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The moon should be moving into a conjunction with Jupiter and Sirius at approximately 10 am east coast time on Saturday. A definite Jupiter moon conjunction and a theoretical one with Sirius although Sirius might have moved a degree from its classic location since 1776 when its alignment with the sun was aligned with the new nation’s founding.

The first part of Fahrenheit 451 could take place on 831 and obviously won’t be stock market related. 831is seen as 381 and 318 in the movie Fahrenheit 451, a variation of 93, and Julie Christie does ask MONtag why do they use the number 451 as opposed to 813 or 125.

Montag is German and means Monday. This does correlate with the Rammstein video Mein Land when scantily clad women can be seen running around with German flags as the Rammstein version of Fahrenheit 451 is taking place but I don’t really see anything happening this Monday although it would be an ideal time for the operators to create a stock market dislocation while the US markets are closed.

... Red Dragon Leo

The market failed to breakout and gap over the resistance falling trendline this morning, so I’m leaning bearish here for today. But next week is usually the start of a bullish move as it’s a 3 day holiday weekend (Markets closed Monday for Labor Day)… which means the move down to 1575 spx seems unlikely now.

Basically I’m thinking that the low put in today (or possibly Tuesday morning?) will be the end of this move down from 1709 awhile back. If we break the current low of 1627 then I can count 5 waves from the top. Therefore we are likely in the 5th wave down which should complete the move.

However, considering it’s a Friday (and that it’s the Labor Day Weekend) I doubt if they will allow it to tank very hard today. If we only make a double bottom then I’d say the 5th wave down is complete… especially if they rally back up later today by the close and put in a bottoming tail candle on the daily chart.

If we don’t put in a lower low today to complete that 5th wave down then I’d say they will carry it into next week and we’ll see the completion of it Tuesday morning. From a traders mindset all even number levels are important to defend. Therefore 1600 will be guarded closely by the bulls.

The logical way to steal money from the traders is to either pierce through 1600 to scare the bulls out and trap the bears short or to come close to 1600 but not hit it so the bulls will be forced to chase it back up once the rally starts. So possibly they only hit 1610 or 1615 next Tuesday?

The main thing I want to point out here is that the low is near and the bulls are about to wake up soon. So if we see a lower low today then I’d expect a rally into the close to start move up that’s coming next week. If we don’t go down and at least put in a double bottom to make this 5th wave down just a truncated wave then it’s likely push out until next week.

Once this low is put in I think we’ll see a steady rise up all of September. We need it to be slow so the bears will go to sleep. Something like 1-3 points everyday on very light volume. Then late September or early October we’ll top out and see the first move down start. Around Legatus time we should be looking to get short as the crash will soon follow.

You know they are preparing the sheep for it with all the noise about attacking some innocent country like Syria. They want the sheep to think Syria is using chemical weapons on it’s own people and we all know that it’s Bush and Rockefeller that’s behind it all. They are setting Syria up to be the fall guy on some likely false flag event like they did with Bin Laden and 911.

Don’t fall for it. You should know that those people in the middle east are innocent and it’s our corrupt government that is guilty of crimes against humanity. I only pray that this stock market crash happens purely based on the derivatives market collapsing and not another false flag attack setup by you know who.

But we can’t control that, so we must just do our best to protect ourselves and ride the move down. You’ll need the money afterwards as it’s very likely that many people will lose their jobs from this crash as companies are forced to layoff or go bankrupt.

I’m not around much as you can see. I’m busy working on creating an awareness campaign for the next hot stock pick I’ll be getting soon. This campaign will be designed to make sure the stock gets plenty of interested buyers in it so it will more of a steady climber and give everyone and chance to make some money from it. Of course everyone here will hear of it first. 🙂


Crude oil and commodities started to head down today with the DBC drop looking ominous. They seem to be sniffing something out.


Check out these hits. From January 16, 1991 ie 1-1991 , which was the start of the Desert Storm Iraq to now is 22years 7 months 14 days later or 22years 226 days later or xxxx days later. From 12-7, 1941 to 8-30-13 it will be 26200 days or 3742 weeks 5 days later.


I have an amazing confluence of hits for tomorrow Friday the 30th. (10×3) It’s the big 24 or even 48 ie 24,24 ie 8×3-20(13)4. SP 500 close for the lesser grand ritual double five years ago was 224.83 or 2×24 or 48…….48===8×6 (1776). Speaking of 224, Tuesday was 448 days from the grand reunion on 6-5 last year. Quetzi. rotates around the sun in 224.nth days making it around 2 revolutions since the grand reunion of last year right about now.

8-30 is also a Fahrenheit 451 days from Ray Bradbury’s demise on 6-5 last year and I just realized it is also 4months 15 days from the Fahrenheit 415 espisode, also known as Jackie Robinson day “42”. 137 days later (137==47 or 3×47 or 91)…also the year of the original Friday the 13th episode which should be 257,810 days ago.

The primary hit should be that it’s 11 years 11months 19 days from you know when, a hit I have looked at for awhile. Which also means that Jupiter is near its same location as you know when. It’s off a couple of degrees now but it is conjunct Sirius which is still early in its heliacal rising stage (finally had a chance to see it yesterday morning and it was quite a bit above the horizon now just before daybreak….been constantly cloudy here over the summer so haven’t been able to see the Jupiter, Mars, Sirius triumvirate in the skies in the early morning.) The moon will enter Cancer tomorrow morning to join the Jupiter, Sirius conjunction. Meanwhile, Venus is forming a square along with all the other basic astro formations that have been in place for a while.

Then 8-30 is also 9447 days from the lesser grand ritual of a quarter century ago… 94==2×47 and 13…..47===28

Which makes it 57 days from 7-4 which is an unremarkeable hit until one realizes 57===237??? as well as being 8 and 12 (5×7==35, 5+7==12). So 237 years 237/57 days from 7-4,1776.
812 also 83(0). 14,15(29—ie ONS Jr Market, the CanyONS etc.) combo breaks down to 56 or 30, also the simplest roots of those numbers are 75. 219 which is also 3×73 (103) could also break down to 30. Stanley Kubrick loved putting 21s and 12s in the Shining and 8-13 multiplies to 104 and adds to 21. He has the Overlook Hotel lit throughout with 11 candles 11==21 or 2 1s. The July 4, 1921 photo at the end of the Shining breaksdown to 821??? It adds up to 13 as well. The photo was an actual photo of a Federal Reserve party back in the 20s which could make it similar to the annual Jackson Hole gathering that generally occurs around this time of the year. The large ballroom in the Shining where the big parties take place is the Gold Room (more to this later). 1913 is the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve.(currently 99 (or 29) years later). The Overlook Hotel is situated in Colorado (founded in 1876)…8-30 being 86619 days from 7-4,1776 and 86683 days from the other great founding of that year. The Overlook Hotel closes in October and doesn’t reopen until May 1.

Then there’s the fact that it’s the Summer of 42 and Summer’s End is upon us.
This is just scratching the tip of the iceberg. So so much more.

... Red Dragon Leo

I think we have one more move up tomorrow Seawind. The target is around gap window at 1652 spx area. Then we should drop next week and head toward the lower trendline in a falling channel. It’s around 1575 area I believe and that should be hit sometime next week.