ll see it later today into the close or Thursday morning at the open. It’s back to “buy the dip” for now as I strongly believe we are going higher Friday and into next week as well. Don’t be surprise when we push through 2000 to hit 2020 sometime next week.

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I hope it just slowly goes down, churns around 1925 and then makes for lower lows in months ahead this Fall. Maybe, or never, who knows!? Gap fill Jan 1, 2013 looms large in my mind at 1425.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  jjones252

I think we’ll see 2070-2080 SPX area before we top out. Then we should start down. Don’t know how far it will fall but that 1925 zone is out of the question for now I think.

10 years ago

The SP closed at 1987.01 on a little doji LOL!!!!! Where’s the Sun man? We need his commentary.

At today’s high of 1989.23 minus 666.79====1322.44 which is 44s or 16!!!!

I came across a play and later movie, the Royal Hunt of the Sun which might be grand ritual specific and the movie version starred Christopher Plummer!!!!! with Robert Shaw and some other famous actors yet I have never heard of it like IF ITS TUESDAY, IT MUST BE BELGIUM released in the same year, a year dear to my heart.

Ian McShane, star of the BELGIUM flick will be appearing in the soon to be released HERCULES. In the trailer, there is some mention of HADES opening up and releasing all of its occupants who will be pitted against Hercules. This will be the second Hercules flick to be released this year. I guess Hercules and his 12 Labors are grand ritual specific particularly his labors against Cancer the CRAB and LEO the lion. During his future endeavours, he wears the Nemean Lion’s skin after he slays the lion. Somehow, this is tied into the Jupiter Ascending theme.

10 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Interesting to watch the new moon move across the sky as it heads towards the morning star Venus and Mercury which is heliacal rising at the moment….but I was unable to see it in the morning sky. Saw it(moon) next to a star yesterday morning….apparently Alderberan ???? the star in Germini near the Pleiades.

10 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Even better, Chistopher Plummer plays the INCAN emperor. We know he likes his occultic roles ie BarryMORE. What a strange looking film from the brief clip I saw. Plummer is just bizarre.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

The plan of action today is to wait for the dip to get long into next week. The 60 minute chart needs to reset and it could be midday before that happens. While one could short this small gap up the risk/reward isn’t good. Will there be a pullback? If so, how low?

Personally I don’t think it will be very much at all. Certainly not worth playing to the downside. But the charts say there will be some type of pullback happen and it should happen sometime today. That’s when I’d look to go long into next week as chasing it up here isn’t something I’m willing to do.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

How are you doing trading based on your gann square method? I’m using a multitude of trading methods personally as I find just using one doesn’t always work for me.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I’m looking for 1980-1983 SPX to get long into next week. It doesn’t look like we’ll get it today. If SkyNet let’s us have it we should see it in the morning near the open tomorrow. Blame the down move on some economic report or something but it’s all in the technicals of the charts as well as the Elliiottwave count.

There needs to be this move down before a hard bear squeeze up to 2000+ starts. Can’t guarantee we’ll get it but I won’t go long until I see that pullback. If we get it the charts will be reset to a bullish mode and allow a nice rip higher into next week.

Bears will have their fun once we top out in the 2060-2080 SPX zone. But the real fun for the bears should be this September and October as I think we’ll see our Primary Wave 4 down happen (finally) that should give us 200-400 SPX points.

10 years ago

It looks like we’ll get a heliacal rising of the soon to be new moon, Mercury, and Venus all in the same vicinity tomorrow morning. Didn’t get up early to see any of today’s activity. In fact, couldn’t sleep most of the night and noticed no moon out but I guess it rose around 4-00 am. The moon should conjunct with Venus in a few hours. Opposition to Pluto a few hours later.

10 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Jupiter technically should be ascending as well. Probably too close to the sun to notice anything.

Oh…which means Jupiter and the Sun are conjuncting right about now. Did venture over to the lucky days site recently and noticed his Sun Jupiter aspects as timing tools for the stock market. Of course, I always get interested in that site around Tebow’s birthday.

10 years ago

Another LeCarre flick, A Most Wanted Man,is set to be released tomorrow, this time directed by the man who brought us Depeche Mode’s 1987 videos and one of my recent favorites, Arcade Fire’s Reflektor. He’s done most of Depeche Mode’s album cover work and photography as well as U2’s. He’s definitely what could be considered a “master” artist.

It looks like he did a video for Depeche Mode last year that is set at various stops of their recent tour in Germany.

A Most Wanted Man is set in Hamburg Germany and has to do with shipping containers with a shadowy Seven Friends company involved. (this from the trailer….I stopped reading the book…I rather see the denouement played out in the film)

Hamburg Germany has interested me lately…actually for a while….The classic German film The American Friend based on a Patricia Highsmith Tom Ripley novel is set in Hamburg Germany and there is a scene with a burning ambulance on the beach. Somehow the beach and Germany has some “mystical” significance ie Rammstein’s Mein Land and a Ford commercial that has aired for awhile where a volleyballer on the beach is scene wearing bathing trunks in German colors.

My little quest into Patricia Highsmith Tom Ripley novels eventually led me to the Royal Hunt of the Sun which may or may not have significance for tomorrow.

10 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

It’s also Philip Seymour Hoffman’s final major role in a film….

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Today is the day to get your longs on for a ride to 2000+ next week…

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I got the 198.5 calls that expire next Friday and sold the 200 calls in a call spread for .57 cents. I missed the low, which was .50 cents as it moved too fast on me.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

This move down broke the wave count I had and has changed the picture from bullish to bearish now. What I now see in the charts is a lower low coming after a bounce. How high the bounce goes is unknown? But if they rally this back up hard into the close today (not looking likely, but possible) that would setup Monday to be a down day… and probably a very ugly one!

I think too many people got long expecting 2000 SPX to be hit and SkyNet sold off today to take out all those longs. Now there are lot’s of shorts that need to be taken out above 1990 SPX but that’s a long was off now.

I think that if they only retrace half or so of today’s move down that we’ll likely continue up on Monday (Mutual Fund Monday as they like to call it). However… if by some strange chance we recover almost all of the move up and close just under the high yesterday then Monday could be a big down day!

Why? Because it would have created a wave 1 down today and a wave 2 up into the close with a wave 3 down to follow. The charts certainly tell me that after a bounce up finishes there is another move down coming. The question is… when?

Well, if you retrace 99% of the move all today then you don’t have any room left to go on the upside as you’ll be in the double top area with a slightly lower high. The 60 minute chart will then be ready to roll back down again and make that wave 3 down.

I know it sounds crazy as a close up near (but under) yesterday’s high will look very bullish as it will put in a long bottoming tail candle on the daily chart but it’s not supported by the MACD’s and Histogram bars that say we’ll need a lower low to create the positive divergence.

And if this happens you’d expect all the bears to have bailed out thinking there will be another higher high next week as we’ll close very near the high yesterday. It’s not likely they’ll be very many people shorting over the weekend. In fact I’d say most will go long expecting a new high into Monday and the rest of the week.

But the charts will be telling a different story. You close near the high today and you’ll not have and bears short on Monday and nothing but bulls long. That would be the trickiest move of all I believe! No one would expect a big drop on Monday if we close positive today with a full reversal of this down move.

I admit that I wasn’t expecting this far of a drop today as I think I got caught up in the “SPX 2000” mania and ignored what I was seeing in the charts. Yes, I seen this as a possibility but I just didn’t think they’d let it happen. With Yellen speaking next Wednesday for the FOMC meeting and practically all of the FOMC days being a positive day I ignored the charts and assumed they’d manipulate them again and not let it sell off.

But that could be the biggest trick of all? To get everyone bullish into next week and then tank it on Monday. I’m not saying a crash, but simply another lower low then today. The best thing for the bulls is that they retrace a third to half of today’s move down. A full retrace would be very bearish for Monday.

In fact, if we retrace this move entirely I’ll become a big bear for Monday and will flip to a short position. If not, then I’ll hold my longs into Monday and let them see how high they can get it up too? Maybe it’s done and they do go up to 2000+ next week, but that would only happen if they manipulate the charts at this point as another lower low is expected.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Today is the last 777 day of this month and if by some strange coincidence they close the SPX at 1977.77 and/or the SPY at 197.77 then this Christine Lagarde video prediction could really happen over this weekend. I certainly hope it doesn’t…

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Dow numbers added together make 7.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  noclue

We didn’t get the 1977.77 on the SPX but the chart are still quite bearish right now. Possibly we gap down slightly on Monday and rally the rest of the day into Tuesday. But we shouldn’t see another new high I don’t think.

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Bradley turn date on July 29th, no?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  RK

The Bradley turn date was July 16th, not the 29th comment image). But the next on in October could line up with a turn? Hard to say right now?

rohan rohan
rohan rohan
10 years ago

Nice analysis, but isn’t we missing that these dates must be ( MUST) in Lunar dates ? That means 20/7/2014 Lunar is 15/08/2014 ?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  rohan rohan

July 20th has already pasted not so we know that one hasn’t had much affect. The August 15th date though could be a possible top?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

From the looks of the charts and the futures Sunday night I’d say the worst of the selling is likely over now. Monday should be a choppy day as they carve out a bottom. While we could still go a little lower and even close negative this support line the market is resting on seems to want to hold.

So I’d expect them to open up in the morning flat to slightly up and then dip back down early on. Then chop the rest of the day not really gaining much ground on the upside or downside. The close could be slightly positive or negative. If this happens as I expect then Tuesday we could see a big rally start up as the oversold charts will have turned back up and will be ready to move higher.

Wednesday we got the FOMC meeting, so barring that Janet Yellen doesn’t say something stupid to tank the market I’d expect most of that day to be sideways going into the 2:30pm meeting. Then we could see a move higher again into the close as most FOMC days are positive with the close usually being near the high for the day.

If 2000 SPX is broken during this next rally attempt then I’d look for 2015-2020 for a high before we rollover again and see some decent selling. The selling should be a nice 5% correction before we turn back up into late August and early September.

But for now this bull still looks strong and doesn’t want to give up anymore ground to the bears in the overnight futures and by tomorrow we could even see them turn it positive by the open. The bears used up a lot on the MACD’s, Histogram Bars, and Stochastic last Friday and actually got short term oversold.

While it’s possible we could have another move wave down in the market Monday/Tuesday it’s not looking likely now. We should see a rally back up to near the high again first (and most likely we’ll break it this time).

Remember, Monday is “Mutual Fund Monday” so we should see the big institutions start buying to put that new money into the system. Then you have Wednesday’s FOMC meeting which we have around 80-90% of all meetings ending up closing positive and sparking a rally. Very few of them have tanked the market afterwards.

You have the SPX still trying to get to 2000, the Nasdaq trying to get to 4500 and the Dow wanting to take back 17,000… so while I’m a bear at heart I’m bullish right now on this week’s outlook (at least the first half of the week).

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Ok, I think we’ve put in the low for the day. It looked like a final 5th wave down or C wave down, which should have completed the whole move. Now we should go up to start the wave 1 and then back down some into the close for the wave 2 down. Then the wave 3 up should start on Tuesday.

It went a little lower then I was expecting but I’m still long (underwater on it of course, but nothing last forever). I had 7 winners in a row and this is my first losing trade… that’s if I sold now. But I’m still holding as I expect it to become a winner by Wednesday with the FOMC meeting.

Of course it would have been nice if I had shorted this move down and then got long today, but I missed it. You can’t win them all I guess. I’m just happy to have had 7 in a row and possibly an 8th if it goes up to 2000 this week. Riding this out though hasn’t be fun and isn’t for the weak stomach.

Options can swing wildly and be down 50% one day and up 200% the next. They are huge profit makers or money stealer’s. Even if I end up winning on this trade it’s still a loser in my mind as I did not take the short on Thursday and missed the best entry for the long today.

Hopefully I’ll be more accurate on picking the top of this market later this week or early next week. I’m looking for just under 2000 (maybe 1997 SPX) on the low side and on the high side I’m looking for 2015-2020 SPX. A clear break of 2000 means we are likely going to the high side target. If we don’t take out 2000 by the close this Wednesday then that could be all we get?

While I’m not expecting Yellen to say something negative I also don’t see anything positive from her either. So while everyone is expecting 2000 SPX a failure to get there would probably cause another larger wave down to start. If we clear it then they will run the bears stops all the way up to the higher target and then start the next move down.

This next move down should be a nice one with 80-120 SPX points likely. I’d say we’ll be seeing that 1940’s area (or lower) for sure on that trip down. So let’s see what happens on Wednesday for a clue on the next move. Just based on the charts I’m kinda leaning toward a high just slightly under 2000 instead of the higher target range, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

WOW… nice move up so far! I was expecting this to happen on Tuesday and end on Wednesday but I have to say that if this continues into the close I’ll flip my opinion on a top for Tuesday/Wednesday and say it will top today at the open Tuesday. Then We should drop again for another lower low.

Needless to say I’ll be selling my longs today if we continue and going short into tomorrow. Probably a half position instead in case there is a brief gap up in the morning before we go back down again. I see a “possible” FP on the SPY from Friday of 198.70… so if that’s hit I’m out of my longs and going short.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Not sure if anyone is reading these comments anymore but I think we’ll hit 1990 SPX today.

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I think it’s south from here on out today

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

Yes, you are correct. I think we are starting that larger wave C down to the 1940 SPX area. Should be small bounces along the way as this will likely be an ugly move down.

I’m going to just wait patiently to see if there’s any bounces later today. If so then I’ll take a short position but right now I’m not doing anything as it’s like trying to catch a falling knife and I don’t want to get cut again…. LOL

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

agreed that I wouldn’t jump in now, I’m already (still) short so just keeping that going for now

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Well, I had to bail on that position at a loss gang. You can’t win them all I guess. I sold out for .25 cent and paid .57 cents. So number 8 was a loss, but the first 7 were winners. I’ll wait to see if we have a bounce as this looks to be a C wave down coming now. It could go to that 1940 area?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I get the feeling they will chop around all day into the close and make a bear flag going into tomorrow. Possibly Yellen says something at the FOMC that the market doesn’t like and will therefore allow this C wave down to continue?

Most FOMC days are positive, but maybe it’s time for a negative one? Of course they won’t blame it on Yellen but on the sanctions instead.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Best spot to short in my opinion… http://screencast.com/t/N5UMoGEjyc

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Here’s the wave count that I’m seeing now. I’m waiting until the close today as that’s when I think we’ll see our best shorting opportunity: http://screencast.com/t/dklEbSSXXC

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

looks good. I’m thinking of exiting by Thursday

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

So far we’ve yet to get that smaller C wave up. Obummer is talking soon about sanctions on the Russians again. My best guess is that things will calm down afterhours and we’ll rally up tomorrow morning to that upper falling trendline on that triangle.

It should have fallen to around 198.20 SPY by then. If we have a gap open and hit that level I’ll be shorting it in a 198/194 put spread expiring next Friday. Meaning I’ll buy the 198 and sell the 194.

They don’t usually let the bears in short this easily. There should be another move up tomorrow morning. Of course I could be wrong and this time they just tank it? If so, I’ll just sit this move out as I’m not chasing it and getting another bad entry like I did on the long previously.

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m thinking you’re right it should pop up tomorrow morning

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

Probably down first though… then up.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Tough to get a read on the market right now. Wave count isn’t obvious anymore. I still think we are either already in a larger C wave down or will start one tomorrow after Yellen speaks. Meaning that there’s still a chance they could go up tomorrow higher then today and complete the larger B wave up.

That would set up a lower high then the current high last week but higher then today. Somewhere between 1984 and 1991 SPX would be the target. That’s only if they do the usually and close the FOMC day green like they have done so many times in the past.

That’s a pretty nice rally into the close tomorrow and while it seems unlikely to happen I could see it as “possible” in the charts. Honestly though it really looks done to me and we should continue down more tomorrow. But you know how they like to manipulate the charts and trick the bears, so I’m just throwing that out there as a “possible” but unlikely scenario.

What should happen is that we open in the morning (probably down) and rally to that falling trendline on the SPY around 198.20 right now. That would be around 1982 SPX area I guess. A lower high then today’s high, which would setup a big move down on Thursday.

I don’t trust SkyNet on second. This looks too easy right now and they never let us bears in. I suspect we’ll open down tomorrow to lure in the last bear. Then rip all day into the FOMC meeting to hit that falling trendline. If that happens I’d look to get short. If not then I just missed this move down.

10 years ago

A certain little indicator continues to head south. One by one, prominent stocks are being taken out to the woodshed. Today UPS was bludgeoned, plunging beneath its lower, downtrending BB. Fellow Transport stalwart, FDX is in a similar position hugging its lower downtrending BB. ROLL, a maker of ball bearings, had a sizeable down day on no news.

I was going to do a movie review but maybe let’s wait to see what news the Fed delivers tomorrow. Very disappointed in the recent LeCarre flick both in its aesthetics and occultic implications. Very little in terms of denouement but if it was true to its source material, denouement was very boring and underwhelming in the original novel. My initial instincts to avoid LeCarre’s post Cold War material was spot on and only Obozo-ites could think that the plot line was earth-shattering and that the ending was even remotely interesting or original. Probably the reason why critics have been given it a high rating. It gets a 7.7 over at IMBD, a number which never wavers so maybe there is some occultic implications there.

Our Kind of Traitor is probably LeCarre’s best post Cold War work but even that took awhile to get going while he focused on the boring modern day do-gooder protagonists who really weren’t that interesting.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Nothing to do here but wait until 2pm to hear Yellen yell… LOL The best I could see is a move up to around where we opened today, which assumes the opening gap up was some kind of smaller A wave and the move down currently is the smaller B wave. So a smaller C wave up (should be weak) into the meeting is possible.

That whole ABC move would then make some kind of wave 2 up with the entire move down from the July 29th high making up some kind of wave 1 down (which had 5 smaller waves inside it). These 2 waves are inside a larger C wave down I believe and this C wave should have 5 waves inside it.

So far I think we’ve see the wave 1 down and we’re now seeing the wave 2 up. If all goes well, we should see the wave 3 down after Yellen and/or all day Thursday. It’s tricky right now though as I don’t want to take a short until this meeting is over with. Actually I might take it just in front of the meeting…. but we need a bigger bounce I think. Might not get one from the looks of things now.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

With that said…

When the market looks so bearish you almost don’t want to short it because you know a squeeze is just about ready to happen. It feels like they are letting the bears pile on short here and will trick us all and rally right after Yellen speaks today. Going down into the meeting knowing that FOMC days are in many cases (not always of course) “turn dates” you almost have to think they will do the opposite of what we all expect and rally back up to new highs?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

No question now gang…. I missed the short. The C wave down should be over with by 2pm today I now believe as I suspect we’ll rally after Yellen. Hopefully some of you were already short. I’ll be looking to go long right before the meeting as I think that’s where we’ll bottom at.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m looking for 1955 SPX to be a buyer at…

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Who thinks the fat lady has now sung and the down move is over with?

10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

the bozo rally spiked up quick but lost some traction almost just as quick. Curious to see the rest of this afternoon play out

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Meatsac

The first reaction from the FOMC is usually a fakeout move. I think we’ll close green today and probably just under 1980 SPX by a few points. Then I think the jobless claims numbers will be bad enough to get us one more move down to that major support area of 1950-1955 SPX, at which point I’d go long into next week for a nice bounce.

But I’m not even thinking about going long today as this looks like the classic bull trap right now with the bear trap coming tomorrow morning with the expected gap down and fall to that zone. Then a reversal should happen and stick this time with a carry over into early next week before peaking out again.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

SPX and SPY update: http://screencast.com/t/VUmrTH27i

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

ES Futures and SPX update: http://screencast.com/t/HS1sTh9q33dH

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Should be a wave 1 up most of the day and a wave 2 down later in the day. I’ll look to get more if the wave 2 down get near a double bottom from the low today. I did take a long (half) position. I got the 196 calls that expire next Friday and sold the 199 calls for $1.01 on that spread. I’ll buy more later today if the low isn’t in and we dip lower. But I’m really just expecting a “almost” double bottom on that wave 2 down later today.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

Got my 2nd half for .91 cents… so average at .96 cents now.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Sheesh… are we ever going to bounce?

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m out of all longs… no bounce coming it seems. I’m going to take a short position. Yes, it’s crazy as we are WAY oversold. But this looks really bad right now and I don’t think and bounce is coming for awhile now.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

I’m back to cash… 2-3 bad trades now. Market is now going to bounce since I’m out of it. Figures. I guess after 7 winners in a row I’d have to have a couple of losing trades.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

Well, I guess the gates of hades opened and caused the 300 point drop in the DOW today… LOL!

10 years ago

Trin was only a measly .92 on such a big down day.

Tomorrow, we have two big squares; a Venus-Uranus square and a Mars-Jupiter square.

Friday will be 4707 (117) days from a certain little event 12 years 10months 21 days ago. Back then Mars was in the third degree of a new house as well with Jupiter just a few ticks away from pulling off an opposition to Mars.

Last Friday looks like it was an occultic pentecost as it has kicked off this nasty little downwave. 4700 days from you know when….2 years 50 days from the grand reunion/ demise of Ray Bradbury or 780 days later..780===13×60 or 13x(20+20+20) 20 and 13 being the prime numbers in the Mayan mathematical system/ calendar.

Bloodbath in many stocks today with many plunging severely beneath lower BBs.

Australian dollar also nosedived below its lower BB.

10 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

It looks like we’ve heard from the losing side of the World Cup final today (winner in 1986)
What does the winning side have in store?

This week is also 1397 weeks from the lesser grand ritual….last Friday was 9776 days later.

Red Dragon Leo
10 years ago

I now think that we are going down for the next 3 weeks and have begun the stock market crash of 2014. I used too have a FP of 1440 on the SPX but I can’t find it now. However, I have this TVIX FP showing about 36 on it. I think that’s our target before a nice bounce. Until then it’s just small bounces and lower lows.comment image


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