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  • Red

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... Red Dragon Leo

That gap will of course be filled by tomorrow I believe Seawind… and then we rally.

... Seawind 4

Thanks Mr. Red….sweet!
Just a few things I’m looking @….has the spy low 165.22 gap been filled from July 10-11?
$DJU…July 5th low 476.94… low 476.3……June 20th low 465.57
TLT not looking good….

$VIX……new highs…..hmmmmm
$NYMO falling…..hmmmmmm
Headfake so to speak?????

All my best; Seawind

As I type… lows on the spy….

... Red Dragon Leo

Sorry for disappearing on you guys (Seawind, DarthGerb, Rose, Permabear, and Peter) as I see you all have been wondering about me. Thanks for the concern. I’ve actually be very busy creating a new website that will be focused on the penny and junior stock picks I’ve been giving you guys.

It’s a lot of work creating the facebook app and the sales page for the site (it’s not a new RDL site, although I’ve been wanting to upgrade it for awhile now but haven’t had the time). My partner in this penny stock picks business wants to do some facebook advertising on the new facebook page that I’m building.

We plan to build up a large following that will be interested in the penny stock picks as well. My partner has weeded out most all the bad info from various people and found the correct information that will give everyone really accurate picks now. You guys will of course get the info on the next pick as soon as meets all the requirements for a possible huge move up.

We’ll also be giving out the hot picks to everyone that signs up on the new site through it’s facebook page, but you don’t need to worry about signing up for it to as you’re already on the RDL list and will get the same info they will.

Since the other site is for “Blue Pill” takers I won’t be doing any real posts on it. I’ll be bringing in news articles from well know main stream media website to repost so it will have constant new content on it. This keeps the facebook sheep happy as they want something to read on the facebook page for the site to keep them thinking they are “in the know” I guess?

Anyway, if all goes well I’ll have this new site launched next week some time and it should line up with another hot stock pick that’s coming up soon. Keep in mind that these penny stocks are going to be in VERY High demand once the market starts crashing later this year and over then next couple of years the bear market reigns.

Past history shows that some the best times to make HUGE Money in these penny stocks where during major corrections in the overall stock market. This is why I’m rushing to get this set up asap as we all know the most likely final top for this market is in October around Legatus. After that it’s all down hill for 2-3 years, and up hill for these penny stocks… especially one’s that are gold related.

I’ll see if I can do a new video update on the stock market later tonight but in a nut shell I don’t really see us rallying until Bernanke speaks again… which I think is this Wednesday. As you know I previously thought we were going down to the 1650 spx area but changed my mind sometime last week. Looks like my original forecast was correct now? Missed that one I guess, but it happens from time to time. Got to stop over thinking the market I guess?

... Seawind 4

Trying to hold the 50 dma ish…..anyone think we are heading to the 100 dma? 1637ish…

$NYMO below -80 and outside the kelt lower channel on the daily again today….should see a small bounce here??? but one never knows especially me!

All my best; Seawind

P.S. Anyone talk to Mr. Red in the last few days?

... Permabear Doomster

Red, you’ve swung from an ‘august crash’ to Dow 17k in October..even though the past two weeks in the market are to the downside.

If you just look at a weekly looks fine for the bears into mid-September. I’m guessing we rally on the FOMC – regardless of decision.

I just somewhat mystified at your change of thought, even though the sp’1709 high is comfortably holding.

... rose

if I understand ali’s comments, he is looking for a rally into august 20, then a plummet