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... Red Dragon Leo

Just to let everyone know… I’m still around but working on projects. I should have a new HOT pick in junior stocks this week. Been working on this deal and several others for quite awhile now. Just look for the update in the newsletter that I’ll be sending out in a few days. This stock should be an easy doubler.

As for the overall market. We are likely going to continue up until the end of the month to complete this 5th wave and a larger Primary wave 3 up. This leads us to a Primary wave 4 down and that’s a wave that could drop 200 points or more and still be a valid wave 4 down. But for now let’s look for at least 1750 on the SPX by the end of this month. I’ll have a new update when it’s time for the bears to awaken.

... Red Dragon Leo

For now, I believe the move down has been delayed. I’m not sure yet on how high they plan to go up, which will give me clues to the downside. It’s a bull market at the moment, especially since Bernanke did not cut back on the QE at Wednesday’s FOMC meeting.

... mr wall

are you a footballer,musica,student,bussness man,pastore,politician..join the illuminati today and get rich,power,famous…only interested persons are allow to contact{

... mr wall

are you a footballer,musica,student,bussness man,pastore,politician..join the illuminati today and get rich,power,famous…only interested persons are allow to contact{


It truly is Summer’s End. Suddenly, a chill can be felt in the air. Almost overnight. I was going to go down to the beach but I am not so sure now. Ray Bradbury could call them. Tomorrow will be 470 (28) days from Ray Bradbury’s demise.

Get your popcorn out. Tomorrow should be explosive. Fed Day.