Dread, DRV down 3.00 in last 10 days. What is the attraction to it. Would you do it via stock or options?
I'm expecting a squeeze into the close. If I get that, I'll probably take a real short position via DRV.
Thanks for the reminder. I do tend to forget that.
SC I did not take it that way.
Yes, sundancer, but I am assuming that doesn't have any long term implications since it didn't hit it's containment level. I guess we have a pullback now to 1120 or so and then new highs. Oh joy.
the low of 16.52 corresponded to the controlling TL on the weeklyhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/47091634@N04/44415…
Remember that TZA tends to take a few days to bottom out. If we have a reversal soon, you should have another chance to get in.
Yes. You are correct. I didnt mean to mislead by saying 'it's here'. I should have said 'expecting it soon'.
Carl just sold long unit at 1161.50 (breakeven)
Don't think we are going to make it to that VIX number if we pull back now.
Dread, DRV down 3.00 in last 10 days. What is the attraction to it. Would you do it via stock or options?
I'm expecting a squeeze into the close. If I get that, I'll probably take a real short position via DRV.
Thanks for the reminder. I do tend to forget that.
SC I did not take it that way.
Yes, sundancer, but I am assuming that doesn't have any long term implications since it didn't hit it's containment level. I guess we have a pullback now to 1120 or so and then new highs. Oh joy.
the low of 16.52 corresponded to the controlling TL on the weekly
Remember that TZA tends to take a few days to bottom out. If we have a reversal soon, you should have another chance to get in.
Yes. You are correct. I didnt mean to mislead by saying 'it's here'. I should have said 'expecting it soon'.
Carl just sold long unit at 1161.50 (breakeven)
Don't think we are going to make it to that VIX number if we pull back now.