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... Red Dragon Leo

The plan of action today is to wait for the dip to get long into next week. The 60 minute chart needs to reset and it could be midday before that happens. While one could short this small gap up the risk/reward isn’t good. Will there be a pullback? If so, how low?

Personally I don’t think it will be very much at all. Certainly not worth playing to the downside. But the charts say there will be some type of pullback happen and it should happen sometime today. That’s when I’d look to go long into next week as chasing it up here isn’t something I’m willing to do.

... Geccko23

Even better, Chistopher Plummer plays the INCAN emperor. We know he likes his occultic roles ie BarryMORE. What a strange looking film from the brief clip I saw. Plummer is just bizarre.

... Geccko23

Interesting to watch the new moon move across the sky as it heads towards the morning star Venus and Mercury which is heliacal rising at the moment….but I was unable to see it in the morning sky. Saw it(moon) next to a star yesterday morning….apparently Alderberan ???? the star in Germini near the Pleiades.

... Geccko23

The SP closed at 1987.01 on a little doji LOL!!!!! Where’s the Sun man? We need his commentary.

At today’s high of 1989.23 minus 666.79====1322.44 which is 44s or 16!!!!

I came across a play and later movie, the Royal Hunt of the Sun which might be grand ritual specific and the movie version starred Christopher Plummer!!!!! with Robert Shaw and some other famous actors yet I have never heard of it like IF ITS TUESDAY, IT MUST BE BELGIUM released in the same year, a year dear to my heart.

Ian McShane, star of the BELGIUM flick will be appearing in the soon to be released HERCULES. In the trailer, there is some mention of HADES opening up and releasing all of its occupants who will be pitted against Hercules. This will be the second Hercules flick to be released this year. I guess Hercules and his 12 Labors are grand ritual specific particularly his labors against Cancer the CRAB and LEO the lion. During his future endeavours, he wears the Nemean Lion’s skin after he slays the lion. Somehow, this is tied into the Jupiter Ascending theme.

... Red Dragon Leo

I think we’ll see 2070-2080 SPX area before we top out. Then we should start down. Don’t know how far it will fall but that 1925 zone is out of the question for now I think.

... jjones252

I hope it just slowly goes down, churns around 1925 and then makes for lower lows in months ahead this Fall. Maybe, or never, who knows!? Gap fill Jan 1, 2013 looms large in my mind at 1425.

... Red Dragon Leo

I closed out my call spread for a small gain. Paid .50 cents for it and sold it for .61 cents. I did that because we are hitting resistance and I’m expecting a small pullback. Nothing worth playing on the downside but I’ll look to re-enter into a long position once it happens.

I suspect we’ll see it later today into the close or Thursday morning at the open. It’s back to “buy the dip” for now as I strongly believe we are going higher Friday and into next week as well. Don’t be surprise when we push through 2000 to hit 2020 sometime next week.

... equity tips

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Equity Tips

... Red Dragon Leo

LOL… nice to see you again old friend. All is well until the votes are in… then watch them pull the rug out from the market!