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... Geccko23

In tribute to last night’s Academy Awards and its big winner, let’s harken back to a notorious moment from the celebrated sci-fi flick of last year.

Today is March 3rd, which was when Mardi Gras took place in 1987, a date that held some GRAVITY for George Clooney. Clooney regaled the audience and Sandra Bullock on how he ventured down to New Orleans at this time, just as things started to go haywire in the flick and space debris was sent hurtling towards the space mission’s location. Tomorrow, 3-4 will be Mardi Gras in 2014. And it should be noted it was the RUSSIANS who shot down their own satellite that set things in motion for the catastrophic events that were to transpire. Another case of life imitating art in the operators’ MATRIX?

Then there is the case of last year’s Superbowl (not the 1987 redux Popgun fest from a few weeks ago….but the PEDHAWKS did put up 43 pts on the 1987 Superbowl losing Broncos) that ended in a 34-31 final score highlighted by a 34 minute delay when the power shut off in the New Orleans Superdome. It’s hard to believe the big event is set for tomorrow considering it takes an x-amount of days off a secondary high before denouement is achieved. But something is hidden in that number.

Gravity didn’t have the greatest story so it didn’t deserve the BEST PICTURE award but then none of those films did but based on its technical achievements ie cinematography, visual/ sound effects, music it might have been the most astounding cinematic experience of 2013. (Rush still might have it beat on those measureables though)

Haven’t seen 12 YEARS A SLAVE, but based on the clips I have seen it does look a bit didactic although watchable. Probably got the award based on the numerology in the title more so than its groundbreaking exploration of social issues. 12 (365) DAYS a SLAVE….Slave does have the infamous SL combo 19-12.

Then there is the new Liam Neeson release NON-STOP which cleverly uses the ONS combo…(ONS Jr. Market, the CanyONS etc.) It also induces alot of 9-x-11 like paranoia. It’s very similar to another Neeson vehicle from a couple of years ago UNKNOWN (same director) with its excessive use of numerology, dark hidden messages and explosive undertones.

... Red Dragon Leo

Just to give everyone an update: We now know that Legatus was a bottom and not a top. It was hard too tell since it happened on the 5th, just one day ahead of the 3 day meeting from the 6th to the 8th. We could have also rallied up and topped on the 11th, just 2 trading days after the meeting… but we didn’t.

Moving forward we have since put in a new high which means the Primary Wave 3 up from the 10/04/2011 low is still in play. Breaking that down to smaller waves and I believe we are in a final 5th wave up from the recent low on the 5th of February. Inside of that 5th wave we have smaller waves and currently I think we are in a smaller wave 4th down today.

That leaves a final smaller wave 5th up, inside a little larger wave 5th up, inside a Primary Wave 3 up still yet to come. The target zone is 1870 area for a shorten wave 5th and 1890 area if it extends.

Then I’m expect Primary Wave 4 down to start with a projected low around the topping zone from the 2000 and 2007 peak highs… with is basically around the 1550-1600 SPX area.

The Primary Wave 2 down lasted around 5 months from May 2011 to late September early October of 2011. But since this market is “contracting” and not “expanding” (like the 1987 low to the 2000 high) I’d expect the time period to be much less.

Ali speaks in his posts about the “harmonic’s” of waves and while he nor I can be perfectly accurate in dates, level’s and wave counts I do believe his studies about harmonic wave cycles are correct.

Put simply, Ali bases his analysis on each wave up and down getting shorter in time as the whole market is in a “contracting” stage now. That implies that this coming Primary Wave 4 down will be much quicker to happen then the Primary Wave 2 down did.

I’d estimate it to end within 2 to 2 1/2 months versus the time needed for Primary Wave 2 to bottom and end. And therefore the following Primary Wave 5 up will also be shorten in time as well, not lasting 2 years like Primary Wave 1 did.

Considering the fact that Lindsey Williams said that the Obamacare Euthanize System isn’t going into full enforcement until 2015 and that they won’t collapse the entire banking system until after it’s in effect I have to think that in order for them to first steal the money from everyone’s 401k pension funds and do the “Global Currency Reset” (GCR) that they MUST crash the stock market before 2015.

Why you ask? History shows that the last time they did a GCR was at the bottom of the 1929 stock market crash, which was in 1932/33 time period. How else can you get away with robbing the sheep? You must first scare them into believing that they must be robbed in order to save themselves, and that implies a HUGE panic.

So this poses the question… how do you steal their money with a GCR before you collapse the entire banking system? The only way I can see that happening is with another stock market crash, which means we need to so how complete the Primary Wave 4 down and Primary Wave 5 up this year… and allow enough time to crash from that final high too!

Yeah… sounds impossible to me, as when you look at how long the Primary Wave 1 up lasted you think we should have a similar time period for Primary Wave 5 up. But let’s examine other facts we have, like the fact that QE1 was fueling the first Primary Wave 1 up and now we have the current QE program being slowly removed.

In fact, the last comments from the Fed’s indicated that they “could” be raising interest rates in 2015, which means ALL of the current QE money must first be exited out of the market. And that means to me that there will be no one but the retail sheep buying up the market when Primary Wave 5 is in full play.

Sure, the institutions will be buying the start of Primary Wave 5 when Primary Wave 4 bottoms. But the retail sheep will be buying it at the topping area between 2000 and 2200 SPX. But this time there won’t be any Fed money to support the market. So the first correction that happens won’t be supported by the institutions.

Since they know that the free money will be almost gone by then (and will be completely gone soon thereafter) I fully expect them to just be in FULL ON sell mode. They know that an interest rate hike is likely to happen in 2015 and when you add that to the free money being exited out of the market I just can’t see any reason for them to buy the market anymore.

I’d guess that they will be moving into gold and sliver at that time as they will see the writing on the wall and know what’s happening. Of course I’m not implying that anyone should buy gold or silver now as I can’t say if it’s bottomed or not? But certainly I’d expect the big institutions to be moving into gold when the stock market tops out and/or starts crashing.

My charts don’t go back before 1928 so there’s no way to compare the period back then to see if the Primary Wave 5 up lasted a “much shorter” time then the Primary Wave 1 did. And I just can’t believe that they could do a Primary Wave 5 up from around May of this year and end it in September or October to allow time for the crash to happen before 2015… but never the less this is something that is possible with the information I’ve seen.

If it wasn’t for the QE program being withdrawn and the hint of interest rates increasing in 2015… and the talk of them collapsing the entire bank system after Obamacare goes into full effect (according to Lindsey Williams) I would have speculated that they would extend Primary Wave 5 up until 2016/2017, and top out in the Dow 30,000 area.

But that doesn’t seem possible at the present time with that information. Sure, Lindsey Williams could have been given bad information but the facts about the QE being withdrawn and possible interest rate hikes came right from the Fed’s themselves. That information is about as accurate as we sheep will ever get.

The only thing that could change the timeline now is if the Fed’s decided to cancel the withdraw of the QE and not raise interest rates… which is possible I guess. Then we could extend the Primary Wave 5 up out until late 2016 or early 2017. But right now it’s looking like they plan to “magically” complete both Primary Wave 4 down and Primary Wave 5 up this year… and then start the crash near the end of 2014 or early 2015.

For now though let’s just focus on the short term as Primary 5 up could last 4-5 months or another 2 years, it’s not possible to figure out right now. But Primary 4 down is going to start soon I believe and it should be a little easier to follow.

With the nice pullback today, which should continue some into tomorrow, we will successfully put in the negative divergence I’m looking for on the daily chart once this move bottoms and we turn back up into the rest of this week and possibly early next week.

Monday the 10th seems like a good topping date, but let’s just let it play out the way it wants. First we need to see this selling hold in the 1830 (or higher) zone and then turn back up. So far I count 4 waves with one more wave 5 down still to come. That could happen later today or early Tuesday. Then I think we start the move back up.

... Red Dragon Leo

Should be one more move up next week to end this rally. Target is still 1870 area on the low side and 1890 on the high side.

... Geccko23

Today is 28 Trading Days Later from the SP mid January closing high, an important td turning point seen in some of the historical market epochs. Dow is still following the double ninen episode structurally but has deviated in the timeline. It popped up to its early January lows which have since provided resistance over the last few days.

It looks like JAZZ and the biotech sector got things started today to the downside.

... Red Dragon Leo

I’m kinda expecting this chop to last another week as they frustrate both the bulls and the bears. I could look similar to the month of July 2013 when the stayed in the 1700 area for several weeks and then popup up to 1709 to clear out overhead stops.

Then they fell back down to the 1700 area chop zone and stayed another week before dropping for a 5.7% correction. This time we are looking for larger correction so the final exhaustion move up should be in the 20 to 30 point range over the current 1850 chop zone.

It could look more like the May 22nd move up with put in the long topping tail and then quickly dropped to start a 7.5% correction. The main difference between that period and the July period is how high they went with the exhaustion move up and how quick they fell.

My minimum exhaustion move up area is 1870 zone and maximum is 1890 zone, and I’m expecting it to happen in the first week of March or the second week… possibly another “11” day like March the 11th or the 10th as they are both 11’s. However, the 11th is a double eleven and the 10th is only a single eleven.

That May 22nd date was a double eleven and produced the exhaustion move up, so I’m leaning toward March 11th which March 10th my second guess. This means we should chop around all next week teasing the bears and the bulls. We should see any major breakdown or breakthrough.

Of course if we rally up to the 1870 or 1890 area before either of those dates then I’d re-evaluate the charts at that point. If it does come early I’d still be looking for a nice long topping tail to form on the daily chart candle pattern like the one we see on May 22nd of 2013.

My theory is that the deep the correction the more likely to have a bigger “exhaustion” move up on the last day to clear out every last bear that put stops above the 1850 zone. This recent pop up to 1858 doesn’t seem to me high enough in my opinion.

Then there is the fact that the MACD’s were up in the 20-25 area at the May 22nd high and the July high showed a reading of 15-20 before it topped and rolled over. Right now we are in the 5-10 range on the MACD’s on the daily chart and need about one more week to let them go up higher into the same range as those 2 prior highs.

Naturally it won’t be exactly the same as either prior date but we should still look for choppy action with fakeout moves up and down until the final flushout move up happens.

... Amy Polos

cant you just speak plain English. Up or Down.