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  • Red

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... sundancer390

for those with eagle eye's will notice a significant index gap on the $SPX this morning

... Red Dragon Leo

Ok then… here's some good news! Obama, Bernanke and Geithner just turned themselves in, and admitted that they are crooked and were stealing that Tax Payer's money!

Here's the bad news… the market rallies to all time highs! LOL.

... monicadern

Earl, how do I pull up pivots on a chart?

... Earl of

Agreed. Carl remains bullish. I'm wondering if he goes short today or just waits for the downside to subside.

Looks like I get to trade TZA today. So long as it doesn't get below $7.39 (pivot line for today)

... monicadern

Wow, down once from Carl. Interesting! Actually think this would be bad for the bears. We need it to go lower than 1120. If it only gets there, it will alleviate some overbought conditions and could the resume upwards. Ugh.

... Earl of

Carl just now:

June S&P E-mini Futures: Trading activity moves to the June contract at the pit open. Today's range estimate is 1123-1139 for the June contract. I now think a 20-25 point break has started but I expect it to be brief and end near 1120. Look fort the market to reach 1200 by the end of May.

Carl is now using June expiry, which is 4.5 points lower than March expiry as I write this.

1123-1139 estimated range for today (June Expiry)
Current is 1136.25, so -13.5 to +2.75 from here

... monicadern

I think Sundancer knows!

... Red Dragon Leo

I don't think anyone knows where the final top is? I suspect he meant the short term top.

... monicadern

THE top or an interim top, you think?

... Jon Doe

Red, we want good news, not bad news! Bad news is fueling this short squeezing machine. The good news is what will finally trigger the big sell-off. Keep sentiment bullish, even after a 10% drop. Buy the dips of a 15% drop. Triple down on a 30% drop…. that is what we want. Interesting that even you don't think it is possible we get a greater than 5-10% drop. I gotta admit, almost unanimously, all bears think this will fall “some other time… maybe in the summer or fall”. This was a blow off mania top, pure and simple. We fall hard starting tomorrow…. and bigger than anybody can imagine — like 25% big…. for starters. This gap tonight will grow to the downside and nobody will be able to short this thing!