this guy is rediculosuly accurate with his market calls, and said to watch the high yeild charts at the moment =>
What we do have to remember is that every time those margin call charts keep getting posted on zerohedge, as in the SHORT INTEREST ones, we rally really hard two weeks later.
Janet yellen, is smelling and reaking of 3 day old booze people. So the games will continue. When QE4 and QE5 comes, then what will people say?? That will be funny.
Cubs made it to the next step in their quest to appear in the 2015 World Series as foretold in Back to the Future 2 as they beat the 100 win STL Cards in the first round of the NL Playoffs.
Red, remember we still have this fake print on VXX to contend with…. I believe soon. Also take a look at the SKEW index….Highest as of yesterday for the year, Another Black Monday is around the corner.
Bradley turn 17th, lets see a downturn tomorrow…
Thanks Jesterx… informative article for sure.
Great post.
this guy is rediculosuly accurate with his market calls, and said to watch the high yeild charts at the moment =>
What we do have to remember is that every time those margin call charts keep getting posted on zerohedge, as in the SHORT INTEREST ones, we rally really hard two weeks later.
Janet yellen, is smelling and reaking of 3 day old booze people. So the games will continue. When QE4 and QE5 comes, then what will people say?? That will be funny.
October 21st, 2015 isn’t too far away now, and that’s the date they traveled to in the 2nd Back to the Future movie.
Cubs made it to the next step in their quest to appear in the 2015 World Series as foretold in Back to the Future 2 as they beat the 100 win STL Cards in the first round of the NL Playoffs.
Thanks… it’s coming, but I don’t see it this month, or this year.
ES Futures Update October 16th, 2015 –
Here’s one better….The weekly chart for Skew Index.
Red, remember we still have this fake print on VXX to contend with…. I believe soon. Also take a look at the SKEW index….Highest as of yesterday for the year, Another Black Monday is around the corner.