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  • Red

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... DavidDT

I am going out on a limb and say: August 2nd or August 5th is an intermediate top with buy point August 22-27


... Red Dragon Leo

I don’t like it when main stream media posts articles like that, as it could be done on purpose to trap the bears?

... Red Dragon Leo

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... Red Dragon Leo

David, you are welcome to post your link here anytime. We’ve both been around a long time now and I would never think that you were just posting a chart to blindly promote your blog without adding value. Post any chart or link you wish as hopefully it will help everyone out.


Riley Cooper #14 (77), like Tebow, born in 1987 (on September 10 or 9-10).

Speaking of that date, Jupiter is in the same vicinity as it was you know when 620 weeks ago. And Mars about 180degrees from its position on that date.


Tim Tebow’s exroomate at the UF Riley Cooper suddenly everywhere in the news. I mentioned him a few weeks ago. The Philly Eagles sent him home from today’s practices as the firestorm from his recent comments swirl out of control.

Tebow producing a lot of collateral damage. First the Aaron Hernandez fallout and now the Riley Cooper situation.