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  • Red

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... SC

For a better view on what the political landscape looks like:

... SC

You only need to figure out which is the worst one and to know that failure to vote for his/her oponent, will allow that worst candidate to get in. 🙂

... Red Dragon Leo

I'll certainly be voting for the good guys come this next election… if I can figure out who that is?

... SC

Look at the silver lining. Things are going to hell anyway. Now that the Dems have managed to stuff something the American people do not want, down their throats. Guess who get the blame when things blow up? The Democrats are in charge of putting out the fire and they just keep pouring more gasoline on it. Before the dawn of the internet, and lets thank Al Gore for inventing it, the democrats would just lie about everything through the liberals controlled media. Those days are gone now, thanks to Al Gore for inventing the internet.

If you are a concerned citizen, the chance will come in the second half of the decade to serve the republic, as a GOP candidate. The nation will look to you for leadership.
No point in cursing the darkness. Light a candle. Public service is an honored duty.

... SC

The electoral system is to ensure that the politicians do not only cater to the few most populous states. It is there to ensure that politicians have to take into consideration the interest of less popular states. If you put in a pure popular vote system, then all the metropolitan states dominate all the agenda. No one would care what MN, WI, Ohio, IOWA, etc think.

What may be worth considering is the allocation of electoral votes. May be the electoral votes can be allocated based on % won by each candidates, instead of a winner takes all. But the Democrats will never allow that, as they would lose their strangled on the NY and CA electoral votes.

Btw, third party candidates are just vote splitters. A vote for your favourite third party candidate is basically a vote for your LEAST preferred candidate. Just ask those Dems who voted for Nader and those GOPs who voted for Perot.

The GOP has 40% of the votes. The Dem has 40% of the votes. Independents has 20% of the votes. Elections are not won by trying to win over the other party's diehard. GOP candidate catering to DEM diehard = mega fail. Dem candidate catering to GOP diehard = mega fail. They just alienate their own base and fail to win over the diehard.

Elections are won by consolidating your base and winning over just half of the independents. Screw the other party's diehard as they will never vote for you in most cases.

Third party candidate just wouldnt cut it. They will not get any diehard from either party as everyone remembers what Perot and Nader did, ie siphoning away votes to let in the other party's candidate. So the diehard will not vote third party. And there isnt enough independent. So third party candidate is just a pipe dream.

Voting for a third party is not just a wasted vote, but essentially, a vote FOR your least preferred candidate. All you manage to accomplish, is to deny the lesser of the two evils your vote, allowing the bigger of the two evils to prevail. Cutting your nose off to spite your face.

... SC

LOL.. What are you saying? Red has no chance of taking a shot at the American dream?

Yeah Red, I'll see you at my nightshift at McDick later. LOL

... monicadern

Ah guys, probably anyone at the top is doing it mostly for ego and you know the outcome there can never be good. I truly believe that most presidents have the best intentions but with money and lobbying, nothing is ever truly honest. Anyway, at least for once we may have a red Monday. Sundancer, thank you so much for your insight, it gives me some peace of mind.

... Red Dragon Leo

Thanks GC,

Independent candidates would be better then the bought and paid for Democrats and Republicans that are in office now. The “2 Party” system needs to be eliminated anyway, and so should the “electoral voting system”. We should just count the peoples' votes.

... gcocks83

Red, Nice post. I feel less free everyday. We americans really need to find some good independent candidates to get in office.

... gcocks83

Thanks, Great info. I also enjoy you post