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  • Red

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Technically things are setting up. Most indices settling around their lower BBs as they await the flare opening to the downside.

A certain little indicator waiting to cross beneath its downsloping 50 day average while its component registered a minor change reading on Friday. It should drop below its 50 day on Monday unless there is a monster upday.

A new technical indicator I have been trying has most indices in no mans land between upper and lower boundaries at least as I interpret it. It seems to be a pretty good trend indicator with a few whipsaws but generally it points to a change in trend in a timely manner.


Yesterday was 9420 days from the lesser grand ritual double five years ago. 9420===3×3140 days or 3 Pi. This is a basic component of Martin Armstrong’s Pi Cycle. His ECM (5313) had a turn on August 7 but Martin Armstrong is now disavowing his Pi cycle saying the ultimate economic peak won’t come until October 2015. Lately his ECM/ Pi cycle hasn’t been working and most of his recent essays have been ridiculous numerology fests so much so that I was thinking his whole ECM model lately was a little numerology game.

... Peter Trunk

I see. Been short financials for awhile now, due to there continued weakness despite pushing higher, but I see what you mean. Plus, holding over a weekend is a pain. Both flat, or wrong direction, hurt you.Only thing I found odd, if they plan on crashing next week, was closing near the lows

... Red Dragon Leo

The charts are very bearish and clearly point to a move down on Monday. There is a small head and shoulders patterned from last weeks’ moves and a larger head and shoulders pattern going back to late July. Then and even larger head and shoulders going back to May… so yes everything is extremely bearish.

But, every time in the past I see patterns like this they end up fooling me with a tricky move to the upside first. So I decided the safe move was to stay in cash to see what happens on Monday. From looking at the charts I’d say there is a 90% chance of opening down on Monday morning.

However, everyone else sees the same thing I do… meaning they could do the opposite and open up on Monday instead of down. Or they could open down and reverse really fast and rally all day? I don’t know what they have planned but I know it’s going to be tricky, so staying out of all positions seemed to be the wiser move in my opinion.

... Peter Trunk

A small pop. then drop. wuld be nice… but surprised you didn’t go short over the weekend red

... Permabear Doomster


Well, I can only say, we are all sheep at birth.

It is then a CHOICE, as to what we believe.

You chose to learn and understand..whilst your neighbours CHOSE not to.

Its a choice .Red…and that is something which I think is still largely overlooked by the doomer crowd. They want to blame a few at the top, rather than those around them who CHOSE to remain ignorant.

The US..and even my own nation have EXACTLY the govt. and leaders we deserve.

Scary philosophical point, huh?

... Red Dragon Leo

Permabear, it’s true that the sheep do send their money to these people to invest it for them but most sheep are clueless as to who they are dealing with. Is the the sheeps’ fault for “not knowing” or is the banksters fault for deceiving them?

The sheep are like children that simply haven’t learned yet. The parents are like the banksters, only these parents lie to the children. I’m sorry but I can’t blame the sheep for not understanding who they are doing business with. The banksters are the criminals here in my opinion, but you are welcome to disagree.

Sidenote: Interesting video…

As for Hilter, I do blame him… just like I blame his relatives like George Bush. People in power can choose to do good things or bad. Hilter was a nobody and has zero money or power until the Rockefeller’s, Rothshilds, Vanderbuilts, and who knows how many others… gave him money and put him in power.

He was a puppet controlled by these satanists, but he could have said no and not done what he did. I personally would have said no and remained poor. Of course they would have picked someone else but it wouldn’t have been me.

People have the power to be good or evil and those people in power right now are evil. The only way they continue to make money is to lie, steal, cheat and deceive the sheep. You blame the sheep for investing with them but I blame the banksters for deceiving them.

I seriously doubt that the sheep would invest with these banksters if they knew the whole truth. Naturally I don’t invest with the banksters as I’m aware but most sheep are clueless, and I just can’t blame someone who doesn’t understand the system versus someone who deceived them into investing.

But that’s simply my opinion and thoughts and you of course can have a different opinion. I’m sure there are some honest bankers out there, but I just haven’t met one.

... Permabear Doomster

No.. that is not what I was implying.

Quite the contrary. You are blaming a very few individuals at the top.

It is the SHEEP – as you like to call them, who are to blame.

You are holding the same philosophical viewpoint as those who wish to blame Hitler for WW2, rather than the German populace. It wasn’t one man who invaded dozens of was a collective of millions..who ALL actively supported their elected leader.

Don’t go pinning the blame for anything on Dimon or Blankfein, when it is the VERY sheep who are sending them THEIR money, allowing it to be leveraged up..and then expecting ‘good returns’.

Red, you..and the majority have been bitching and whining about the ‘bankster’ CEOs for over 5 years now, and yet…the real problem is the one facing you in the mirror each morning.

Regardless..have a good weekend.