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... Red Dragon Leo

Does that mean they will pay me back 50%… since I lost money this year, instead of making a profit? LOL.

... steveo77

Profits on futures traded on indices instantly get 50% of their value treated as long term capital gains.

No kidding. Wish i had some of them there profits!

... Red Dragon Leo

Duh… I should have known that! But I never hold that long… That's a lifetime to me. I swing trade options only, so I'm either in cash or an option spread… but never stock. Thanks for the update.

... Red Dragon Leo

Very nice post Steveo…

Here is what stands out to me…

—1862: John Rockefeller founds a company to refine oil (later renamed Standard Oil)—

—1869: Goldman Sachs is founded by German immigrant Marcus Goldman and (in 1882) Goldman's son-in-law Samuel Sachs—

—1902: a female journalist, Ida-Minerva Tarbell, exposes Standard Oil's dubious practices—

—1913: John Rockefeller is worth $212 billions, 1/44th of the USA economy, and establishes the Rockefeller Foundation “to promote the well-being of mankind throughout the world”—

—1913: 2% of USA citizens control 60% of the national product (Morgan and Rockefeller alone control 20%)—

—1914: The Federal income tax is introduced—

—1929: stock markets crash around the world (“great depression”)—

—1929: the richest 1% owns 40% of the nation's wealth, while workers' productivity has increased 43% since 1919—

—1932: 10,000 banks have failed since 1929, GDP has dropped 31% since 1929, the stock market has lost almost 90% of its value from boom to bust, and unemployment reaches 23.6%—

—1933: the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp is created to insure deposits in banks and thrift institutions—

The Rockefeller family clearly own this country. They are part of the Illuminati here in America. They write laws that benefit them and screw the public, just like the Rothschild, and Vanderbilt do in Europe.

Our history is written by the rich, and therefore much of it is left out. Especially the things that would threaten their monopoly of the country.

Goldman Sachs is just a front-man company for them, as I'm sure they have major influence of what they do too.

You missed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. That was of course created by crooked banksters. The “print of money” to pay bills, or stimulate the economy was a right assigned to congress, by the Constitution. But, a little bribery to the congressmen and senators of the time period, and that right was given away.

JP Morgan wasn't mentioned, but he was a big player back then too. He was funding Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Telsa. Telsa originally invented a way to send electricity through the air for free, and many other free technologies.

But Morgan clearly told Telsa that “he couldn't profit” from electricity sent through the air, as he couldn't cut them off if they didn't pay their bill. So, he backed Bells' wired system (which was rumored as being stolen from Telsa).

Morgan didn't care about anything but profit. It wasn't enough to profit from the building of the infrastructure to put out free electricity, as he wanted to people to be dependent on his wired system.

How much money is enough? How many times do you have to take someone's money? Isn't one time fair enough? Do you really have to constantly take their money month after month? When does “doing something for the good of mankind” overshadow greed?

I'm for capitalism, but too much greed is why the world is broke, and the rich are so rich. I personally would love to arrest all of those greedy crooked billionaires that do nothing for the world, other then rob the public blind.

We have had technology to run car on water since the 70's, and technology to get over 200 mpg with gasoline. Do you see in our world today? Of course not…

Why is everyone so evil and greedy? How can we live in a world of peace, with all the greed? It's sad really. I could care less about how much money I have. I simply want freedom, and peace. Unfortunately, the greedy crooks have made it mandatory to work to make money, just so we can eat.

Your post made me think a lot about the world we live in. I look forward to a new world where everyone is equal, and all the basic technology needed to survive is free.

I don't know if it will happen in my lifetime, but if the market goes down to Dow 3000-4000, by 2012, I suspect that a revolution will force these “Green Technologies” out into the public.

I hope so…

Thanks for making me think tonight Steveo.


... redvetttes

No link needed,IRS code
Stocks held longer then 1 year pay 15% cap. gains
Market bottom march 9 2009 ,it only grows from here

... steveo77

History of the US Financial system in 10 minutes—

I updated the list below from a December post I did and got a bunch of good comments….so chime in, if there are important things I missed, please comment and I will add.

For me the little summary below was a great “view from 20,000 feet”. Imagine that….less than 200 years ago, the British were rampaging through Washington with troops and burning the White House

... Red Dragon Leo

Do you have a link for that info?

... redvetttes

The one year holding for 15% cap gains is up this week from the march lows

... Earl of

Everything I get on TNA comes from this:

go to
in the upper middle of the page, ticker search for TNA
I get one page of information on TNA