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... gcocks83

If carl comes out bullish tomorrow, then I will sell my tza quickly.

... monicadern

This blog is getting more interesting by the minute. Please note Springheel Jack's latest post on Hot Option Babe. Updated chart of $BPNYA. We hit the top trendline of the declining channel today. We are at or very close to the top now:

Now, what I have noticed from this chart is that the market usually hits a top two or so days after the high on this chart which looks like it was today. That means we may have to wait until Thursday or so for a sell off. Maybe that would give us time to get UUP above 24.25 and XLF to 15.82 since we have hit most of the other containments?! But of course, that would put us beyond the 888 number Sundancer mentions. We shall see – perhaps it could be tomorrow.

... Earl of

The view from Americanbulls

TNA is a BUY-IF (Buy tomorrow if conditions are right). The candlestick of today was a White Candlestick (normal buying pressure). The last two candlesticks form a Bullish Kicking Pattern. A highly reliable bullish reversal pattern. The last three candlesticks form a Bullish Morning Star Pattern. Another highly reliable bullish reversal pattern. Confirmation (tomorrow) is still recommended.

TNA was up 2.5% since the sell signal yesterday. TNA was $53.65 at the time, and closed today at $54.96.

TZA is a SELL-IF (Sell tomorrow if conditions are right). The candlestick of today was Black Spinning Top (complete indecision between the Bulls & Bears). The last two candlesticks for a Bearish Kicking Pattern. A highly reliable bearish reversal pattern. Confirmation (tomorrow) is still recommended.

TZA was down 2.7% since the buy signal yesterday. TZA was $7.37 at the time, and closed today at $7.20.

Mostly likely: Sell TZA, Buy TNA tomorrow morning.
Also possible: no action

... Red Dragon Leo

It's funny how they stick by all those silly rituals. I guess you have too when you worship the devil, or else he's but a little fire under your ass! LOL!

Now that I'm thinking outside the box (way outside the box!), it makes me think about another odd coincidence between Lincoln and Kennedy. You can go here if you don't already know about it:

Most people are already aware of the odd similarities between them. But what if they were the same person? Not in the physical form of course, but the spiritual form.

Yes, I do believe that my soul or spirit has lived many lives. Everyone's has actually. You should watch this video of David Wilcock, who was most likely Edgar Cayce in his past life. The similarities are amazing.

But back to the market. The “controller's” of this market… whoever they are (the Illuminati are certainly involved), have clearly told the big institution NOT to sell. If this was a normal market, those guy's would have already bailed out.

But, they apparently owe some favors to the government for the free money the stole. So, I think the government has told them not to sell until “something” happens?

Is it Obamas' health care plan? I don't know, but they are clearly holding off on hitting the sell button. Since they seem to love those ritual games, whenever the selling does start… I'm sure it will be a some key point.

... sundancer390

after tomorrows 888 sequence, the 999 (666) gives us july 6, 2010

... sundancer390

222 gave us the 5/19/2008 major high
333 gave us the 9/8/2008 major high
444 gave us the 12/29/2008 low
555 gave us the 4/17/2008 high

... sundancer390

666 days from 10/11/2007 gave us the 8/7/2009 high

777 days from 10/11/2007 gave us the dubai ritual on 11/26/2009

... sundancer390

Open $SPX 3 min gaps from the past 2 days

... sundancer390

tomorrow is also 888 days from 10/11/2007 $SPX all time high

... sundancer390

yeah a lot of rituals coming up, tomorrow is the St. Patricks ritual, Saturday is the Equinox co-relational to the sacrifice ritual 2.5 weeks later