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... sundancer390

$SPX 1 – 2 – 3 dance

all dogs get trained the same way, Fido is almost full trained once again and he only knows one command

... monicadern

Actually, looks like the short term turned up at EOD. Not sure though.

... monicadern

Although the MACD on all time frames are pointing down. Who knows with OPEX though.

... monicadern

Still short but I don't see any reason why we can't go higher tomorrow.

... Earl of

Obama wanted it all finished before the August recess. There have been lots of deadlines. Just creates a sense of urgency. After the deadline passes, there will be a new deadline.

... monicadern

Yes, perhaps. But why would they come out and say a decision would be made if they couldn't be sure it would? That would just make them look bad?

... Earl of

Baloney. The decision is: try to pass it.

72 hours or 72 days makes no difference.

They are idiots.

... monicadern

They said on good morning America this morning that a decision was to be made in 72 hours.

... Earl of

Sell the news. I think they wait for it to pass. It could be weeks before they finally find a way to pass it.

Or months. They don't seem to be able to pass it or quit trying.

... monicadern

Why would they sell the market off before the healthcare plan is passed? I would think they would hold it up until the plan was passed, no?