Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Will The Illuminati Stage Another False Flag This October To Start A War?

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KcxRJD-eC0)


With the Presidential Election on November 2nd only a little over a month away and Obama is losing in the polls will there be another False Flag to get him re-elected?

Past history shows that whenever war happens during the last year of any president's term he was always re-elected for the 2nd term.  So, if the Illuminati want to keep Obama for another 4 years then a "October Surprise" would certainly do the trick for them.  And, it would help them meet their other evil goals... like taking the price of oil up to $150.00 per barrel or more.

(More on Obama and the possible "False Flag" later...)

Technical Update for 10-01-2012

(to watch on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D55vjEvYWY)

Note: I ended the video by accident when the phone rang...



Their goal of pushing gold up to $3,000 or more is already underway since this past September 13th when Ben Bernanke started Quantitative Easing part 3 (QE3).  Food prices rose 40% with QE1 in 2008, and a similar amount again with QE2... but the damage this new QE3 will do is going to be even worst.

Why you ask?

Because there isn't a cap on the amount of spending whereas QE1 and QE2 were set amounts.  This new QE3 is a program to buy $40 Billion Dollars worth of mortgages from the banks every month... forever!  Or at least until they buy up all the mortgages the banks own, which at that rate it shouldn't take too long!  Let's do the math and try to figure out about how long "too long" really is...

First we need to know just what the total value of all the mortgages in the united states really is.  For that question I searched google and found this from Wiki Answers

The total stock of mortgages outstanding in the US is about $10 trillion. However, the market value of these mortgages (whether still on banks' balance sheets or securitised and embedded in RMBS (Residential Mortgage Backed Securities)) is in reality lower by $1-1.2 trillion, due to the fact that U.S. homeowners can walk away from their mortgage leaving the lender with "no recourse". In other words, book mortgage value = about $10 trillion, while actual value is more likely $8.8 trillion to $9 trillion, due to losses on foreclosures
Ok... now we have about $10 Trillion worth of mortgages, which at a rate of $40 Billion per month it would take 250 months (or 20.83 years) to buy all of them.  But, we all know that's not going to happen.  Why?  Because the banks are taking that $40 Billion and turning it into $360 Billion immediately through the "Fractual Reserve Bank System" where it's multiplied 9 times instantly.
Then the banks are going to make bets (called derivatives) on the exact mortgages that they sold to the Federal Reserve Banks.  Of course they are also going to purchase Treasuries from the government with some of the money received per their secret deal with the Fed gangsters.
This money will simply be used by the government to pay the interest on the national debt (until such time that the government actually defaults on the debt severe years into the future I'd say).  So as you can see this is just a giant "99 year long"  ponzi scheme the government has going on now.  Here's how it works...
First, you have to create interest on money and then make sure that only the principal loan amount is printed and put out into circulation, leaving the interest out completely.  Logic then tells you that if you loan $1,000 dollars out but tell the person borrowing it that they have to pay back $1,100  (because of the 10% interest 0r $100) that since the $100 dollars wasn't ever printed or loan that it can't be paid back.  Therefore, another loan must be taken out to pay the interest on the first loan... and the ponzi game is started.
Now prior to the Federal Reserve Bank being created in 1913 there wasn't any standard currency as almost anyone could create money.  In fact, this article states that there was over 30,000 different currencies floating around..

Sometimes, in order to understand why you need something, it helps to find out what it was like before that "something" was created. Before the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, there were over 30,000 different currencies floating around in the United States. Currency could be issued by almost anyone -- even drug stores issued their own notes. There were many problems that stemmed from this, including the fact that some currencies were worth more than others. Some currencies were backed by silver or gold, and others by government bonds. There were even times when banks didn't have enough money to honor withdrawals by customers. Imagine going to the bank to withdraw money from your savings account and being told you couldn't because they didn't have your money! Before the Fed was created, banks were collapsing and the economy swung wildly from one extreme to the next. The faith Americans had in the banking system was not very strong. This is why the Fed was created.

The Fed's original job was to organize, standardize and stabilize the monetary system in the United States. It had to set up a method that could create "liquidity" in the money supply -- in other words, make sure banks could honor withdrawals for customers. It also needed to come up with a way to create an "elastic currency," meaning it had to control inflation by making sure prices didn't climb too quickly, and it needed a way of increasing or decreasing the country's supply of currency in order to prevent inflation and recession. In the next two sections, we'll discuss these inflation and recession.

Of course this isn't a good thing to have, but neither was creating the Federal Reserve.  The Central Bank should have been the United States Treasury Department (per the Constitution) as it could have created the money itself without the need to pay interest to some third party bankster and would have then avoided the ponzi scheme that's with us today.

Regardless, it's here today so let's move on...

Second, you need to be able to loan out more money then you have actually "on hand"... which is why the banks are only required to keep 10% of their loaned money in reserves.  This works out great for them as they can loan out the same $1,000 dollars 9 times turning it into $9,000 dollars worth of loans that borrowers owe interest on.
Ok, so we got all the necessary parts needed for the start of a big ponzi scheme.  Now we just need to create a huge bubble to get the borrowers... which they did with the first World War I.  Industry was booming because of the war that started in 1914 and lasted until 1918.  This was just one year after the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913.
After the first World War I ended they moved on to another bubble to further keep the ponzi scheme going.  You see, as long as people continue to borrow money for the planned purpose of making more money from some business or investment they make the ponzi scheme continues.  Only when no one is able to borrow anymore is when the game ends.

This of course happened when the planned stock market crash of 1929 occurred.

Pretty much after the "war bubble" ended (which was all the job's created from the machines and weapons needed to fuel the war) they needed another bubble... which was of course the investment bubble, where people moved their attention from borrowing money to create businesses that provided products for the now ended war, to borrowing money to invest in future companies run by someone else.
Either way, whether someone was borrowing money to start their own business, or borrowing money to invest in someone else's business (by purchasing stock in that company) the ponzi scheme continued.  However, it only continued until the last person was "in"... which basically means that the last amount of money available was borrowed.
Back then only a small percent of the public had their money in the stock market, so there were plenty of smaller "privately owned" mom and pop companies to keep everyone from going hungry.  That depression greatly affected the men and women in the bigger cities where their livelihood was tied directly to the larger companies in that city, which those companies further tied their livelihood to being able to borrow money from the banks and use the value of their publicly traded stock to provide cash flow.

This all dried up when the stock market crashed!

These big companies started to feel the pinch several years before the crash as the money started to become harder to get from the banks.  This is exactly what has been happening since around 2007-2008.  As all the "QE" programs have been put into the banks for the "supposed" purpose of stimulating the economy through  the banks loan out that money to the "borrowers" to prevent another Great Depression, the banks have refused to loan out that money because they would rather gamble it in the "Derivatives" market.
Now the banksters back in the 20's still didn't have the complete freedom to f@#k over the people because the money was still backed by gold and silver... therefore their printing press did have it's limits.  Today there are NO limits to the depth of stealing these pigs will do.  (Ask me if I support "rounding up the banksters" and hanging them!  Nevermind, you already  know my answer).
So after the 1929 - 1933 Stock Market Crash was over the banksters had successfully purchased a whole lot more of America's assets at 10 cents on the dollar and were ready to start the next bubble to steal some more.  After all once a criminal always a criminal right?  But what will it be this time around?  There are many people still unemployed and in order to steal their money the banksters needed to first get them to work.

Simple solution really, let's create another World War,  part II...

It didn't take the banksters long before they got America into World War II, which started another bubble and put the slaves back to work again (yes you and I are all slaves and  owed by these evil banksters).  It really wasn't that hard this time around as the first war they needed some crazy psychopath in some other county to start it... but it wasn't required for part 2.
Back when they "created" the first World War, they simply went into that country and offer to fund the crazy psychopath named Hitler with all the weapons and money he needs to start a big war.  Boeing aircraft provide him with the planes he needed and Ford Motor company built him a tank factory (which was later bombed by American bombers, and of course Ford stepped up and rebuilt the factory... how patriotic at of them!).
Anyway, the 2nd World War was easier to start and easier to get America into.  So, another war and another bubble created... success (from a banksters point of view).  The slaves are back to work again and we banksters can now come up with more creative ways to steal their money again.
After World War II the wars continued but the banksters got it down to more of an "exact science" and didn't need (or want... because is wasn't profitable I'd assume) global wars anymore, so they are all now very well contained regional wars.  There was the Korean War, Vietnam War, the many "conflicts" in various countries during the "Cold War" with Russia, then Desert Storm and Operation Freedom... and the current "undeclared" wars in the Middle East that are currently going on right now.

As you can see, War is Money!

So while the slaves are waking up (thanks to the internet) to their enslavement that the banksters have done to them they still aren't fully able to stop these evil scumbag banksters yet.  This is why I write about them so much here on this blog... because I'm sick of being a f@#king slave!
Now I don't usually go off on a tangent and use such bad language but some times I need to get your attention... so forgive me and just "wake up", as we all need too before World War III is started.  If you simply compare the time period we are in now and that of the 1920's period you can see that the stock market is getting overinflated now to the period similar to 1928... with 2012 being the closest date.
This also lines up with the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 to the end of it in 2013... a hundred year agreement.  I can't remember where I heard it or read it (or can find it again by searching the internet) but I recall someone stating that the bank only has a 100 lease or term and then must be abolished or renewed (some how I don't see the public renewing it).  I could be wrong on that as it could just be inaccurate information, but I do still think the days are numbered for them and extinction is near.

Now let's continue with the possible "False Flag" around the 3rd week of October, 2012...

Obama seems unlikely to win the presidential election so staging another "false flag" to start another war would really be a smart move on his part.  But will the Illuminati banksters let me?  After all, they control the world... not Obama.  And from what Lindsey Williams has been told the "elite" (he calls them that, I call them the "Evil Reptilian Illuminati Satanist Banksters Pigs) they don't trust Obama and are favoring replacing him with Romney.  But make no mistake... they control them both!
So it's possible that Obama has decided to be nice again and do as they say, if they let him get re-elected again.  The banksters want to get oil up to $150 per barrel and gold to $3,000 per ounce, so why not create another "event" to spike oil up over night?  Clearly they are slowly taking gold up with QE3, but they still need that "shock and awe" to happen (but not to some made up enemy, but instead to the wallets of the American sheep!).
Now I don't have any evidence or forwarning of a "false flag" event, but instead I'm just going on my gut feeling here that "something" will happen around the 3rd week of October so that oil can spike higher and the stock market can take the first very large wave down before the really big one happens in late summer of 2013.  Not that elliottwave works anymore as the super computer SkyNet runs the market, but on a larger time frame I still think we'll see a 5 wave pattern down for this collapse.
If the largest move is to happen next summer, and that move is called a "Wave 3", then we still need the first "Wave 1" to happen before the end of this year.  That's why I think we'll sell off nicely starting around October 23rd, 2012.  I point to that date for many reasons.
First, it's right after the "eleven" day long Legatus meeting, where all these banksters meet to decide on how to steal more money from us sheep.  If they decide to tank the stock market then they'll usually run up the market for several months into that date, then peak the market on a "ritual eleven date", and then drop it hard for awhile.  It's not always a "crash" but it's usually still a big move.
If they decide to steal the money directly by printing it and injecting it into the market (rather then robbing the sheep's stocks at massively oversold levels following a stock market debasement) then the market will rally from the decisions made at one of these Legatus meetings.  I've seen both rallies and selloffs happen right after (sometimes during) one of these meetings.
The second reason for picking the date of October 23rd, 2012 is because it's a "ritual eleven date" that is just too close to the end of a Legatus meeting, and I've noticed many (not all of course) times in the past where the market put in an important top on an "11" day.  Numerology is important to these banksters as you can clearly see from the 9/11 false flag, the attack on Japan on 3/11 and the false flag London bombing on 7/7.
Thirdly there is the proximity to the elections on November 2nd, and Obama looks desperate right now.  You have the banksters also desperate to get an "undeclared war" started in the middle east that causes the "Straits of Homuz" to be closed so the price of oil will skyrocket to $150.00 plus... just like they planned.  Then you have all the rumors from the last couple of years of an "October Surprise" that never happened in 2009, 2010, or 2011.  People seems to have forgotten about it now... so maybe it happens this year?

You have too look at all of these things together to get the big picture...

That picture is that over the last 4 years I've seen big turns in the stock market about 80% of the time right around the time of an Legatus meeting.  I've also learned the importance of the number "eleven" to the banksters and how many (again, not all) important tops (haven't seen too many bottoms) have happen on an "11" date.  Well, we have an "eleven" date meeting at this coming Legatus Pilgrimage (October 10th-21st), which is followed by another "eleven" date on the 23rd when the stock market is open.
You just add up all the digits in 10/23/2012 and you get 11 (1+0+2+3+2+0+1+2=11).  I call this a "yearly" eleven, and it seems to be the most important.  A "daily" eleven (again, a term I made up) is simply when the numbers in the date only are an "eleven"... which means that every month of the year you will have an "eleven" day on the 11th, 22nd, and 29th (2+9=11).  The 20th is also considered an "eleven" as there are two "ones" added together to make the "2" in the 20.
Also, master numbers are not added up by their digits but instead kept whole and added up that way.  For example, the number "11" isn't added as 1+1=2 but is keep whole to be 11.  The same is true for other master numbers like 22, 33, 44, 55, etc...  So, the date of 10/22/2012 is added as follows: 1+0+(22)+2+0+1+2=28, and then you add the result together (again, unless it's a master number)... so 28 equal's 2+8 or 10.  Therefore that date isn't a "yearly" eleven date, but it is still a "daily" eleven as it contains the master number "22" in the day of the month.
Obviously you can see that there are many "daily" elevens every month of the year, but fewer "yearly" elevens.  That's why I think the yearly elevens seems to be more important to the banksters... at least it seems that way too me, especially when related to the stock market.  By no means have I figured it all out as the study of numerology is very deep subject and can take years to master.  I've only learned a small amount of it... that amount is related to the stock market.

I can only add up all the pieces to the puzzle and then just guess...

This "guess" of mine is that "something" will happen around the 23rd (give or take a few days).  I don't know if it will be a "false flag" event or just something big on the financial scene... maybe the default of some county?  I don't know what will cause it, but I do still firmly see a big move down coming the week of the 22nd of October.
So, will it be a false flag that starts a war or just something big exploding on the financial scene?  I don't know which but the result should be the same... a big move down in the market.  Between now and then I don't expect much but more of the same boring day to day moves.  I'll be on the lookout for new FP's that might give us our clues for the next move.
Author: Red

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anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Nice post- we’ll see how it plays out.. Just going to short a few stocks and the spy around then. I feel like gold and silver are wild cards, and can go either way. 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Yes, that FP on gold is very old and may not be accurate.  So, I really don’t know what to expect from gold and silver?  Will they go down with the market or up from fear?  It’s anyone’s guess at this point.  Most of the time they will go down but if the move down comes quickly they may go up from fear… or down from margin calls?  Too hard to call…

BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
BigHouse(Aka Mr Vix)
12 years ago

The Galatics will not allow another war. So i’m not going to worry about. The proof is already out there. The media will try and con people to believe that a war will start but thats all they got at this point. Hot air…Nice post Red . It sums up the last 100 years..

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Thanks…  🙂

I hope “The Galatics” really do step in and stop these criminals as I don’t want to see a war either.

Permabear Doomster
12 years ago

So..err..WW1 was fine…and WW2..then probably another 75 smaller ‘skirmishes’.. but now you’re certain ‘they’ won’t allow another one?

I’ve seen a lot of crazy talk lately, but..thats pretty high up there dude.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

now you know where bin ladens head went


1% drop though- I can’t remember the last time ive seen that

Permabear Doomster
12 years ago

 It was during the third age of mankind. Back in the days when the sun rose in the west and set in the east.

Ahh yes…distant times.

12 years ago

is today a ritual date?
I call this the crown pattern.
I’ve had my head handed to me on these things.  saved me today.
when 1456 didn’t break, I was out around 1450.
the 13th rise of Bernanke’dom, needed a matching down-stroke.
comment image 

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

 nope, but tomorrow is… 9+2+6+2+0+1+2= 22

12 years ago

Jim Rodgers,  i’ve been reading, says qe3 is not going to work. within 3 years, another stock market crash.

12 years ago

 here;s AMGN short. i’ve been doing this short pretty good all year, except for one time.

12 years ago

 Riots in Spain – September 25 2012 Spanish demonstrations to Protest the
Proposed European Austerity. Spanish demonstrators clashed with the
Spanish police.

12 years ago

 there’s a strong possibility that Congress won’t act until the eleventh hour. 
most likely result is another set of stop-gap measures that would delay
a more permanent policy change until 2013 or later. The election will
almost certainly have an impact on the direction of future policy,
particularly if one party earns a decisive victory. Nevertheless, the
non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that if
Congress takes the middle ground – extending the Bush-era tax cuts but
cancelling the automatic spending cuts – the result, in the short term,
would be modest growth but no major economic hit.

12 years ago

 fiscal cliff, how to play it!
look at FXI and how much china got punished from a slowdown. maybe spx does the same thing.

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Still skeptical about getting in yet, but TVIX has been doing nicely during this dip. Assuning the high, before the major dip, has yet to come. So, holding off and looking for a buy on TVIX at around a buck

Jiannis D Skartsis
12 years ago


Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Being working on my main computer for the last 5 days now and I think I’ve figured out what is wrong.  Ever since I added two more hard drives, more RAM, and a several fans I’ve been having problems.  Trying to figure out what caused it was hard as everything I added new worked?

So, I unplugged all the hard drives and just plugged the few that I needed… and no more problems.  My conclusion is that the 750 watt power supply isn’t powerful enough to handle everything when it’s all hooked up.  So, I’m now in the process of removing some of the hard drives to lessen the load on it.

I will eventually just buy a new power supply that is more powerful and then I can add all the hard drives back.  They are mainly just full of movies anyway so they can be unplugged without me needing them.

The market is diving nicely again today.  I wonder how long this will last?  Has everyone been on the lookout for new FP’s?  They should tell us soon before they take it down hard in October.

12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo

may I recommend Corsair?
I have two, and love them.  problem free with modular power wires. (use what you need).
and when my lights blink in the thunderstorm, they keep running.


12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

ps.  Yes, they are pricey, but you get what you pay for.
and if you have a Large Trade on….do you want risk it?
comment image

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

self driving cars- i call that more control- Irobot anyone?


anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

 now if you piss them off, they’ll just hack into your carv and drive you into the nearest wall at 120 lol

12 years ago

..now I wish I had loaded up on the 14th.
for now it’s just a counter trend bounce.


12 years ago
Reply to  Darth_Gerb

Ah Ha, there you are! 😉  
So what happened to you? You abandoned the evil crew just when things start to get interesting?

12 years ago

    Going very long.  

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

Do you plan on shorting around the meeting ending in late October?

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Unless some FP’s show, i’m still wondering about October, mainly because the media has been discussing this same timeframe too. Makes me think its possible for the opposite to happen. But it is interesting that it happens to be 11 days, and is followed by 2 ritual days…..

12 years ago

Tis the Season of the Panic!!!!!      SUMMER’S END orrrrrrrr     as Ray Bradbury puts it:

FAREWELL SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I revisited a blogger with an expertise in lunar crash cycles, a blog so extreme that I rarely visit it (and interestingly enough, he never even mentions NWO just standard communist conspiracies) just to get reacquainted with the upcoming key cycles as complacency had dulled my usual ultra-bearish tendencies.   If the cycles work this time, it will be one of the alltime great panics but I guess they have been predicting that for the past 40 years or so but  still to occur off a top that quickly would be an amazing feat.

NFL refs look set to return to action this week.   Double four years ago, there was an NFL player’s strike that ended the week before the great stock crash.

They were getting a little carried away with their rituals culminating in the joke NFL ending Monday night(when the sucker public got their usual fleecing) but that is enough material for a separate post.

12 years ago

 there’s a reason for the vote to be as close as can be, and the
electronic voting machines, will be programmed to report just that. 
—CBO wants the middle ground, therefore close as nails election coming. 
fiscal cliff info— 
non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that if
Congress takes the middle ground – extending the Bush-era tax cuts but
cancelling the automatic spending cuts – the result, in the short term,
would be modest growth but no major economic hit.

12 years ago

wow, riots everywhere, here’s one in greece, now.
Greek protests: Petrol bombs hurled during violent clashes with riot

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

As long as we get an FP, going to bet heavily on some december spy puts.  and I’ll throw a nice donation your way. Just trying to figure out what the catalyst could be

12 years ago

The NFL looks set to return the regular referees to work this week starting with tomorrow’s Thursday night game.

In 1987, the NFL player’s strike lasted from week’s 3-6 with no action on Week 3 and replacement players from weeks 4-6.   The final week of the stirke week 6 took place on the Sunday before the lesser grand ritual although there was a Monday night game played that year undoubtedbly after the lesser grand ritual.

The NFL owners controlled this strike throughout, first by initiating a lockout of the refs so it was in their hands to end it.   Make believe theater in my opinion and the refs went along with it.

And then we had Monday night’s “fiasco” which has supposedly spurred the owners into action by reupping and concluding negotiations with the refs when in reality their product is so popular that they could have continued on despite using the 3 Stooges and Keystone Cops as replacement refs and they could have cared less about the public outcry.   But suddenly Monday night’s games has produced a Mega-Windstorm of outrage across the public arena even making it among the top stories amongh the mainstream news outlets.

Seattle receiver #18 basically pushed away one defender (pass interference) so he could jump up and put one hand on the ball that had already been intercepted by Packer’s defender #43 and claim a simultaneous reception on a hail mary play at the end of the game.   A simultaneous reception goes to the offensive player and the replacement refs erroneously awarded him a touchdown which was upheld by a review official (who is an NFL employee somehow not on strike).

But one can only be offended if he isn’t already expecting this type of action and knows this is how it was scripted/ intended to be.   If the NFL wanted to right this wrong, they could have called the replay official in the booth and told him to reverse it.    Which didn’t happen.   Which means they wanted the result and the next day this point was validated when it issued a press release commending the replacement official’s call.

This is the more likely reason for the “surprise” ending in Seattle:


Seattle was originally a 5to 5 1/2 point home dog to the 1929 Champion Packers, a huge public team.  Then the point spread dropped to around 3 points and the Packers public money flooded into the Packers although theoretically it should have been the opposite.    At 5 1/2 points, the Packers’ bettors would have lost if the original 12-7 score held up (and lo and behold the Packers went for a 2 point conversion which they failed at after getting their last touchdown) but it was 3 point bettors who were screwed with the final score.

RJ Bell a betting expert and weekly guest on the 4 letter morning radio show, was quoted in WSJ saying that the public overwhelmingly bets the favorites so when underdogs win, Vegas cleans up.    There was also something like 9 teams who were 3 points or greater underdogs this week who actually won outright, the highest level of such teams since the final week of 2004??

12 years ago

Which is better?  The 911 hit for tomorrow or 9111 hit for Friday?   Traditional 911 versus triple 9 or 39?   Or do both work?

Tomorrow is also 875 days from flash crash day.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

But I guess we need to break the 50 day average first to get some heated action or see how the Dax does tonight since it is finally breaking down and forming the closest pattern seen at the top double 4 years ago.  (hmmm the top now was double 5 years ago)

david christoph
12 years ago

Obama polls quite poorly for an incumbent, especially considering how blatantly the polls oversample Democrats, young voters, blacks, hispanics, women, etc. 

12 years ago

ES Support levels: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/es-support-levels.html

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

The daily, 4h, 2h, and 60 minute charts look oversold and really to rally up.  Plus we tagged support levels on most indexes.  I think the bottom was put in yesterday and we should now continue the up move into late October.

I’ll see about doing a video for you guys late tonight or tomorrow and tell you what I see in the charts (not that the charts actually work… LOL!  But they do seem to be accurate when it’s a “bullish” call, just not for the bears.)

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Agreed, I can see this easily going to 1550ish area by then. But, hopefully something shows up because  1065 seems a bit too far down.  Might work.The media is going to have a lot thinking something is going to occur in October, but by then, since those monthly options would’ve expired, almost all of th bears would already be wiped out

12 years ago

Crude oil support and resistance: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/crude-oil-support-and-resistance.html

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago


I hope that video isn’t right red. Seems like even if you bet, they might shut down the brokerages- why not if they migh have that bank holiday?

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

What video Anthony?  The link you posted isn’t anything about brokerages…

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago
Reply to  Red Dragon Leo


anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

 This one… pretty sure you’ve seen it

12 years ago


12 years ago

was yesterday.

12 years ago


12 years ago


12 years ago

SPX Analysis after close: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/s-500-analysis-after-closing-bell_28.html

12 years ago

I did see a photo in the Wall Street Journal yesterday of the Nasdaq tower TV in Times Square featuring the FaceClown Crew with the clock below set at 9:28:20  or 9:28—45????

I noticed a lot of trolls calling for a bottom today(during the week).   Anyway today was in line with the fractals from double 4 years ago (double 5).    Tomorrow would see a higher open with a massive reversal bar.  

Might need to watch the overnight news coming out of Europe.

12 years ago
Reply to  Geccko23

Let’s check out the numerology over the Monday night NFL “surprise” ending.

Golden Tate, an ex-Golden Domer, #81 (9×9 or 29 or 9) PI’ing one Packer defender and then grabbing a hold of the ball intercepted by Packer’s defender #43 for 97??? or 912???   43==444????   The Dow did close down 44.04 pts yesterday.

Wilson #3 to Tate #81 or 39??? for the manipulated winning touchdown to turn a 12-7 GB win into a Seattle  14-12 win.

Also, the 9 teams underdogs by 3 points or less last week who won outright….39????
The last time that happened was Week 16, 2004 or 16 24……

Matthew Stafford#9 who had the last minute winning touchdown pass to #30 Week 1 against the Rams…..The same QB#9 who had to leave last week’s game with a mysterious injury only to be relieved by #14 who rallied the Lions into overtime by completing a last minute hail mary TD pass to Young #16???   Then he tried to QB sneak a 4th and 1 play in OT down by 3 when the LIons could have kicked an easy field goal to tie the game and failed to make a first down.

On the final controversial play in the Seattle game, I forgot to mention it was 4th and 10 and the broadcast network started a quick seconds countdown next to 4th and 10 on the TV screen and the last number to be seen before the play was started was #7 to make:

4       10      (7)

or 10-4 10-7???????

Bascially 7 was the only number I remember seeing in the countdown as well.

12 years ago

 what i like about the education stock shorts, i’m always wondering, 
is it this time, it’s going to, 15% gap down, again.. 
UTI trade details. 

Red Dragon Leo
12 years ago

This video should be viral… why isn’t it?  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYVGSdcqMcs&feature=relmfu

12 years ago

ES Support and resistance lines: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/es-support-and-resistance-lines.html

12 years ago

Citigroup chart analysis: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/citigroup-chart-analysis_28.html

12 years ago

it’s Month End, Quarter End – so I must sit on hands, and close eyes.

it’s something I learned the hard way.

12 years ago

Silver in a range: http://niftychartsandpatterns.blogspot.in/2012/09/silver-in-range.html

anthony arciello
anthony arciello
12 years ago

Voting for Obama or Romney is like jumping off a 50 ft. or a 100 ft.
bridge both are going to hurt you bad. Skousen makes some good points
re: possible nuclear war. This would accomplish several goals of NWO: 1)
Population reduction, 2) Eliminate USA as only super-power, 3) Disarm
the American public, 4) “Disappear” all dissidents via NDAA, 5) Replace
dollar with new “world money” (probably an EBT card or microchip
implant). The nuclear war will be limited, just enough destruction &
loss of life to ensure that the survivors clamor for a “world leader”
to prevent another war. “666” – here we come ! 



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